Crew Chief V4 Spotter for Automobilista

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Links & Resources' started by gongo, Jun 17, 2016.

  1. Tony Binelli

    Tony Binelli Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 26, 2016
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    Exactly what I do
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  2. BattleOvce

    BattleOvce In-game Patrik Šulc AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Still using it, better than inbuild spotter, dont causing me lags when he speaks
  3. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    @mr_belowski I use your Crew Chief every single day in AMS! Thanks a lot! I can't see myself racing without it.

    I like a lot your last update, now the spotter speaks the lap time much quicker now!

    There's some issues here and there, but nothing that cast a shadow in your sunshine :) I can report it to you in private if you're interested.

    Thanks again!
  4. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Actually, I'd prefer the issues to be reported in public to be honest - just post 'em here. I can't promise to fix them all but I'll certainly have a look. Since going all VR, I don't play AMS so it isn't getting the love it deserves :)
  5. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    1 - In first lap of every qualify and race, the spotter says the 'cuttrack' line ("The laptime is invalid"), no matter what, even when there's no cuttrack at all.

    2 - Spotter says the "Pit Window" lines every race. "Pit Window opens in 2 minutes", "Pit Window open", "Pit Window Close". Since I've already played R3E, I suppose these lines are created for it, but they don't have any meaning in AMS.

    3 - Spotter says "Box box box" in wrong times. I use the ingame spotter together with CrewChief, and when the ingame spotter calls for pit, CrewChief calls too. But, beyond that, CrewChief also calls for a pit long before the pit time (in the middle of the stint).

    That's it for now. Thanks for your time!
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  6. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Also, a question regarding windows Speech-to-Text:

    I've enabled it in order to listen to driver names that you didn't record, and it wors fine. But I would like to know if that's configurable somehow.

    For example, in windows 10 I've set the Speech-to-Text to female gender, in Brazilian Portuguese language. But in game, it's always male in English, in a low volume.
  7. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    1: sounds like it might be an easy fix - just disable the cut track warnings on the first lap. Not ideal but probably good enough

    2: Should these be disabled for AMS entirely? Does AMS have a concept of pit window open / close times?

    3: The box-box-box call is triggered when CC thinks you need to pit, you haven't pitted yet, and the end of your next lap will be past the pit window close time. If AMS doesn't have mandatory stops I can disable this, but it sounds like some of the logic or data the app has is wrong. The more details you can provide the easier it'll be to track this down - do you have a mandatory stop? Is there a timed- pit window?

    Regarding text to speech, the volume is just low and there's nothing I can do about it. The app will select a male adult voice to match my voice but I can (probably...) change this so it's user-configurable. It'll sound pretty weird though.
  8. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    1 - Happens in everylap we left the pit (including practice and qualifying). If you leave the pit, you will have the message next to the end of first sector.

    2 - AMS don't have the pit window concept at all. Nothing like in R3E, where every car must pit in a time window. Actually, AI in AMS only pit when they ran out of fuel, and that's it.
    IMHO, these messages should be disabled in CrewCrief.

    3 - Looks like disabling pit window messages will fix this too, right?

    Thanks, I really appreciate this communication channel.
  9. Paulo Gomes

    Paulo Gomes Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I´m still only using criew chief every day too, and to be honest I never reported any bugs like the outlap "cuttrack" message because I thought that you Jim, would not support the app for ams any more. But from now on I will be more alert for any bugs. Thank Jim for still improving this app!
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  10. Derek Lundie

    Derek Lundie New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    All good with the latest update here, only annoyance is when using the new mid-race caution feature the crew chief spams the 'double yellows" message. I use it as an opportunity to use Kimi's "leave me alone I know what I'm doing" voice command :D
  11. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    I've made a few AMS changes but can't test them because I don't have the game installed and don't have a non-VR test rig at the moment (but that's easily fixed). It's downloading now but it'll take a while.

    I've made a few changes to the way to pit window calls work and prevented cut track warnings on the first lap of a session (and fixed the app forgetting you're on an out-lap). So that should clean up the spurious warnings. I've also reduced the "double yellows" to once per lap under caution.

    But that's all boring stuff.

