RWB Christmas Racing Night

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by Rodders, Dec 14, 2016.

  1. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Hi - RWB are having a Christmas race night on Friday 30th December. Hopefully by that time all the family commitments are over and peeps will be right in the mood for some racing :)

    We are keeping the cars, tracks and individual race formats secret until the night but here's a wee bit on what's planned.

    It kicks off at 9pm and will go on until late. There will be 5 totally different races. Each race has something uniquely different about it that's not what we normally do. I tried to setup random grid and no qualy with a 10 min practice but I can't get random grid position to work so instead there will be variable qualy (5-10 mins) and then the race. Races will be from 5 - 15 laps.

    Tuning will be off apart from one race where it really needs to be on but for that We'll pass out a pre-made tune. You don't of course have to use it but it would be good if you did then it's a more level playing field.

    Each race (including qualy time) should take about 20 mins. We've got the whole night so are in no hurry and peeps can step in and out as it suits them. Afterwards I for one will be continuing on to play whatever takes our fancy into the small hours.

    As I mentioned the cars and tracks are secret as we don't want anyone practicing for it but it uses a few mods so I'll post them up here closer to the time.

    The plan is to score each race then tally them up at the end for an overall winner but I have to admit it depends what state I'm in at the end of it lol as this could be a late one :)

    If you fancy it then just meet us on our Discord server at 9pm on 30th and off we go. - RWB Discord server
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  2. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Merry Christmas all!!

    Wee reminder about our Christmas race night. I'll post up the mod links you'll need soon!
  3. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Mods you will need below:

    Celica 1987 GTO
    Robin Reliant
    Ferrari Fxxk:


    Finally you need the Historic GT mod - I won't link directly here as I got this pieced together from different places to make a full mod to load up on our server but it's not my work and doesn't seem right to link on a public forum to it. If you want to take part please contact me. I'd do so well before the event as it's a big download (about 6Gb).

  4. Rodders

    Rodders Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2016
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    Cars and tracks for tonight are up on RWB1 if you want to check for mismatches before it kicks off ;)

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