Unremovable 50% outer sensitivity-deadzone on gamepad, steering bug.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by BighGreenHall, Jun 15, 2022.

  1. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    This is 100% NOT a request to prioritize gamepad development over steering wheel development. Just think it might be easy to fix.
    Please don't fix this if it causes Automobilista 3 to become a mobile phone microtransaction simulator causing reiza to become consumed by a hungry mobilephone company who then themselves also gets consumed by a hungry mobilephone company.
    If that is the situation, you could help people fix it here just for themselves, incase hopefully a simple textfile edit can fix it.

    Here is the bug:
    There is an unremovable 50% OUTER [sensitivity-deadzone] bug on steering with the left thumbstick, on every possible platform/gamepad combination in existence." Same bug from PC2 game, now in Automobilista 2.
    This bug is not present on the right thumbstick(if mapped as steering), proving that it is a bug.

    Explanation and how to test:

    Meaning the first inner 50% of input (left/right) on the left thumbstick, goes from 0% steering all the way to 100% steering. And the remaining 50-100% input does nothing but continue to give a 100% steering output. and this outer sensitivity deadzone bug cannot be removed. It's not the unresponsive inner deadzone from controller options.
    It also isn't an unresponsive out deadzone. But a RESPONSIVE outer SENSITIVITY DEADZONE. Meaning it still is responsive, but it just keeps on giving 100% output, from 50-100% input on left thumbstick. Taking away 50% accuracy from steering, on even the most accurate and expensive gamepads out there.
    How to test:
    To test this accurately, allow the car to stand still, so the incockpit view can steer all the way and show accurately how much steering input/output is had (incase you got the default speed-to-steering sensitivity enabled).
    move your left thumbstick to 10.5 O'CLOCK, or 45 degrees to the left from North/forwards/up. Meaning, if your left shoulder is 90 degrees to the left, and your nose is 0 degrees to the front. 45 degrees to the left is what is in between your nose and left shoulder. And when this is fully pressed on the left thumbstick = 50% input to the left on the left thumbstick. Meaning you press your left thumbstick as much FORWARD/UP as you press it to the LEFT. What is exactly in between [forward/up] and
    , on the left thumbstick. And you are then exactly giving 50% input to the left. Because it is a perfectly circular thumbstick. That's simple geometry. lol.

    When you do this 50% to the left as described, or even 50% to the right if you have the intelligence to do that without my insanely elaborate descriptionary textual demonstration (lol). You should see the ingame cockpit of the car steer 100% to the left. Or right if you wish, because your brain is hercules (lol).
    meaning there is 50% less accuracy on the left thumbstick, no matter what way you steer.

    Thank you, hope it gets fixed. Without severe consequences lol.​
  2. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Just a question about your steam controller configuration for AMS2. Have you checked to see if the upper deadzone is off (full bar)? Or respectively have you tried applying an anti-deadzone? (explanation shown in screenshot)
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    What kind of application is that?

    I dont have acces to a steam controller.

    controller settings for the xbox controller, on steam settings, only shows inner deadzone slider, just like am2 settings.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  4. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    other games dont have this bug. only PC2 and AM2. Both only on left thumbstick and not right thumbstick. AM2 only officially supports PC platform and Xbox controllers. This bug was present on all platform/controller combinations on PC2, it was already reported and tested heavily during PC2, it didnt get fixed.
    All details above in first post: Bug+explanation+how to test/detect/identify.
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  5. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    it’s not a steam controller. it’s the controller options for ams2 in steam. right click ams2 in your library -> manage -> controller
    click the left joystick, then head to the advanced options.

    what i am trying to say is maybe try to solve your issue by fine tuning how the analog is used via steam (in the meantime)
    Last edited: Jun 16, 2022
  6. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    Thanks I found it. And no, none of these settings fix it unfortunately. But it was a nice try.
    Its called steam controller layout on my steam appearantly.

    inner outer deadzone, anti deadzone.
    none of those settings remove/fix the unremovable 50% outer sensitivity deadzone on the left gamepad thumbstick bug in Automobilista 2. And not on the right thumbstick.

