AMS2 Dedicated Server Tool / SteamCMD Support

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Dave Stephenson, May 29, 2020.

  1. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    You do know about the sms_stats_data files, right? It has all the multiplayer results & works with
    simrusults website. It does collect all the results into one file so it grows & grows. what I do a simracingonline is delete it after every event, then it only has the last race/q/ p sessions.. ;-) (It is multiplayer only)
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  2. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    I dont see any use for that, as @Kro mentioned, it already keeps track of the results for each session, we run our servers using the servermanager, which automatically uploads the results from each session to their website, simresults is also a very good way to upload them, but that requires a little manual step.
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  3. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    You can also set it to maintain the data of a lower amount of sessions, saves the hassle of deleting it everytime ;-)
  4. Julien Lemoine

    Julien Lemoine Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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    We have too some systems. But it is clearly not with a single file that multiplayer will grow.

    Already know. But for anything that is an automation system, this is clearly not the right way for various technical reasons.

    And for anything that is a hotlap system, it is clearly not good as the times are recorded before the session is even over.
  5. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I'm trying to set up a dedi server for a race tomorrow featuring the one of the new tracks - Cordoba TC, and using the Stockcar 2022. I can't find their IDs on the api/list/ of tracks & vehicles. it seems to have not been updated. I tried entering the 2021 id for the car and changing it to 2022, doesn't work. Does anyone have the IDs for the new tracks and this car?
  6. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Hi, They are on my api list, have you updated your dedi server, otherwise a file verify might be handy.

    anyway, here they are:

    "id" : -1142444519,
    "name" : "Cordoba_International",
    "gridsize" : 24

    "id" : -1043857231,
    "name" : "Cordoba_GP",
    "gridsize" : 24

    "id" : -171682166,
    "name" : "Cordoba_NATL",
    "gridsize" : 24

    "id" : 1767659669,
    "name" : "Chevrolet Cruze Stock Car 2022",
    "class" : "StockCarV8_2022"

    "id" : 539628044,
    "name" : "Toyota Corolla Stock Car 2022",
    "class" : "StockCarV8_2022"
    Last edited: Jul 13, 2022
    • Winner Winner x 1
  7. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    Thank you so much! I have contacted my dedi server admin about the missing tracks. Cheers again, you are a life saver.
  8. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    no worries, happy to help, they probably need to update the dedicated server app, they should appear then.
  9. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    Couldn't you just set up your automation to delete the sms_stats_data json file after every race?
    I know when you upload the sms_stats_data file into you can actually hide sessions you don't want to see in the results. It's a very cool feature.
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  10. Julien Lemoine

    Julien Lemoine Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 3, 2021
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    The dedicated saves the data and puts it back as soon as possible
  11. Touc

    Touc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    sorry if this has been asked before but anyway on setting a dedi server up with a dlc track and let people join and start the session without owning the dlc
  12. Shriukan

    Shriukan Touristenfahrten Community AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 23, 2019
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    Unfortunately, the first person to join must own said DLC track for the lobby to launch to the track
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  13. Touc

    Touc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    yeah thanks we thought that might be the case
  14. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Bug Report.

    We are in the final stages of the Automobilista 2 Community Cup 2022 preparations with full 6 communities, 30 drivers each starting to compete for glory at the end of August. We have a test event coming up and as we have two commentators we intend to make use of the Broadcaster and Race Director roles. After extensive testing it appears that the DS server does NOT support this feature.

    The Problem

    What should Happen
    • With these flags set the server should allow you to exceed the grid size of the track by two spots
    • When in the lobby if you try to start the server WITHOUT a director the game should prevent you from doing this.
    How do we know the above?
    From testing with the in-game P2P mode and enabling the broadcaster setting as follows:
    1. Spielberg modern track (32 grid spots)
    2. Enable Host Settings --> BROADCAST --> ON
    3. Opponent Settings --> Max Grid Size --> 32 (the track limit)
    4. Click Start and following message is shown
    5. Click yes and the server is configured with 34 drivers (32 grid limit + 1 broadcaster + 1 director)
    6. If you try to start the server WITHOUT a director the following message is shown
    What Happens with the DS
    Now we have established what we expect to see with the P2P in-game server lets try to enable the HAS_RACE_DIRECTOR and HAS_BROADCASTER flags with the DS

    The config file has three values that may affect the grid size allowed
    • GridSize
    • MaxPlayers
    • MaxPlayerCount
    Enabling the two flags and setting each of these values to 34 results in the server appearing in the lobby with 34 drivers (as expected)

    When you join it the track is changed because it won't let you use Spielberg Modern with 34 drivers. This is what happens if you try and configure any track with more grid spots than it supports. The track is changed to the first one that does support the number configured.

    The above test was repeated without the flags set and exactly the same thing happens.