    What I've actually done is ported Vytautas' full course yellow handling from RF2 into the AMS / RF1 code. Now, I can't test this and there's a good chance that it's got issues or quirks, but does anyone want to help test it? I've made an unofficial release which contains the boring changes above + the first attempt at proper full-course-yellow support. This can be downloaded here:

    The experimental full-course-yellow changes are enabled by default in this build but can be switched off by unchecking the 'use_rf2_flags_for_ams' option. The 'box now' messages for offline scheduled stops are disabled but can be enabled by checking the 'enable_ams_pit_schedule_messages' - I think these should work better than they did but it's still not great. The app splits the session into equal chunks using the number of scheduled stops, and calls "box now" when you reach the end of each chunk. It shouldn't make any other mandatory pit calls like "pit window opening" and stuff.
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  12. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Downloading right now! I was planning to do a 25 lap race with Boxer Cup @ Adelaide, with a pit stop (I raise the fuel consumption to enforce a AI pitstop). After finish, I'll report here.
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  13. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    thanks - please bear in mind it's not tested. At all. Which is a bit silly of me, so I'll cross my fingers for you
  14. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Did a race, and I have good news:

    1 - I only listen the 'keep between the white lines' once, in the second time I leave pits for a flying lap. But I've raced at Adelaide, and when I touch a wall I receive the message, so I don't know if CC interpreted that as a cut track. Othen than that, no warning in any outlaps in practice or quaifying.

    2 and 3 - I did not receive any message regarding pit window. That's working :)

    PS: as I did a race with pistops, I coudn't test the mid-race yellow flag.

    Thanks man!
  15. Derek Lundie

    Derek Lundie New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Did a quick race with the V8's at Adelaide and found that for the most part it does work. The "safety car is out", "one lap to green", "get ready to go green" and "green flag" messages all worked perfectly. What I found is that one lap before the mandatory yellow comes out there is a message from the game that says one lap to full course yellow and that will trigger the first "safety car deployed" message from the crew chief. The next lap when the field actually comes to the yellow there will be a second "safety car deployed" message. Also during the yellow it doesn't quite get the pits open messages right, it told me the first lap by that the pits were open then the second lap by it was open to lead lap cars only. I'm familiar with how the commands work in rF2 so I can't say if they are supposed to work that way, but for the most part everything seems to work amazingly well for a quick code port :D. I will do some more testing tonight to see if I find anything else.

    EDIT: After a few more races, I found that the "mandatory yellow next lap" message from the game does in fact trigger the "safety car pending" message from the crew chief, and he doesn't actually say safety car is out until the following lap when the mandatory yellow actually starts. However, I still have the issue with the pits open messages being a little bit wonky, but everything else seems to be spot on!
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
  16. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    Excellent, thanks for testing. So you're saying it all appears to work correctly except for the pits open messages?

    Anyone had a chance to test the yellow flag in sectorX messages?
  17. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    regarding the pits open messages being jumbled up, it looks like Vytautas had to implement a work around for some unexpected data coming from the RF2 plugin, and the AMS port has inherited this workaround. I'll look into it in more depth later.

    Thanks for testing this guys, if anyone gets a chance to test the ordinary yellow flag stuff (road courses, not full-course-yellows) I'd be grateful :)

    [edit] to clarify, the app should now tell you want sector an incident is in, and some other info instead of just randomly yelling "yellow flag"
    Last edited: Mar 3, 2017
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  18. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Tip for testing yellow flags: go to PLR file and change parameter "AI Mistakes" to a value >= 1 (a value of 2 problably will cause lots os yellow flags in a street circuit like Adelaide).

    By default the AI Mistakes=0, meaning that AI does not simulate' driver errors', hence never make mistakes by itself. A value of 1 is subdued as "Sometimes" in PLR comments. A bigger value enhance the errors.
  19. Paulo Gomes

    Paulo Gomes Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Last night did a online race, and each time I did a new personal best lap, it says "that's the best lap in your class", but was not even close to be the best lap of the race :p
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. Lorencini

    Lorencini Luciano Lorencini AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 10, 2016
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    Yeah, I've observed that too. Instead of saying something link "that's your personal best lap", he says "that's the best lap in your class". Feels like I'm alone in my own class, while the rest of the cars are in another :)
    • Agree Agree x 1

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