    And remember, this bug only exist on Automobilista 2, and PC2, not on my gamepad, not on any other game, not on any other platform, not on any other controller. Just specifically, the bug is only present specifically on the Game Software of Automobilista 2 and PC2.
  7. FS7

    FS7 controller filters off please AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 23, 2016
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    It would be helpful if you post which controller you use.
    With my Microsoft Xbox 360 wired controller I don't have issues with deadzones if I use controller setup but there's a built-in inner deadzone if I setup my controller as custom wheel (there's a deadzone in the center even if deadzone is set to 0 in-game).
    For me the main problem with AMS2 is the built-in controller filters & dampers that cannot be turned off, those things cause input lag and make cars more difficult to drive. That's an issue with AMS2, PCars games, and more recent F1 games. In games such as AMS1, rF1, rF2, GTR2, Race 07, AC, ACC, R3E, my controller works fine without any input lag and I have full control of the car.
    People have been complaining about these controller issues since AMS2 was released in early access but so far nobody at Reiza acknowledged the issue or said anything about a possible fix.
  8. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    Currently tested on Xbox one controller and xbox one elite 2 controller, and the not supported ps4 controller too (as the sticks work on it). But on PC2 days the exact absolutely identical same bug that is now in AM2 was heavily tested (as described in OP) and reported and documented and photographed with real geometric measurements proofing UNDENIABLY that the bug is real and exists, on all platform/gamepad combinations in existence. Meaning if PC2 was on the nintendo switch at the time, it was tested, documented, reported and photographed with visual geometric measurement devices and tools on the gamepads as proof. Ofcourse it wasn't on the switch, but they even tested all cloud gaming platforms that existed at the time and no longer exist at the moment (like liquidsky), with many different kind of gamepads and settings with many different kinds of intermediary software. Same with consoles. ALL consoles and gamepad combinations with geometric measurement devices. And not just PC2. All games, just to proof more than 1000 cases that the bug only exists in PC2.

    The proof of the bug is there, I have demonstrated how to test it, but in PC2 days most of the community could not tell the difference between 45° degrees and 90° degrees on a thumbstick, even with the added visual geometric measurement devices that shows it in an undeniable way. But I don't blame them. Even the madly hard working people at Polyphony digital after decades of hard work developing for the joystick gamepads, they still don't know that the thumbstick has 360° rotational capability. So if every game on the planet supports 50% accuracy of the actual capacity, this pc2 and AM2 bug is actually not just 50%, its rather more like 25% accuracy imo. But lets just keep it at 50% for accuracy and consistency sake.

    I stopped testing personally, but I can show proof of settings and photograph the 45° left thumbstick max steering. and show the right thumbstick to proof it is a bug, also show it in other games to proof it even further. But all of this was already done with 1000+ cases in PC2 days. People don't want to believe or care about the gamepad. No matter how much you proof it, and I dont blame them. Gamepad developers often don't make such good games. So I am forgiving of this, I just think it's funny that in AM2 community the same denial is there. lol, but who cares about gamepads anyway right?

    I agree with you about dampening stuff, but trust me, the unremovable 50% outer deadzone is a way bigger issue, I use elite 2 controller specially to compensate for lack of accuracy. I can drift right now, because my elite 2 controller is expensive, and that means, the dampening is not as bad as you think if I can still drift with it, meaning, make very quick shifts in steering. This is not even possible in many arcade racing games, not even possible in GT7, so the dampening here is still better than those "popular games" even tho I think they are absolute garbage games compared to AM2.

    but I agree it would be nice if 0% dampening ment actually 0%. I agree with the community there, but this is absolutely laughable when compared to the issue of an unremovable 50% outer sensitivity deadzone bug for every platform+gamepad combination in existence, that is gamebreaking. When it comes to gamepads.

