Question about auto clutch off

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by munkyboo, Sep 22, 2022.

  1. munkyboo

    munkyboo Member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    So i thought i would try to start to learn heel toe shifting with auto clutch off as ive always had it on. I use paddle shifter still but looking to get a stick shifter. Are there any differences in how the car behaves in this game depending on the type of shifter you use?

    I noticed the cars such as GT3 that dont use clutch dont require it and the telemetry HUD also does not show clutch pedal being pressed

    But say with the GT1 Porsche car it requires a clutch but not for upshifting. If autoclutch is on, the clutch is only used for when downshifting. But when i turn autoclutch off, i can still downshift without using the clutch, seemingly without any issue. Just need to add the throttle blip.

    So is there any disadvantage/advantage of not using the clutch when downshifting in this car? Instead of doing heel toe, could just left foot brake and blip the throttle. And would using the clutch briefly as it disengages, would it prevent the car from accelerating from the throttle blip or is it the same?
    I saw the car always goes to neutral briefly between shifts so not sure if thats the same thing.

    Was just wondering why that is as i thought because im not sure which cars i should use heel toe shifting for, to base on it whic cars use automatically clutch in the telemetry HUD while autoclutch is on
  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    GT1 cars only need a manual clutchless blip at downshift with autoclutch off. Heel&toe could indeed make the downshift even smoother but this sequential gearbox doesn't require more than a manual throttle blip.

    Do not use the auto clutch behaviour as some guide for how to shift cars. It's fairly simplified.

    You could theoretically also shift each H-Shifter manual car in AMS2 without Heel&Toe if you got some good revmatching skills on throttle blip especially in lower gears. Being unprecise can damage gearbox or also clutch though.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  3. munkyboo

    munkyboo Member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    Thanks, that helps a lot.

    And lastly i noticed when the car auto blips the throttle amount on telemetry HUD is always the same. But it is still immediate.

    I dont know a lot about the area, but from what i understand, you amount you blip can change how well you revmatch, so technically it can be better to do the blip yourself for feeling of having better car control, rather than have autoclutch on which is the same everytime?

    In cars where a clutch is required to shift up/down, is there any delay in AMS2 for the shifting of a gear if you have autoclutch on? Or even in cars that dont require the clutch at all, if autoclutch assist provides any penalty.
    As i heard in other games there is a small delay, which can result in slightly slower times compared if you do the the technique well.

    And then autoclutch in this case of GT1 will also use the clutch even when the car doesnt need it, so it can make it smoother?
  4. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Yes, manual is always better.

    Yes, there is some shift time for autoclutch (so also here manual can give an advantage)

    That's just what the system does in its own way, do not use it as any reference for execution, like mentioned. GT1 don't need any clutch input for shifting.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  5. munkyboo

    munkyboo Member

    Aug 17, 2022
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    I am assuming autoclutch penalty also applies when it activates the autolift feature on upshift for example on the GT5 Ginetta G40 (since the system also puts the clutch on when you normally dont need it).

    Regarding lifts on upshift, how do i know which cars i need to lift for. If i can upshift without lifting, maybe there is some damage to the clutch that can happen still in some cars?

    Should i just ignore what the autoclutch system does on the HUD just like you said previously with the downshifts?

    As some of the transmissions like GT1, I can see in the HUD it cuts the throttle briefly anyway during upshift.
    But the GT5 Ginetta throttle remains on full, and i can upshift without issue even if i dont lift. I read that in some cars transmission type (not in AMS2) that you should lift if it doenst cut the throttle.
    Then again the F-Ultimate also doesnt cut the HUD throttle and you defeinitely dont need to lift when upshifting that.

    Not sure if rev matching is a thing when upshifting without using clutch. With cars requiring clutch upshifting i can see the RPMs go up higher a lot when depressing the clutch so it makes sense there

    I was also surprised to find for cars that dont need clutch on upshift, you dont need to use clutch on race starts. Even if normally you need to use the clutch to get the car going once you've stopped. So then i think there is no benefit to using the clutch in these race start cases, and only need to use them for some older cars that need it.
    The F-Ultimate also doesnt use clutch for race starts like they do in real life
  6. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Shifter Karts need lift-to-shift and H-Shifter cars - GT5 Ginetta is full sequential - G40 Cup Ginetta has a pretty lenient Synchromesh gearbox that also requires lift to shift but you can be a bit more sloppy with it.
    Like mentioned, yes ignore it.

    Using the clutch for formula cars on standing start is perfectly doable.
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