Tarmac Terrorist LIVE! Live Server Streamed On Youtube!

Discussion in 'Fan Sites & Community Events' started by Tarmac Terrorist, Sep 30, 2022.

  1. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Hi there folks!

    For some time now I've been running live servers and streaming the action live on my Youtube channel.
    We have an immense amount of fun and usually pack the server out! Also during the time i've been running them I've managed to gain a good following of decent respectful and careful drivers so the racing is usually good! (not to say there is'nt the odd incident, but thats racing, nobodys perfect!)

    Seeing as I've now been asked many times by my subscribers and people in the forums here if I would do this on a more regular basis, I've decided its high time to start this thread where from now on I will be posting all of my livestreams, so if you want to know when Im going live keep an eye on, and follow this thread.

    Alot of the time my livestreams are completely random and I go live when I've got the time and this has actually worked out pretty well so far, however I'd like in the future to be able to do planned & themed regular livestreams.

    Passwords for the server can be found by asking me in the live chat on my stream (I don't always password the server, but will aim to do so more in future to ensure that known wreckers don't enter the server).

    If you'd like a taste of what my server and livestream looks like then this is the best example I can give you, this was the most fun livestream i've ever had the pleasure of hosting!

    Going forward into the future if the Youtube Channel ever earns me enough money (which of course costs you nothing and is totally free to watch), I can maybe by a second PC to use as a dedicated server and have more control over it which will make organising events easier, but thats probably a long way off dream, so for now at least I just use the peer to peer system which so far, as you can see from the video, usually works out fine!

    So, with all that out of the way, lets get on with what we're all here for, enjoying racing in Automobilista 2!
    See you on track!
    Last edited: Sep 30, 2022
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  2. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    I will be running a live server a little later on today, because its Friday, which is all the excuse I need!:)
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  3. Richard appleyard

    Richard appleyard AKA Neworder

    Feb 4, 2020
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    Great news your doing so much to promote this sim
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  4. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Thanks mate! I love sim racing and Im really enjoying running the live servers so high time I did a bit more! We had such a damn good time in that last one it kinda inspired me!
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  5. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Getting the news out there before I go live today, so hopefully we'll have a well populated server, as I do intend to password this one, so keep an eye on the channel & The thread!
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  6. Rodrigo Dutra

    Rodrigo Dutra Don Perina Racing AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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    Yeah mate let´s have fun again!
  7. sevenbelow7

    sevenbelow7 New Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Are you putting the password here? Also what time roughly are you planning on starting ?
  8. Rodrigo Dutra

    Rodrigo Dutra Don Perina Racing AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 30, 2019
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  9. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Starts now, ask for password in live chat in the stream!
  10. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Format: 15mins Practice, 10mins Quali, 20mins Race. Race has 3 random weather slots. Damage is Full, with medium scaling, remember your pit limiters! Lets have some fun!
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  11. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Ok after 5:44 hours im now switching to public servering!
  12. Reversegrid

    Reversegrid New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Hey TT, Kevin M here. Thanks for all your work at promoting the game and the live streams. Time zone doesn’t always work for me but will try to join when I can.
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  13. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Thanks so much mate, great to race with you!
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  14. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Stream Server Report

    Well that went well! Turned out to be the longest livestream i've ever run, 8 hours straight! Started off passworded for the first 3/4s and open to public for last 1/4, worked well. Think next one I do will either be a weekday or afternoon, and if I do another weekend one it will be during the day, as I think alot of folks (over here in the UK at least) are out in the evening on a weekend night. Possibly do a late afternoon Saturday stream to accomodate folks form other times zones, particularly you folks from East Coast USA!

    We had some great racing, loved the close battle at Hockenhiem! (thats at 7:30:55 in the stream) Hopefully I can run more tracks that some of you may not have from the paid DLC packs, that way you'll get to try them out for free as AMS2 does that, ain't Reiza nice!

    Absoloutely brilliant moment in the Ultima at Donnington where I got a coolant leak due to not running enough radiator venting and had to slow down and start using higher gears to bring the revs down and nurse it back to the pits. Just made it into pit lane as engine went terminal but was able to coast to pit spot and actually got it fixed! Took 3 minutes! Really shows off AMS2's fantasic mechanical damage system, so dynamic! (If you wanna see that its at 6:53:50.)

    The race at Brands Hatch had some serious weather going on from the get go, soaking wet! But then it did dry out and it really shows off AMS2's amazing weather system and also the way it effects the track, tire temps, and grip as it drys. I stayed out on the wets as it dryed and ended up cooking my front left on the last lap. Good job Mr Justposted DID actually have a buttom mapped for wipers! (That starts at 5:14:55)

    Also Thanks to Marty for making me aware of what happened when Hurricane Ian hit Daytona! Just to let you know, I've pinpointed the hour it was at its worst and tried out driving there in it. I have to tell you it has one hell of an effect on the car, which im gunna have to make a video about this week. Again shows off just how amazing AMS2 can be!

