AMS2 Modding Support Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Modding' started by Renato Simioni, Apr 20, 2023.

  1. Renato Simioni

    Renato Simioni Administrator Staff Member

    Feb 14, 2016
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    This topic is for feedback from mod creators and users alike regarding how they´d like AMS2 to evolve for modding support - what are the main requests from both a mod creation and mod installation POV to make AMS2 a more assessible modding platform?

    As previously said the engine isn´t really set up for this so there will be limits to what we can actually deliver, but based on the feedback we receive here we can better assess what are the realistic targets we can actually deliver on.
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  2. Jodurson

    Jodurson Member

    Nov 23, 2021
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    The beginning of the interaction, Renato! :)

    I will describe a couple of points from the point of view of a user, not a mod creator. Maybe a little chaotic, but I need to write until I lose some thoughts. ;)

    1. I think it would be best to start with if the process of making edits to the files "vehiclelist.lst" and "driveline.rg" would be somehow more streamlined: the current installation option via Mod Manager / JGSE is quite standard and not complicated, just fiddling with "vehiclelist.lst" and "driveline.rg" can be confusing, especially if you have a lot of cars on the install list.

    2. Is it possible to create local vehiclelist.lst and driveline.rg in the Mods folder in order to manually write the necessary lines there, and then these files were "added" to the originals during initialization?

    3. Is it possible to reduce the "dependence" of mods on bootfiles? This would be useful if the user is not sure that the creator of the mod managed to update his creation for a new fresh patch.

    4. This article, perhaps more already from mod developer POV, but: is it possible to somehow tune the in-game showcase so that you can set up camera settings presets to make at least an in-game preview, but according to one standard?
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  3. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    - Currently I would refrain mods to be listened in the official server list. It can splinter the MP community too much.
    - Statement from Reiza if they want to support mods openly yet or when the sim goes into calmer waters
    - Statement what's wise and possible? Hillclimb/rally mods? Fantasy mods? etc
    - Which mods are allowed and which not? See mods that makes users cheat or so
    - Perhaps a special department which cordinates which mods and paid content by Reiza are conflicting each other, etc etc.
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  4. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    From an enduser standpoint, it would be nice to have a tool for installation, deinstallation and updating of mods that can also extract the current version of the bootfiles. Just a simple tool to automate the steps I have to take to install a mod manually. Of course the mod archive would need to have a certain file structure for this to work.

    In a second step, it would be nice to have a generator for car/track preview pictures, so they match the Reiza look. Maybe a blank showroom and a fixed camera position relative to the car. No idea how Reiza do their previews.

    If at all possible, it would be nice if modders could provide their own audio for car mods.
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  5. MartinezLJ

    MartinezLJ Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 14, 2023
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    IMO one of the most important things is to eliminate the need of Bootfiles. Maybe allow us to "append" entries at the end of the vehiclelist / driveline files on startup via a method similar to the Livery Override files. This way internal game files don't need to be unpacked for mods to work.

    Translations - If a bin compiler is not in scope (for now?), maybe provide un-encrypted files to modders to help with the translations? (e.g. cockpit.bin,physics,cdv,cgp,etc.) When these files change in structure due to new features, it takes some time to figure out the changes via hex review.

    On the not so important side - add blank sound bank entries to be used by modded cars so they don't need to replace existing cars.
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  6. Scraper

    Scraper Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 9, 2016
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    I've posted a link to this thread in the AMS Unofficial (AMSU) discord modding channel in the hope that the clever modders there will contribute to this thread. They're not shy about saying what they think :D so I hope they will respond to Renato's request for suggestions for mod development and installation.

    My not-serious request: I want to see my fictional O'Sullivan Chevrolet dealership (est. 1968) expand. Two official content Corvette liveries (thank you, Reiza devs) are not enough, so let's make it as easy as possible for modders to slap that obnoxious blue-and-white decal on all sorts of cars.:p
    Last edited: Apr 20, 2023
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  7. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    I would allow mod install only from steam workshop, this would help with installation (managed by steam) and maybe can be managed from in-game too.

