Have to delete AMS2 folder on every boot

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by latexyankee, Sep 8, 2022.

  1. latexyankee

    latexyankee New Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    Look Im not one to bash games but this is utter trash and not ready for mass retail IMO. I would return the game but I have 12 hours playtime and 11.5 of those are in the config settings. I think I have completed 2 practice sessions in 12 hours.
    The only way to get my wheel and pedals recognized (all new fanatec gear) is to delete the my docs folder every time I boot the game. That means at every boot i have to redo my graphics, ffb, wheel and triplescreen settings. Plus I'm likely losing some historical data.

    THEN if I wanted to switch my wheel from the formula to my clubsport RS, I have to shut the game down, delete the folder and reboot to start the process all over again.
    I've looked online for DAYS, wasted my damn life on this software and lets not even get into why the triple screen image is clipped on my system (that's been another 6 hours and still nobody has an idea).

    I cant do this any longer and you cant make a racing game without easy wheel support. There is simply no excuse for this. If anyone knows the "secret" combination please let me know.

    All the buttons on my wheel are always recognized but the steering axis is not. I cannot calibrate anything, I cannot set custom and I cannot get the pedals recognized until the wheel is. Ive created over 10 threads on reddit and other boards and honestly I feel cheated at this point.

    Edit- Lets say I do get it to work by making it a custom wheel. Am I going to have to remap and calibrate it again when I switch the wheel from round to formula? There are too many unknowns, I just give up and I want these questions ANSWERED.
    Last edited: Sep 8, 2022
  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Using Wheel Make: Custom is a good start yes.

    You have "USER CONTROL PRESET" at the top. There you can save different controls profiles and also copy over from another profile.

    A fanatec rim swap doesn't require a recalibration. Button layouts can change of course, depending on how different the rims are but for this there are savable control presets.
  3. latexyankee

    latexyankee New Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    Ok 1 down. But why do I use custom wheels when options for my wheels are in game? Whats the point of putting fromula v2.5 in the game menu if I have to use it as custom. So its just a lie? Does the game support the wheels and bases in the configuration menu or not? If yes, prove it.

    Now can you clarify why none of my wheels will work in game unless I delete the AMS2 folder in my documents everyday? Why, is it only only the axis and pedals that cannot be seen by the game?

    The amount of endless threads on this topic should have prompted a fix from Reiza by now. Most of these people seem to find a fix by rebooting something but not me. Also if I have to delete my AMS2 folder everyday any custom wheels I create are now deleted. So this doesnt fix anything really.

    Any ideas where to go?
  4. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I would start troubleshooting by simplifying the setup and removing variables. First, let's verify that the problem is that AMS2 will not let you assign your steering controls unless you always have no Automobilista 2 folder in My Documents. Try the following as part of the troubleshooting process:
    1. Let the only connected peripheral be your Fanatec wheelbase with a specific steering wheel attached. No extra gear shifters, pedals, handbrakes… just wheelbase and steering wheel
    2. Delete the Automobilista 2 folder in My Documents
    3. Start Automobilista 2
    4. In the controls setup, set "Wheel Make" to "Custom"
    5. On your wheelbase, or in Fanalab, set steering wheel rotation to a value less than 360 degrees.
    6. Turn your wheel fully left and hold, then click to assign the control for Steer Left, and move the wheel steadily towards center
    7. If the wheel was recognized in Step 6, then Exit Automobilista 2
    8. Do not delete the Automobilista 2 folder in My Documents
    9. Start Automobilista 2
    10. Turn your wheel fully left and hold, then click to assign the control for Steer Left, and move the wheel steadily towards center
    Is the wheel recognized when you try to assign the control for Steer Left the second time?

    I can think of another edge-case scenario which you might have to test, put briefly:
    Start AMS2 with the folder deleted, then exit AMS2 so that the folder is created but without you having assigned any controls yet. Then Start AMS2 again and see if you can assign Steer Left with the default folder structure that AMS2 created for you.
  5. latexyankee

    latexyankee New Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    So before last week I never had to use custom at all....with my base in compatibility mode it would recognize my setup fine for the first few days.
    Then this all started I guess when the new update rolled out? I didn't boot it up at all for weeks due to the triple screen issues that I cant get ironed out.
    When I delete the folder I dont NEED to use custom. It defaults to some fanatec porsche setup but it works, so I leave it alone.

    Ive never used or even messed with the custom setup as I never had to. Why is the csl dd available if it doesnt work?

    I do not believe the problem is having the folder in there, its obviously bugged as it worked fine before.

    The problem NOW is that the wheel turning axis isn't recognized and I cant use custom as the steering axis isn't recognized. I keep re-reading your post but Im not able to get the wheel to work the first time. Im not deleting the folder again, if I do thats it and I'll argue with my credit company. I tried once to backup that folder and have it create new then calibrate wheel and put the old files back in so I didnt have to do the 20 min setup for wheel graphics and triple screen but as soon as I added the old files it stopped working again. Basically once a config is set after quitting the game it will not work again.

    I dont want to assign anything, I want it to work as advertised.
  6. latexyankee

    latexyankee New Member

    Sep 8, 2022
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    So I got this sorted (apparently) by reinstalling. I tried that once a week ago and it didn't work but I have been through 4 restarts of my machine and it is recognizing both my wheels so we will see.

    I do have to use a custom wheel when before I did not so I have no idea why the profiles for the devices supported do not work.
  7. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    Ah, this was new information to me, that you had a working setup on an earlier version of AMS2, but that after the 1.4 update (or one of the hotfixes that came after it), your wheel was no longer recognized.

    I saw a lengthy discussion across multiple pages of the 1.4 release thread where some users were claiming various issues that were only solved after a reinstall - not even verifying game files in Steam helped. And other users mentioning that Steam got "stuck" and wouldn't download any newer versions until after a reinstall.
  8. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    For what it's worth, I have a DD1 and five different rims. Some set up as Fanatec wheels, some as custom. I am using all five available profiles in the game, and switch between them frequently.
    Everything works for me without any restarting, rebooting or reinstalling, so there isn't anything fundamentally wrong with the game I think.

    One thing I have learned after many years with Windows and USB devices is to never ever move a device from one USB port to another if it is not absolutely necessary. After I have plugged in a device I leave it in that USB port, and if I have to change any devices I make sure to go into Windows' device manager and remove unused USB ports. Before I started doing this I had way more controller problems.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. sillib

    sillib New Member

    Sep 16, 2021
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    After 1.4, and after a new install of the game - can t tell if all that is relavant - my steering axis isn t recognized most times in game, allthough the buttons on the rim and the gears work. Also my wheel is light like its dead.

    But... out of luck i found out that when i press the left click on my mouse, it comes back to life, while in game. It is one of the most WTF things i ve experienced.

    If your issue persists, do that and maybe that "insanity" is the solution to that as well.

    Plese do post if that happens to you as well,i m so curious!!

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