Reiza Membership packages now in offer - what they are and why join

Discussion in 'Automobilista - News & Announcements' started by Renato Simioni, Mar 23, 2016.

  1. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Can you explain why I'm wrong?
  2. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Because I like the game?
  3. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I don't care if you guys from now on starting to bash me because what I said.
    In my opinion with the membership you can buy patch exclusivity for 1 week.
    One of them said that the "INTERNAL BETA which is sold for REAL MONEY" is updated weekly and the Steam EARLY ACCESS is updated for biweekly.
    And I'm not okey with this.

    The membership plan should only include the dlcs not an exclusive beta access. For a work in progress game for a STEAM EARLY ACCESS game.
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  4. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    It makes sense thank you mate one more thing.. If you like the game what is the point of saying some say it's a flop. Does it matter what others think?
  5. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    Who said it should ? they can do whatever they want because it is their product .
  6. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I don't care what others think.
    The point is if this is really a flop. Then they don't have money to continue the developement.
    On steam developers lose at least 50% of the money in my opinion and based on what other developers says.

    So now they sell the game for 32€ and if I'm right (note not a single developer allowed to talk about exact numbers) then they only get 16€ per game from the customers.
    And from this they have to tax (unsure what is the correct term since I'm not native english speaker) to their country.

    And then there is this: Automobilista -
    This says Owners: 20,336 ± 3,321 (based on public profiles and here you can't play the some didn't activated their game on steam card also you can't count the private beta version).
    So let's assume they sold 60000 copy. This is weak! Very weak. And anyone who think it's not i doN't know what can I say to them.
    And with guess 60000 copy I assume that 40000 owner don't have public profile. Very unlikely in my opinion. And this doesn't even assume how many from these are gifted copies.

    Also they could sell the seasonpass on steam too. But selling a seasonpass for an unfinished game? This would be a suicide on steam. + the a lot of money goes to valve instead to them.
  7. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I see you are into data analysis I am more into playing the game and I like the fact that I can get all dlc's for half price. Take care mate
  8. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    So instead proving I'm wrong.
    You attack me?
    BTw I would play the game too if there wouldn't be stuttering for every two second with constant 60fps.
  9. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    How can I prove you are wrong if I might be the one who is wrong. Actually you know what I got the feeling you are right I am wrong. Relax
  10. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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  11. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    OMG There is no way I am going to get my DLCS !!! Do you think Reiza is about to declare bankruptcy?
  12. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    You missed the point again.
    Those devs state that they sold 250k copies across ALL platforms. And steamspy say 129556 owner on steam. So either they sold a lot less copies on other platforms or the steamspy is very very accurate.

    Also you again failed to say anything on topic. Instead you make fun of me.
  13. Grinkit

    Grinkit New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    See I am not the fastest guy when It comes to thinking process and maybe you can help me out?

    What is actually the message you are trying to convey here about the Reize's membership and their game? I am confused ...
  14. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I think selling a seasonpass for an early access game is wrong.
    I think private beta access and early patch access selling is wrong for an early access game. Since you already bought the work in progress game on steam. And now they offer another package with even more beta and a bunch of promises. Since they might make 10 dlcs or 15 dlcs. No one knows for sure.
    I think they are doing this because they need money. And they can't offer anything other then this and promises for future dlcs.
    I wouldn't have a problem with this if they would do it after early access. So they release automobilista on steam and then announce this seasonpass and done.
    I think they don't have money because of this move and because of steamspy numbers.
    I offered another solution with patreon. I also told you that I would support them throught patreon. And I think they would get more money than with this membership solution.
    I linked an example on patreon which I do believe is a good example.
    I liked an article where one dev said he sold x amount of copies and I think this is prove how accurate steam spy is.

    I asked you and others to prove that I'm wrong or point out what am I missing and why I'm wrong.
    But instead you for example make fun of me.
  15. Thiago Izequiel

    Thiago Izequiel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 7, 2016
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    This thread is supposed to do an announcement, to start a healthy conversation about the topic and to answer doubts and make it clear for people who are interested or may be interested in having a Reiza Membership, so they can decide if they want or not to be part of this.

    I'll have to ask both of you to stop the bickering. Mr. "Name", in special.

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  16. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    I didn't bickering. I made clear myself why I think this what I wrote.
    I still think I brought up a topic which is worth to discuss.
    As you may seen I'm in doubt and I already wrote why.
    So please answer my doubt.
  17. FeltHat

    FeltHat Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    After u compared sales of game 5 years in development by bigger team to sale of massive update to already released game and then brought up things which are not true (like 50% cut etc) im more than sure you shouldnt talk about the matter anymore :D

    Reiza folks, i still would love to know if i will be able to purchase package or upgrade directly on Steam, thanks for any help
  18. Name

    Name New Member

    Mar 17, 2016
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    Then I was wrong.
    Anyway I didn't compared the sales.
    I compared that they said they sold X amount of copy and steamspy to that number.
  19. Jillthanor

    Jillthanor New Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    i remember the guys that made Torchlight 2 said that steam takes about 15%... at least thats what i remember.

    i'd still like to know if there will be other payment options, besides Paypal.
  20. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    I find this tendency of people worrying about how much money entertainment products have made to be somewhat bemusing - strikes me as a lack of conviction in your own taste, to the extent you need to look into what masses are doing to to decide with it.

    As a consumer my only worry with entertainment products is whether I enjoy it enough to take my money´s worth from it - I might even be interested on the movie business to look into what releases are doing at the box office, but I wont use that to gauge whether I want to see a movie or not, let alone whether I like it or not.

    Business 101 for those so interested in that aspect: technically a product is only a "flop" when it fails to recoup what was invested to produce / develop it. For some games that break even point is 1m, for others 100k; for others it´s 10k. and for others it´s 1k. You´re not going to gather that full picture from Steam charts or Steamspy, and unless it´s your money behind the product, it´s simply not your business to be concerned about. If you are worried about our ability to deliver what we are proposing for the product, you may look back and consider we´ve got a pretty solid record of delivering what we propose.

    AMS is doing just the business it was expected / required to do. We have been at this for a while now; we know what the business is and what to expect from it. If our primary concern was money, we would be doing different types of products altogether.

    We don´t have a patreon program nor do we intend to offer one. We also dont have a subscription model, nor do we charge for each and every individual pieces of content - not because these models are wrong or don´t have merits - we just opt for the ones that make sense for us.

    Those who have been involved in the crowdfunding campaign will have known that a few separate premium DLC items to complement AMS were planned from the get-go. It´s the model that we find will work & complement the product best, for us and for users who like it the most.

    With regards to AMS Beta, we already had that closed beta program from the crowdfunding campaign (which predates AMS itself), that people have demonstrated interest in joining - we´re offfering the program we already have to people that are interested in participating in it, along of course with the DLCs which really make up the core of the value in the membership packages. It´s quite simple really, and not like we´re selling beta access by itself...

    So Name (and whoever else may share similar concerns), my suggestions to you firstly would be to mind where you gather your information from before you jump into conclusions - just because there´s a website where people write stuff, doesn´t mean they know what they´re talking about; secondy, buy only what you are interested in and just ignore what you aren´t or can´t afford, as you do with everything else in life - protesting product offerings from private businesses is as misguided as it is pointless; thirdly, please use the appropriate thread to discuss any issues you might have with AMS, so we can try give you some proper support - this is not it.
    Last edited: Mar 25, 2016
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