Change tyres?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Racer63, Mar 4, 2022.

  1. Racer63

    Racer63 Member

    Jan 29, 2022
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    Hi everyone. How do I change tyres? I'm doing a championship with CART cars with 8 rounds. I have 4 races done and I just was able to change tyres once.

    When I stop in my space tyre guys just drop the tyres on the floor. The car just gets fuel and repairs. I've set pitstop strategy to change "all" and make sure is saved before race.

    Is this "another" bug or I'm doing something wrong?
  2. daniel monteiro

    daniel monteiro Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 5, 2019
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    A few of us had a similar issue yesterday during a RD club race, as we had to pit for fuel with the '60s Mini, and even with a pit strategy prepared, I came into the pits for the stop, the pit crew looked like it was well busy, but in the end I left the pitlane after a 7s stop and the fuel was not added to the car...

    Is this being looked at? I understand that there may be other content and features that are at the top of the list, but this basically was a weird one as some people managed to refuel the car and others not. Unless it was user error. How early does the pit-stop have to be requested for the pit work to actually be carried out?
  3. Stickdeath1980

    Stickdeath1980 Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 27, 2019
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    I've had this proplem yesterday did it all maunally but only refueled car never changed tyre's
  4. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Had same problem today .. had a Strategy with fuel and tire only.
    There was no mandatory pitstop in the race setup.

    Was a 15laps race starts on rain. Qual was on rain as well.

    Mid race I ve pit in as the track went dry ... Crew did nothing.. a 5 sec stop .. from 4th to 9th pos for nothing

    I ve then continue the race and I was running out of fuel 2 laps from the END. Because as the fuel is calculated on qual session for estimation ( which was slow because it was raining) and despite the fact I ve put more than 2 lap fuel buffer, I pit in again with overheated rain tire on a full dry track and less than one fuel lap remaining.. and what did the Crew ? Absolutly nothing ... Funny fact The tires that were ready were looking winter tires with nails.

    So I had to resign, look the race from stand and loosed 30 points .. sweat. You are better to continue, stops on the track annoying all the others Driver you Will loose less points... A bit stupid but it is how it is designed.

    Why allowing pit strategy setup if they are not allowed in a session ?

    Is somewhere a clear user guide existing about how pit strategy woks and rules? They did a very nice post on Clutch dammage logic.
    Last edited: Jun 10, 2022
  5. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Again a pitstop that doesn t work ..

    During a MP session, Starting on rain for 10 laps with automatic tires selection...( Azur track, open wheel car)

    Mid race rain sent away .. laps 6 trajectory is dry, tire 60% front, 40% rear and overheated like dark red.. I went to pitstop and the Crew did nothing at all ... Next lap track is totally dry go on pit again and they change me the tires for an another set of rain tires ... What the hell... Tires waiting with pit Crew looks like nailed tires.. so you have no clue what they will put you on...

    So I went from 2nd pos to 6th .. the pitstop buggy system ruined the race...

    You may say to have manual pitting ... But in VR ,.good luck. Pit strategy which is part of the race is totally useless when you reallly need something... This is annoying in 2022 ...

    This game have a wonderfull weather system but nothing to really support it from pit... There is some very basic pit strategy which is already a shame on my opinion but on top of it , it is almost useless
  6. SaxOhare

    SaxOhare Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I don't think the pit-strategy is basic, the only thing missing is Wing angle, and It would be nice if we could change tire-pressures in the ICM menu.

    I believe the only perhaps buggy things in pit-strategies is the change in repair profile if you start from "default" in the ICM, and probably the wrong tire choice if you use the "automatic by weather" tire choice.

    I don't use "automatic by weather" but choose the tire I want, This works well, even if I change the tire-choice in the ICM menu, as long as I don't start with the "default" strategy but start with a strategy I made in the setup menu.
    Manual of automatic pit doesn't make a difference, so manual pitting isn't necessary as long as you don't choose "automatic by weather" as tire choice.
  7. FADOQ

    FADOQ Active Member

    May 30, 2022
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    I understand your point but as this game allows you very cool wheater management system your are screw with a defective basic one and I Found this is a shame.

    I.e. you setup a race with dry(5 laps)-wet ( 5 laps)- dry( laps), to make a cool race where you have to manage something else than only lapping... You have the automatic tire selection which makes more sens ... Today you cannot achieve something clean with the pit behavior because the way the pitcrew reacts is unpredectible.

    Also when I said the pit strategy is basic it is because you can only pre-sélect only one Strategy. For example you want a stop for tire only, second stop you want gaz and tire, Third stop you want tire only.

    Some 15 years racing game allows you to select how many pitstops you want to perform and what to expect at each of Them ... This is why I Said it is basic and not aligned with the better weather system we can expect in a racing game today.

    Don't make me wrong, I make comment not Bashing. English isn't m'y first langage so my comments could be felt more rude than what I would.

  8. Juan Pelizzari

    Juan Pelizzari New Member

    Jul 11, 2022
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    same problem here, race ruined because the tire changing system doesn't work. I had it preset, I had to put rain tires, but I loaded fuel and didn't change the tires. I had to enter 3 times and the third time it did change them, having lost lap.

    I don't understand Reiza's priorities, developing clutch overheating and not repairing these very serious issues in Multiplayer, in this way you will lose lot of fans.
  9. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    We were able to reproduce the issues.

    As general info: Some things may take longer than others. Bugfixing and identifying issues can be a completely different task than creating features on scratch. It doesn't mean, that it is ignored. Same for absence of replys towards specific issues. In some cases there is a lack of satisfying info to share yet. :)
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