OpenComposite OpenXR

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by NuScorpii, May 15, 2022.

  1. martin mcclsokey

    martin mcclsokey New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    guys last time i tried open xr it didnt work with automobilista 2 (was a few months ago),,,is it working now ,,,worth trying ??
  2. think

    think New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 19, 2021
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    It's working and it runs beautiful. I'm using it for some days now and the game feels really good.
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  3. Champrt78

    Champrt78 Member

    May 30, 2022
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    About to try it tonight for ams2, any pointers?
  4. Champrt78

    Champrt78 Member

    May 30, 2022
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    Just spent the last hour or so tinkering, I have to say it is pretty fantastic. Much better performance with higher settings and resolution. The fps counter is weird in the sense it will say 9023 or 8561, but maybe it's missing a decimal or something? Not a big deal, can't complain, the performance boost is astounding.
  5. Stanj2

    Stanj2 New Member

    Mar 8, 2020
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    The numbers in the FPS counter are in nanoseconds I believe so move the decimal point 3 numbers to the left to get milliseconds
  6. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    I have a question.
    i have the whole openxr - opencomposite working on the HP reverb G2 but my Varjo aero will arrive this week. Do i need to change anything to get it to run in the openxr way instead of steamvr or are the steps I took for the hp reverb identical?

    Because it makes the experience so much better not only the fps go up, And the visuals get much sharper but i can also go higherwith the settings in the performance menu.
  7. MrTulip

    MrTulip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I don't have Reverb G2 but as far as I understand they should be identical. Possibly you need to add
    `admitUnknownProps=enabled` into the opencomposite.ini (if not already).
  8. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    Thanks for the fast reply, I already did that step to get it to work on the reverb. But am I correct assuming you are using the aero?
  9. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    I wonder if there is any benefit doing this mod on the Varjo Aero since it is a native SteamVR HMD. There might be a benefit for the Reverb G2 because the Reverb is a native WMR HMD and you basically have to run emulation (WMR for SteamVR) to get it to work with SteamVR which takes a bit of compute. I think Mr. Tulip said he saw no benefit with the OpenXR mod for the Varjo. *shrug*
  10. MrTulip

    MrTulip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Yes, I'm using Varjo Aero. I did not see much benefit in using fixed foveated rendering / OpenVR FSR (or OpenXR Toolkit version of fixed foveated rendering).

    But I do see a huge benefit in using opencomposite openvr_api.dll alone.

    Note on Varjo Aero; Current Varjo Aero base software version runs pretty well, dropping only a frame or two here and there. "The usual places" around the tracks in both AMS2 and PCARS2, just like any HMD I've had have done (Long Beach is a good test bench). BUT: This version has a caveat of really blurry higher resolutions. VB 3.5.1 image quality is really spectacularly sharp, but that version suffers from excess amount of lost frames in those same turns. Meaning to get rid of really bad performance you may have to turn track detail to low and car detail to medium to avoid the worst of stutters.

    We are currently waiting for the next version of Varjo Base software that should give the best of the both worlds (I hope). Should be released in a week or two.

    While VB runs better, to really appreciate the visual quality of Aero I suggest to launch it first running VB 3.5.1. It really was a moment of awe for me coming from Index, at least.
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2022
  11. martin mcclsokey

    martin mcclsokey New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    HI guys tyvm for all the hard work in here big props u all help me to get it working ,,,just last bit of help please,how do i change the resolution, cant see it in menu
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2022
  12. MickT

    MickT Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 5, 2021
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    In the System tab, there's an 'Override Resolution' setting. Change that to yes, and you'll get the option to set the res. You'll need to restart AMS2 for it to take effect. Note, this is just overriding what you set in the OpenXR Tools for WMR app.
  13. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    got the aero but running into some issues. So to start I deleted all wmr sofware.
    Did a fresh instal of oc ams2
    And the same with steamvr.

    is it normal that when starting the game i only see the menus op the virtual desktop on not fullscreen in my headset? This solves itself when going into a session. (Still running in steam btw)

    you said you don’t see gains in openxr toolkit so I disabled it. But you did see gains with “only opencomposite” and i am checking to see what you mean exactly.

    Open this web page.
    Files · openxr · Campbell Suter (ZNix) / OpenComposite · GitLab
    Scroll down a little and download the 64bit dll of Openvr_api.dll

    Open the folder:steam\steamapps\commonAutomobilista 2\x64
    Rename the openvr_api.dll to something else like
    Copy the newly downloaded openvr_api.dll into that x64 folder.
    in same x64 folder make a text file named opencomposite.ini
    copy this text into it.


    Save file make sure it doesn't get saved as .txt but as .ini

    am I correct assuming only these steps?
    And in the varjo base menu are you running high resolution the default setting? I’m wondering what settings you use ingame of your system is a little like mine because i will thinker for days but you sound like someone like me. I would love to have a good startingpoint. My system ryzen 5900x
    Rtx 3080ti ram 32gb 3600. Thank you in advance because i am really stuck

    Edit: I have it working with only opencomposite but how do you keep track of the fps? Normally i use the same steam fps counter you do. When in openxr i just use that one. But only in oc there is no fps counter I tried to see if there is one in varjo base and there is but it only displays on de desktop.

    I know that vr does normally not support vert sync but varjo base does have that optiom in the performance tab. Do you use it? And if so do you also turn it on ingame on the performance tab?