    We were joined on track by The Sim Racers Armsand I decided to finally ask the question! No he does not actually own a pub called the Simracers Arms! We are all very dissapointed mate! We wanna come drink in your pub! So now you just have to start running one and we'll see you for drinks after the stream! But no one sit on Kevins Engraved stool, thats his only! LOL, (thats at 1:31:05 )

    The Brazilian tracks are so damn good but i find it so hard to concerntrate on my racing because alot of them (like Salvador & Brasilia) have such amazing architecture dotted around them that I just keep starring at the buildings! (As you'll see at 2:35:36 when I start going on about them and then spin the car cause im not watching the road:whistle:)

    Did show up some serious bugs aswell, which I'll list here as I think its important for Reiza to know and you can see them live as they occur in the stream, so you can see the exact circumstances in which they happened.

    1:We had to ditch the Metelmoro MRX as most drivers lost all engine sound at a certain amount of revs, undriveable! (thats at 1:19:30). Also when viewing Corvette C8r as a spectator from roof cam there is no engine sound, you can only hear the transmision (example at 2:02:44)

    2: At least two of us randomly lost the ability to adjust ABS & TC from in car in the GT4's which was extremely frustrating! I've experienced this bug before in single & multiplayer but it got fixed, now it seems its back. (thats at 4:25:27)

    3: If you change the sever settings after you've started serving (as in inbetween races), they don't always stick, even if you click save. (examples at 1:56:20 & 4:06:15)

    4: If damaged cars pit, the driver of that car sees the (visual) damage get fixed but for all other drivers and spectators when they come out the car still shows all the visual damage unfixed! This is really confusing for other drivers and spectators and its a bug thats been around for a long while now! (Example at 2:06:15 & 2:21:30)

    4: Certain tracks like Cadwell & Circuit Azur become unavailible to select for the server in multiplayer (Example at 2:22:36)

    Now im not sure if this next one is a bug or not, but the Chevrolet Corvette C3 R seems to have an unrealistcally brittle clutch. It brakes after just three laps of shifting with clutch and H-Shifter (no autoclutch). Strangely it seems to happen just by hitting top revs, and i dont mean totally riding the limiter, just hitting top revs before shifting up. 4 of us started a race and only one of us did'nt get a burn't out clutch after just 3 laps.
    Surely its not meant to be like this else these cars would never, ever have finished a race? (examples at 3:53:40 & 3:56:49).

    Anyway, hope thats useful, hope @Renato Simioni or one of the devs see's this so it can be resolved.

    Other than that, awsome evening! Really enjoyed the races at Donnington in first race in the Ginetta and then second race in the Ultima from the GT Open, great cars! (The first race starts at: 6:05:10. Watch out for the three cars that span just leaving the starting grid, which most of us narrowly avoided, looks great!)

    Also absolutely love the way the cars feel in the wet now, used to be a bit off but since the latest tire updates they feel so much like proper tires on a wet track, weather thats slicks as it starts raining, or wets when the track is properly wet. (I mention this at 5:16:08 and bang on about how good it is so much that I forget about my driving and stack it on the next corner:whistle:)

    Thats all i've got time to post today as i've got a music jam to run, if I can think of anything else I'll post up here when I've got time.

    Cheers to all who came out for the racing, and those who just came along to have a vodka and Cranberry juice and spectate;).

    See you all during the week!
    Last edited: Oct 2, 2022
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  15. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Going Live Right Now!

    Been alot of talk in the updates thread about people wanting full simulation servers in multiplayer, welll, thats what I usually run, so here goes! Its mid afternoon Thurday so, not being sure how many of you are online atm, how long the server and stream will run depends on that.

    Come join in the racing or just spectate!
    Anyway here we go!
  16. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Format for today will be 15 mins quali, 20mins race, and three random weather slots for race, so who knows what the weather will do!
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  17. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Cheers to all for today, Group C's at old Hock were awesome! Had to shut down now as have music to sort out for tonight. Thanks again all!
  18. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Music thing is now sorted and I don't need to do anymore so im going live again for the evening, cause I was just loving the group C's earlier, hope to see you for a race or two tonight folks!

    Format is same as todays earlier server.
  19. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    Well yesterday was great fun, very much enjoyed the historic tracks & the Group C's.

    Once again at least three of us experienced three of us experienced the loss of in car TC & ABS adjustments during the race with the GT4's. This really needs fixing!

    Also unlike the previous streams, lots of us experienced random disconnects including me, from my own server! I asked everyone and nobody reported any lag or stutters before the disconnects, just no warning at all, and we weren't racing with any more players than usual so I really don't think it's my connection, I'm willing to consider it but it does seem to be a known problem.

    GT4s @ Imola ( despite TC & ABS problems) was fun and close!

    Cheers to all who got involved! See you all soon!
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  20. Tarmac Terrorist

    Tarmac Terrorist Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 16, 2020
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    This was just awsome! The 1st of 3 online races on the Tarmac Terrorist LIVE Streamed Server two weeks ago where we only used COPA CLASSIC's on short tracks.

    This is the one where the track turned into a lake!

    Incar footage and commentry from the stream has now been put together with trackside cams from the replays

    Full sim settings with 3 random weather slots for each race. We had so much fun!

    Im sure you guys who we're involved will enjoy this!

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