VR performance during rain/evening/night is terrible and thus the game is unplayable rn

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by mille_eintausend, Mar 28, 2022.

  1. mille_eintausend

    mille_eintausend New Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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    Hi folks!

    So I have finally bought a VR headset and mounted my T300 after ages and while I was impressed with the Reverb G2 and AMS2 in the beginning I have to admit that all the praise for this title and it's "out of the box VR implementation" is some kind of a lie or things got worse over time. I can't tell bc I have no comparison but...


    I have a 3700X, 3080, 16 GB 3600 MHz Ram and I basically can't do any races during bad conditions or during evening/nighttime. The FPS tanks badly no matter the settings.
  2. mille_eintausend

    mille_eintausend New Member

    Mar 28, 2022
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  3. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    It's the same for everyone unfortunately. It's the light sources and the shadows that seem to cause the game performance issues. It's a bit of a shame really as it makes the weather not really usable in vr.

    In saying that though I still feel for vr this is the SIM to be racing.
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  4. Remco Hitman

    Remco Hitman Member

    Dec 14, 2021
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    Sadly, there has been no word from Reiza about this eventhough there are multiple threads. Everyone affected seems to agree it used to be much better (before November IMO).

    There has to be a way for a future patch to revert back to the previous rendering of lights and shadows, right? When these things were updated late last year, it was said shadows were more taxing and it was advised to turn them down a notch. I never noticed an increase in visuals but I sure noticed a drop in performance! Performance now seems unaffected by shadow detail (except OFF), it is simply low on all settings, and on top of that there is noticable pop-in of shadows some 15 meters in front of the car.

    Lighting/reflections etc seem affected as well, since dusk/dawn/rain circumstances are way down on performance across the board.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  5. Gazzawesty

    Gazzawesty Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 25, 2020
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    I've found that since the update there has been an improvement in frame rates especially at night time. I joined two races with accelerated time and in both races even with headlights behind in the dark my frames didn't tank.
  6. Remco Hitman

    Remco Hitman Member

    Dec 14, 2021
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    Interesting!! :):)
  7. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Adding what I m noticimg as well if it can help.

    Setup : HP G2, gtx1080ti asus rock oc, i5-12600k @5ghz, 16Mo Ram.

    I run around 75% GPU at 90fps in almost all of my races ( résolution in steam VR at 56%) with 75% of options to HIGH. I m pretty happy compare to my occulus rift.
    The only track giving some FPS issue is Monza on winter scene( no Leaf on trees).

    Edit: using OpenXR

    Night scene seems ok, not huge GPU increase .. maybe 85-90% still stable FPS at 90.

    I don't use retroprojection.

    However as you are on rain, this is where the trouble begin even offline ( which is usually more GPU friendly).
    Almost unplayable .. FPS around 50-60 wich huge lag.

    I would love to Play under rain condition un VR. Immersion is incredible. Rain sounds very Nice on grid.

    Wipers are maybe a bit to efficient in the game, but still a Nice experience
    I did race IRL in rain and I can tell when you are in the middle of the grid with 20 cars in front of you with heavy rain, you barely see the END of your hood.

    Maybe the RTX40xx Will help.. Will see
  8. wanderschikanentv

    wanderschikanentv New Member

    Apr 2, 2022
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    Hi all,
    did anyone find a magic trick to sort out the fps drops for VR in rainy conditions when racing cars with headlights? I get massively lower fps (-30-40 fps lower) when cars with headlights are selected in rain races. In races with cars without headlights, frames in rain races are still ~90 fps (HP Reverb G2).
    • Informative Informative x 1
  9. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    This is an interesting statement about rain with no headlight.. never tried this.. got the réflex to put Lights on when training ...Will give a try

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