    Sorry for all the questions but an trying to get it to work. Because it is blurry much more than in my reverb g2 with openxr. Ow did you mess with the gamefile sharpening?
    Last edited: Jun 24, 2022
  14. martin mcclsokey

    martin mcclsokey New Member

    Jun 7, 2021
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    Hi mike i cant seem to find systems tab ,,my open xr toolkit companion has no tabs
  15. MrTulip

    MrTulip Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    Using SteamVR or normal OpenVR with Aero it is normal to see the menus in desktop view until going on track where it changes to full VR view. With OpenComposite openvr_api.dll you get the menus in full VR too, but you have to reset the view after the game starts. (Or the menu will be behind you.)

    Blurriness is a bug in Varjo Base 3.6.0 software (bug does not exist in VB 3.5.1). Next release of Varjo Base fixes blurriness when it comes out. My suggestion is to run medium or low resolution for now because VB 3.6.0 performance is a lot better than VB 3.5.1 that suffers of big CPU spikes even on low resolutions. If you want to try VB 3.5.1, it is possible without need to downgrade the firmware of Aero. Just uninstall current and install the older Varjo Base software version.

    I'm planning to use either high or higher resolutions without any MSAA (after the current Varjo Base 3.6.0 bugs are cleared), and trying to eek out some extra frames from OpenXR Toolkit fixed foveated rendering. The issue in OpenXR Toolkit ffoveated is that it screws up the scenery unless you run MSAA completely off, or MSAA at high, latter of which is too costy fps wise at any resolution.

    But for now I'm running medium or low resolution coupled with low or medium MSAA accordingly. I couldn't decide yet which looks better. The most important thing is to get the game run smoothly for me so I don't dream of higher resolutions with MSAA until the display adapters get better.

    I'm currently not using vsync, but I have not made my mind about it yet in the latest VB version. It enforces copying of frames that make the movement blurry when the frame is replaced with the copy. But I aim at constant real 90 fps apart from one frame drops. It might be handy in very small fps drops unless the switching process itself causes extra stutters. At the time when I played with vsync I was still running VB 3.5.1, and horrible stutters in that version made things look even worse with vsync on. I need to test with it again, though.

    If you are running RTX 3090 my main details are:
    reflections: low
    environment: medium
    cars: medium
    track: medium
    shadows: medium
    pits: none
    grass: medium

    If you see stutters on your favorite tracks, changing track details from medium to something else, like low or sometimes higher detail, even ultra, may help.
    Why? I think Madness engine suffers from some data streaming issues with object lodding (replacing further off objects with lower detail ones), which causes CPU spikes, possibly only with some particular objects. So sometimes using higher track detail may also push the particular higher or lower level object LoD model not to get loaded at all in the most troublesome spot of the track. This is just my theory after looking at CPU spike stutters for years in both PCARS2 and AMS2.
    Also keep in mind that AI collisions cause a lot of CPU spikes that are not related to track geometry or objects apart from bad AI lines and first lap mayhem (Long Beach). So it matters what kind of car grid and size you run with. And aggressiviness level too.

    For keeping track of FPS I don't actually need a counter: any missing frames (fps under 90) are very clearly visible on most of the panning (in turns) situations on all tracks. One frame loss is one really fast stutter that you notice but do not yet make you slit your wrists for. These are "normal" in AMS2 and depend on the track and their optimization level a lot.
    But anything that stutters so long that you get really annoyed for is a reason to change visual settings. One exception: In storm and night conditions you almost never can reach 90 fps for longer periods of time, so that one I just suffer. Both have special track lighting, while light and normal rain do not.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  16. Leftfoot

    Leftfoot New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 5, 2022
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    It's not the companion app, but the configuration menu within VR after you run the game. Check out the section "basic useage" here : Quickstart
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  17. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    thank you for the reply.
    Yesterday after many hour of tuning I set the res on high (default) and run the vert sync. In game i have

    aa 16x
    Msaa high
    Vert sync on
    Everything on low except car is on high. No shadows no grass or partical effect.

    went into the documents/automobilista folder and changed the openvr sharpening to 2.00000. It was actually pretty good.

    will try your settings
    • Like Like x 1
  18. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    I notice good things and bad things going to OpenXR.

    Playing with a G2 with a AMD 6900XT

    Good things are that the image quality is greatly improved over SteamVR. Compared to using OpenFSR lower resolutions look significantly sharper. However, the performance is worse, meaning I have to go to much lower resolutions in openxr to achieve the same performance compared to using openfsr. But the net result still is that openxr looks better if tuned to similar performance.

    Motion smoothing is REALLY bad compared to steamVR smoothing. There is annoying wobbling making it completely unuseable.

    Frame dips are much worse using openxr. When racing against AI, at certain sections of a circuit I always have framedrops, no matter the settings (unless extremely low res). Using openXR this creates stutters much worse than when using OpenFSR.

    This leaves me a bit conflicted. For hotlapping OpenXR is MUCH better than OpenFSR, but when racing against AI it depends on the circuit. Nurburgring (not nordschleife) is particularly bad in the first few corners, for example where you see the Ferris Wheel, making me prefer OpenFSR.

    Are there any AMD users (6800/6900) that use OpenXR succesfully? What settings do you use?

    I use almost everything Medium ingame, shadows low.
    I use NIS scaler, 0.75 / sharpening 0.2
  19. DutchFireMan

    DutchFireMan New Member

    Sep 23, 2021
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    can i ask you of you use a motion platform. With motion compensation. Because i do. And it makes the screen zoom in and back out really fast every so often. When driving it looks like a frame dip. I was looking everywhere until i tried a game that cannot use my motion rig, and i turned the software of. Problem gone.
  20. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Nope, no motion rig

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