    This would also help with rips/copy and paste mods, etc
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  8. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I don't think the Workshop is moderated in any way, but other than that Steam Workshop integration would probably be a good way to 'manage' mods in AMS2
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  9. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    Yeah that woulda been amazing

    Its one of the reasons i preffer to mod rF2 over AC, its so convenient and easy to use and browse mods
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  10. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    Custom sounds woulda been great if supported by the madness engine
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  11. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    I installed a mod on a game for the very first time. AMS2 has such for me, installing mods must be simplified (AMS2 content manager is very helpful).
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  12. Pandytim99

    Pandytim99 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 23, 2022
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    It is, just not sure if steam does it or the devs

    if you try to search for lets say offensive stuff in there you won't find it
  13. Gevatter

    Gevatter The James May of Simracing AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Ah then something changed, because at least in the rF2 mods on the Workshop there were a lot of AC track rips and other illigetimate stuff there in the past. If that's no longer the case them I'm even more for it.
  14. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    Great thread, thanks for reaching out. I don't have much to add except a thumbnail generator would be ace (Content Manager for AC is amazing for this), am easy way of selecting opponents/skins would be fantastic and, of course, anything to get around the whole boot files mess would be the number one thing :)

    It's up to the game's creators how it gets used I think; for example, the Warhammer Total War series allows mods provided they're in a narrow IP; if someone uploads something from another IP (like Game of Thrones or something) it will not last long at all.
    Though I'm sure copyright holders probably have a way of complaining directly to Steam if a dev ignores requests.
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  15. Scar666

    Scar666 Zum Glück bin ich verrückt

    Jul 1, 2020
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    My first thoughts are documentation of what the parameters do and translations of the hex code for all relevant files...

    On top of that would be tools to work with the tyres and other delicate things...

    I'll have more specific thoughts once the coffee has kicked in and I've done some more tinkering...
    Last edited: Apr 21, 2023
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  16. 2ndLastJedi

    2ndLastJedi Free speech matters AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 7, 2016
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    I just wish mods didnt get broken each time AMS2 gets updated, other than that i think whatever Reiza can do to help the actual modders would be great, just need them to post what is needed to assist the modding process.
    As a user just to simplify the install process and for custom sounds. Overall i think its pretty sweet Reiza are willing and hopefully able to help modding grow.
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  17. sndb

    sndb New Member

    Aug 1, 2022
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    Initially, as the first car mods for AMS2 went public, I didn't feel that audio was too critical, but recently I came across a mod for a car I've seen race in person (Panoz GTR1 - known for its unique, distinctive rumbling exhaust note) and the mismatched stock audio is so distracting it does really detract from your ability to enjoy driving the car. I'm sure there are many others with similar sentiments for the various Ferrari, etc stuck with default car audio selection limitations.

    Having not dug into the audio assets in the game files, I'm not sure if these audio limitations are a characteristic of the engine or if it's something that would be easy to fix by just telling the game to check a directory for audio files matching a given mod vehicles' name.
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  18. F_B

    F_B Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 25, 2016
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    Being able to define the number of slots for cars within the same category.

    For example F-USA Gen1:
    It would be great if we had the tools to adjust the number of slots for the Lola and leave the Reynard out completely. This way we'd be able to also create seasons before 1995.

    The same would apply to other car classes.
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  19. Alain Fry

    Alain Fry Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 11, 2017
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    This might an unpopular opinion but i'm a bit afraid about the future modding possibilities in MP conditions.
    For me the most important thing is to make sure that the MP servers are going to kick off players with a different game version and/or different physics files than the host... as modding is going to open its doors (which is great for content obviously) there is also a risk for some clever guys to modify physics, and cheat things in MP... So we really have to make sure that any different physics files (tracks or cars) between host and players will create a mismatch and kick the players who are using different files. This is for me the most important before anything else.
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  20. rmagid1010

    rmagid1010 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2020
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    100% the integrity of mp racing is in jeopardy if someone could mod their own car to be faster with grip hacks or something.
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