    I have also tried using GridSize of 32 (the track limit) and a MaxPlayers and MaxPlayersCount of 34. This results in a server with only 32 drivers. It does not change the track (as Spielberg Modern supports 32 drivers) but when you click "Start" there it does not prevent you from starting if there is no one assigned as Director.

    The DS server does NOT understand / apply the HAS_RACE_DIRECTOR and HAS_BROADCASTER flags. Setting them has no impact on the server.
    • You CAN NOT get the two extra slots above the grid size limit that you should be able to according to the P2P mode and project cars 2 video
    • You CAN start the server WITHOUT a director even though one is EXPECTED. In P2P mode if you configure broadcast mode then you MUST have a director.
    • Informative Informative x 3
    • Agree Agree x 2
  15. Touc

    Touc Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 19, 2022
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    Yeah i could not get a DS to allow us to assign a race director and broadcaster and have a full grid but you have gone in to way more detail than what i could explain thanks. Hopefully this gets looked in to
  16. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    We are able to use the broadcast mode on our DS and it works ..However it's not optimized and some features simply don't work, (We have also used PC2 broadcast mode & it works in the same manner but much better.) With AMS2 we had some glitching and lag when it's in use similar to the bug when you're in the pits and the cars shake & also players helmet visors would flash and seem to get stuck in strange bent positions lol .. I don't know how you're trying to use it but the way it works for us is you simply activate it by turning director & broadcast ON with the flags .. ( we have a rented DS that uses a server manager so we simply turn them on in the menu
    Desktop Screenshot 2022.07.26 -
    Don't try and add the 2 slots or do any messy stuff in the cfg the slots will come automatically when you select the Director & Broadcaster ... Remember you can't add more players than the track has pit stalls for.. Set your session up like you would to have a full grid & launch the server, now here in the lobby is where you set the Director & Broadcaster, before you start the session, Only the host can set the director & broadcaster Highlight the player you want & left click on the player and the menu will pop up
    INST.jpg Automobilista 2 Screenshot 2022.04.01 - The player will get a pop up to say yes or no to the request. Do the same for the broadcaster & then vote to start the session you will have all your set driver's slots available and the 2 broadcasters will not be in the player list & will have the broadcast & director screens to use.. But this is where AMS2 is not so good. some overlay's you simply can't remove like the menu on top of the broadcast & some menu items simply don't work & then there's the lag that having this feature active seems to bring along with it.. Your milage may vary but for us we simply gave up broadcasting with this tool in AMS2.
    I do live broadcasts using OBS with ACC, rF2, PC2 with no issues like we see with AMS2 .. Have a look at the last race we did using the broadcast tool .. I had to make a banner to put across the top to hide the tool menu for the broadcast that you can't remove. I set it up with OBS to hide it .. Skip ahead through Quall to the race & you will see some of the issues I described...

    We have good Equpment and are able to broadcast in 1440p (it's also available in
    the lower rez's ).
    Check some of our other broadcasts to compare.

    The good news is Rieza has not even started working on the MP side of the game yet so there's hope for the future regarding both multiplayer and broadcasting!~
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  17. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    The two roles are available with DS mode. The issue is the roles take grid slots and they are not meant to.

    We had a server limited 3 people. With a driver, broadcaster and director In the server the server was hidden from view for other people because it was "full". It should have had two slots free. This is with and without the flags set.

    Having the flags on or off doesn't seem to have any affect. The roles always work and they always take grid slots.

    As explained in my post that doesn't happen with the in-game p2p method and you can exceed the track grid limit by 2 in P2P mode.

    I think you may have misunderstood the issue reported or I explained it poorly.

    Are you saying that you can configure a server for 10 people and have 10 drivers+ the two special roles?

    I can't. In game standings doesn't show them as drivers but they still take up two slots on a DS server.
  18. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    Ahh i see .. Im not sure if ours did or did not take up the slots as we simply keep the server at max humans per pit stalls & rarely fill the grid .... Either way the tradeoff (for us) of the poor performance using the broadcast mode makes it less than ideal in its current state..
  19. Nobkins

    Nobkins Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Yeh it is a hard thing to test!

    Not noticed performance issues yet but will keep eye on it.
  20. Kro

    Kro Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 29, 2020
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    You know the jury’s still out on DS vrs in game hosting & some say & i have experienced this as well, that it does not help or improve the network situation using a DS .. We have/use it to be able to make the server visible and joinable 24/7 with that weeks event & settings so members can simply join & practice anytime like any other game server without having to set things up every time.. The fact AMS2 & PC2 use peer to peer, no matter what you use it will still only be as good as the weakest connection yes? With that in mind you could use the in game MP set up for the actual event on race day & have your broadcaster & director.. ? Just a thought:)

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