A well meant apology for a proper game.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Interceptor, Dec 4, 2022.

  1. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    Hi all,

    Why? I said some things in the past about this game and now I regret all of that.
    I won't go into what I said, don't want to bring it back to the surface or let it become an issue where people could get into just that.
    I got the game in a "difficult time" for me, had very low patience, and just said what I thought at that moment......not a good combo ;)
    It even brought me a ban for life on the Steam forums of this game. My own fault and this topic is NOT for getting myself unbanned!
    So, to the makers of this game: sorry for all I said.

    Lately, I started up this game again and become to enjoy it, a lot.
    Some features that -in my mind- make this a proper sim came clear to me. I'm talking about -for instance- the car in neutral and it starts rolling because of the road going up- or down just a bit.
    There are enough game, calling themselves "SIM" that don't have just that. But I can put the car in gear and with enough speed, I can start-up the car again: that is how it is in real life and how this game treats the physics. That's just proper game-making!
    There are a lot of other things that make me go: "yeah, this is nice, this is how a sim should be".

    So, to wrap it up: sorry for all I said and thank you for making such a proper sim that all of us may enjoy!
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  2. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Lots of folk said lots of stuff, some valid some not, either way it's nice to see some comeback and further to enjoy it in its still wip (some areas more than others) State
    So much to offer its sometimes hard to pick what to run!!.
    As for further super stuff not far away, and as a certain song say's

    Despite the world going bonkers it will soon be the Jolly season, and at least in a sim we can physically dream.
    Have fun.
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  3. Interceptor

    Interceptor Member

    Nov 17, 2018
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    You are right.
    Thanks mate!
  4. Don Hunter

    Don Hunter Active Member

    Dec 22, 2021
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    Yesterday at 8:30 am est I jumped in my rig, fired up iracing. I was done in about 2 hrs, I’m bored with it. Ir18 was my go to car and the Porsche RSR GTE. I jumped in ams2 and didn’t (except for 15 min lunch) get out until 5:00 est. I absolutely love the CART 98 cars, ran Indianapolis, a few races. Even though the debris left on track and the Ai racing like idiots on a suicide mission I had fun . I then jumped to Long Beach and tried out my recently purchased Aiologs sequential shifter. The immersion level is off the charts. Without some of the major things missing, this will just be a hot lap session simcade, with potentially a sim one day

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