    Most people have stick drift, and xbox controllers are getting scalped and sold out of stock for double the already expensive price. And AM2 only supports xbox controllers. I haven't tested any other controller on AM2 except xbox one and elite 2 and ps4 controller. If people don't wanna believe it exist even after countless repeated evidence 5 years straight from release day till now, and again in AM2... Well... Then they simply don't wanna believe it. I simply let it be. If you wanna test it yourself, I've explained the process in OP, but proofing it exists doesn't fix it. You'll just join the community of people who are denied existence, lol. Don't mean that literally, I mean ofcourse, the community of the unbelievable. Because even if you were believable, something would be very wrong with you if spend 5 years proofing that gamepad bug exists, even tho no one cares. Who is this guy proofing it to? Even if the community cares, they cannot fix it.

    But hey, if you want me to repeat the process of visual geometric proof on different games, platforms, settings and gamepad combinations. And even compare left to right thumbstick to further nail down the evidence into permanent undeniable evidence. So that you can also see how little the sim racing communities care about such thing hahahaha. lol.

    The question is, will all the evidence that I will provide here, actually get the bug fixed? Just xbox one, elite 2 and ps4 controller this time, as I no longer have acces to all the old testing gamepads. But I got acces to several ps4 controllers to hit the nail through, to make sure that it will be an undeniable evidence lol. The question is, will it get fixed if I do that? Cause I'm not gonna waste my time doing something pointless.

    I don't even care about the bug, I just find it interesting how people react to the bug. It's a very mysteriously interesting situation. Something about the human psyche that makes this bug invisible to 99% of the players.

    And even weirder is that hardcore elite gamepad racing game/sim developers even have a blindness to their own gamepads that they make their games for. They literally for some mysterious divine reason cannot see that it is a circular 360° degree thumbstick. Even after developing 20 years for it, several of the most biggest and elite game development companies.

    At this point, this is a spiritual fascination I have with this. I could make a whole documentary about this lol.
    "FS7, one who is very familiar with racing games, thinks that 180° of control on a 360° thumbstick is called full control."
    And ofcourse that 45° is the same as 90°.
    But this is not about you. It is about every gamer on the planet, and every single developer aswell.
    It is even more than that.

    It is about the fractal nature of the infinity of your eternal existence. Let that sink in for a bit. This is indeed a spiritual situation. This bug is not ment to be fixed. If it could infact get fixed, eternity would no longer be eternal. That's not possible.
    I can actually challenge people here to fix it, but its not important and secondly, you're never going to be able to fix it. Even if the world is going to end, you're still not going to be able to fix it. You cannot fix fractals with hands that are fractalised, with a brain that is fractalised, with a consciousness that is fractalised, in universe that is fractalised. You can just create the temporary illusion that it is fixed. For yourself. As everyone else can do so aswell for themselves. That is how a fractal works.

    anyway gtg, just wanted to say reiza's kindness is sublime. best game ever.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2022
  9. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    I wasn’t denying the existence of this bug (even though I never heard of it coming from pC2 myself - i know of the giant bug list) but I did go to a wheel quite early on.

    My suggestion was to see if external controller setting would help but it seems it’s a deeper problem than that.
  10. BighGreenHall

    BighGreenHall New Member

    Jun 15, 2022
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    Yeah I was fearing already that it might be a deeper more complicated engine issue.

    In that case it's maybe not even worth attempting to fix it. But I don't know.
  11. Madrax573

    Madrax573 New Member

    Sep 24, 2022
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    I've just done some looking into this and from what I can see that is simply a function of how gamepad sticks send output signal.

    Tested it through various calibrations and when you 'roll' the top centre to approx. 45deg you max out your horizontal output.

    I also ran it through various games that feel great with the controller (AC, BeamNG, Raceroom) and again the same effect, get to approx. 45deg and you've maxed out the horizontal input...

    So this, to me, indicates that AMS2 is simply just reading the direct output from the gamepad stick and not applying any form of filter/transformation to it to make it represent full lock steering.

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