Formula USA Gen. 1 - what Turboboost for a 90 min race?!

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Maddin71287, Aug 10, 2022.

  1. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    What you are describing seems like game issues.

    I had long races with other cars (usually P4 or GT4) and everything felt different. Just did some laps at Nords with the F-USA G1 (because of this topic) Reynawith 100% boost, a little less radiator opening, pedal to the floor and things just got smooth on engine dept (after 4 consecutives Nords laps it was supposed to start to get wasted but not even a single % of damage shown).

    The only thing I discovered in the last couple hours is that all Formula V10 (G1 and 2) take off at Flugplatz no matter what I do with the wings, suspension height or weight distribution. Possibly a bug.

    EDIT: I used the Reynard Honda. Have you guys tested all the FUSAG1 cars?
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  2. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Yep, i tested all F-USA Gen. 1 Cars.
    That you have no engine wear at all leaves me clueless...

    Edit: So i just tested it on the Nordschleife, same car as you, 100% boost, before "Wehrseifen" i suffered 1% engine wear. I have fuc**ng no idea how you can make 4 laps on the Nordschleife with 100% boost and suffering no engine wear at all...
    I have no idea, why we have such different outcomes, how can that happen?
    And by the way, i am no expert, but after 4 Laps on the Nordschleife i expect, with 100% boost, a little wear to the engine...
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
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  3. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Maybe your game setup have damage set to 200% as a lot of folks use. I used... now dialed it down to 100% because things got a little strange (no pun intended lol) sometimes. It isn't it, maybe it's the car setup.

    I made a fell changes in the car setup... don't remember all by heart but, as remember, diminished the rear wing a tilt, a little on the front, changed the gear ratio for higher maximum speed (but only one click or two on the sixth gear), softened the brakes to 80% and gave one or two tilts to the rear, softened the rear suspension bound and rebound, but what may have made difference is that I raised both F and R suspensions height by more than 1,5cm and put a bump stopper about half of each one's course. I can only guess about it because believe that AMS2 don't count chassis damage, but my car was scratching the floor and, if count, the engine maybe was taking damage from there... or, at least, that was what should happen on a real car IF there is a chance to scratch the engine on bumps (what I really don't believe that is possible, but who knows).

    Also, I don't remember the reference I was using to change gear. Usually I use the panel lights as reference (at some cars it don't match with the game hud, that signs a little later). MAAAAAYBE, you are overrevving the car and that's why your engine got damage (it's the most plausible explanation).

    Other thing: On game setup, I use only 15% of my accelerator sensibility, that allow me to have much more throttle control and, MAAAAAAYBE, it's also helping me to be more gentle with my engine.

    Or it's all of that together. If you may, try some of these things. I will do some more testing with this car. There is also the possibility that simply I am slow and/or too gentle on the machine.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
  4. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Ok, the joke is on me.

    What happened is that I read it wrong (I read the rear aero damage as engine damage).

    Did four more laps between 5:44 and 5:49 and the engine damage reached only 14%, what gives 1% damage for every 1,63 minutes... what means that in a 90 minutes racing you would get 55% of engine damage. 55% damage in a long race to have all that extra boost for me is a no brainer choice, but here is where strategy comes.

    IMHO, it's fair and square as gameplay, but don't know if it represents the reality.
    Last edited: Aug 13, 2022
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  5. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    Is engine damage pre-v1.4 linear? I would've thought that engine damage increases exponentialially with wear?
  6. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Okay, now it makes more sense ;)

    If it works correctly it is more then welcomed especially strategywise, but at 40% Engine Wear i could not continue the race. About 30% it starts, coincidentally that the selected gear kicks out and you have to shift to get it back in. It will then getting worster and about 40% it is nearly impossible to drive. Last race it think it was about 40% i only can get into first and second gear.

    I really love this feature! But please let me once more repeat myself - EVEN with the most harmless setup and EVEN if you carry the car around the track in pace car speed you WILL suffer engine wear in one single lap. I really appreciate that you guys are testing and trying to help, but it has nothing to do with my car setup or my driving. To make it clear - i can do 3 laps with the formula ultimate 2019 with 100% boost and receive no engine wear - with the F-USA i do one lap with 0% !!!! boost and suffer engine wear! This tells me, the F-USA is broken in parts of mechanical failure if you look what can be done with the formula ultimate.

    No, i don´t think it is linear. I was able to complete one 90 min race. In this race i had 60 % boost and it was in cleveland. That was my second race in the championship. And that point i was thinking, okay with 60 % boost i am able to complete a 90 min race. But for example in montreal i was going with 58% boost and about 15 min before race end i had to stop the car because of engine wear or mechanical failure.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  7. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I don't know, but Maddin may already answered your question.

    Yes, this car is glitched. After ending the fourth lap I just parked it after the starting line to read a cellphone msg (yes... "stay alive... don't text and drive" lol) and the car's engine begun to heat up unnaturally fast, reaching 118ºC in a few seconds, with radiator 100% open, that is a temperature that I NEVER reached with this car, nor during the Nords four laps trials. Them, I started to drive again and it cooled down quick. According to ingame message ("your engine is overheating, avoid high revs"), the temperature increase is correlated with high revving, but that was not the case. Maybe the engine wear was starting to damage itself with only 16%, but don't think so.

    About engine damage and wear... I don't know if it would damage itself. It's a limitation of the actual simulators engine. In RL, a worn out component don't necessarily damage the others... usually don't do nothing until broke itself (and, them, can damage other stuff) and the engine simply stop to work properly (or at all).

    BTW, you described two things that AMS2 supposedly would treat separately, that are the damage and wear in the engine to the same thing in the gearbox and your car don't have, necessarily, to drop gears because the engine is worn by the turbo, even if the gearbox can be worn by the extra torque/power.. but these things usually are more resilient than the engine itself and I know about gearboxes made for street cars with no more than 140HP holding entire championships with cars with 400HP or even some drag races with more than 1000HP... an, yes, I'm talking about Opalas.

    Anyway, AMS2 still is not adequate to long races and I personally don't do nothing with more than 40min (tried some 60min, but the AI is kinda broken for that and do some videogamish stuff that I didn't expect from a modern simulator)... usually keep it under 30min. Let's see if 1.4 improves this.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Well, there is the hud symbol, which looks like the engine and there is crew chief.
    I don´t know if the hud symbol stands for mechanical issues at all (like gearbox etc.) , or just engine wear.
    So when the symbol says 20% wear, crew chief says "the engine sounds a little bit ruff mate, lets look if it will make it to the end"
    Crew chief never mentioned till now about gearbox.
    When the HUD says 30% wear, then you suffer coincidentally gears kicking out.
    when you are near 40% wear on the hud, it becomes undrivable becuase of loosing gears and in my case couldn´t go further then second gear. Again Crew Chief never mentioned the gearbox.

    I don´t know, it is a brilliant feature, but it needs a little tweaking imo for the F-USA

    Till now i only did long races with the F-USA - AI was okay, doing pitstop´s which seems plausible. Almost all of them made it to the finish line, except for those which crashed. And i think one time "Villeneuve" got a mechanical failure as well, because i could not see him crashing, but he retired after about ten laps. At his HomeRace - poor guy :)

    Then i did it with the Formula Ultimate 2019 a few months ago. But back then, me and the ai could not finish the races (same race length like irl) because of fuel at least at Spielberg.

    And the third long races i did was the Brazilian StockCar Championship, where are a few one hour races. I can tell you, the Brazilian StockCar Championship is working absolutely brilliant, the ai is a absolutely joy there. Till now the best AMS2 experience so far for me.:)

    If anything else in AMS2 will be as good working like the Brazilian StockCar Championship - AMS2 will be the King of Sims for me!
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  9. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    But if the gears are kicking in or being loosed, them it's not an engine issue, but a transmission one.

    Ironically, the Stock Car Brasil is build to stand for two third minutes sprint, not long races, but it can be used to do some long length events... but the Indycar that is supposed to stand 500 miles can't do long races in AMS2 lol
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  10. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    Yepp, absolutely :)

    So, this will teach us, that the brazilians are building longer lasting racecars then the americans can :D
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  11. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    At least in their own games lol

    It remembers me the older Gran Turismo games (up to GT4), where the Japanese cars seems to be highly tunned and even the better editions of non-JDM cars drives like downgraded. Or Oleg Maddox sims, where Russian hardware (he is Russian, in case someone don't know the guy) have godlike performance. But, hey, no one here is judging:whistle:

    PS: Most of Stock Car Brasil components are made in USA (or China... or wherever is not Brazil) including the engines... soooo, Americans are also doing well
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  12. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    I had to google him - but after reading he is the man who brings us the flightsim IL-2 Sturmovik - i have to facepalm myself. How could i not know him - i love Sturmovik!

    Ah, okay didn´t know that - thanks for that :)
  13. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    His games are fantastic, specially the original IL-2 series (up until 1946) and I spent a huge amount of hours there. Everything in his games work as intended... but the Russian hardware. Not that their stats are "fantasy level", but they always have something that don't match with all the tons of books, articles, interviews and etc. Maybe the guy is right and Russian hardware is underestimated (what really happened with Iron Curtain Era hardware, but not with WW2, that was pretty tested and catalogued... as pretty much everything from that era, that today we certainly know more about that stuff than the own combatants and engineers from the time, AS IS EXPECTED).

    The difference is that there is not too much Brazilian vs Foreigner cars sharing the same classes, being the only ones some of the Ps and GT5 (and... yeah... I can talk about that Puma in RL being such a crp car... and the Ginetta on P1 seems to be a better car in the RL category, but we can't tell for sure as ASM2 still is inadequate to endurance), so it's not as blatant as happens with the Gran Turismo series, where you have to race against JDM cars in practically every race.
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  14. ozcanuck

    ozcanuck Active Member

    Apr 13, 2016
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    Thanks for the tip...I never noticed...the cars were very "responsive" and prone to try and kill me!!! Knocked it down to 50 to start and will try that.
  15. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    At Long Beach I’m at 40% and I’m in the high 1:06’s in race trim. Even at 40% it’s still a beast. I need to work on the gears more. Probably won’t do any more tweaks until after this update in 2 weeks. Will have to build a new setup anyway
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  16. Maddin71287

    Maddin71287 Member

    Oct 6, 2021
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    How long can you go with the 40% boost?
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  17. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I just took the vw polo gts for a few laps in Buenos Aires. Halfway through the first lap, oil temp is 230f and getting engine damage. What the hell is going on in this game?
    Last edited: Aug 16, 2022
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  18. Paulo Frazao

    Paulo Frazao Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 24, 2016
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    .....Broken man...... Broken......but the huge update 1.4 will resolve all this broken things....
  19. Anthony 123

    Anthony 123 Active Member

    Dec 1, 2021
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    I really hope so
  20. Jugulador

    Jugulador Well-Known Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    I think that a Polo thorn itself apart with some more sportive driving is nothing more than realistic lol
    • Funny Funny x 2

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