Mandatory Pit Stops and Min Tyres (Singleplayer)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Jonas Kennedy, Jun 21, 2023.

  1. Jonas Kennedy

    Jonas Kennedy New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    (copy pasting it from my reddit post in hope of getting some more advice)

    I seem to be having trouble with the minimum tyres for Mandatory stops, no matter what I do the entire race gets disqualified on the last lap. Both I and the AI will make a mandatory stop but even with minimum tyre changes at 0 everyone will get disqualified, I've set it to 1-4 as well where I would change tyres but it would turn out the AI wouldn't get would be DQ'd at the start of the final lap. Dont really know what to do or if there's a way to fix it outside of turning off mandatory pit stops/forcing tyre wear to make a tyre change needed.

    I like forcing a pit stop as it adds a bit of strategy (or the perception of it in short races) and the menu option seems more realistic than 12x tyre wear or whatever

    Anyway, has anyone else encountered this/has a solution or is it just a bug currently?
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  2. Seb02

    Seb02 Well-Known Member

    Mar 12, 2022
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    Same problem here
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  3. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Folks, please share more details, it's reported often enough but doesn't contain much useful info for reproduction.

    Please try to share:
    Car, Track, all (!!) session and opponent settings for all (!!) sessions, do you use mods, skinpacks, external software etc.?

    Every single detail can help.
  4. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    i did a 30 minute Stock Car 2023 race at Interlagos using the stock car 2021-2023 rules preset (with a single change to disable the formation lap). I created a pit strategy which added a few litres of fuel and changed the front tyres only. All drivers (including me) pitted within the pit window and no one (myself included) was disqualified.

    It all worked 100%, so whatever's going on here WRT mandatory stops, it certainly can work
    • Disagree Disagree x 1
  5. bernd hohensinger

    bernd hohensinger Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    F Classic Gen4, F1 1991 skin Mod/Ai, Simhub for Bassshakers, z1 Dashboard;
    3 LAp singlerace, me in the MP4/6 start POS LAST (25 opponents), Track Spielberg,
    Rules ON, full yellow off, refuel NO, Pitstop YES.

    mandatory pit stop min Tire: 0 ; > pitting in Lap 2, from soft tyres to soft, everything ok. All Ai pitted , no disappear or DSQ

    after that Race i switched pit stop min tires to 1: > again some Ai pit in lap 1 and the rest and me pitting in lap 2. when my pitcrew change tires all opponents disappear.

    days ago i had similar problems, but at that time Ai and me always got DSQ. so i deleted my C: documents/AMS2 folder and that worked for one Race but after switching from mandatory pit stop min Tire: 0 to 1 the problem is back again.

    it looks like as soon as my pitcrew is ready with Tire change, Ai cars starting to disappear.

    and sometimes when i am switching back from "pit stop min tires" 1 to 0 (in the RaceMenu settings) , saving an close the Menu, open menu again and "pit stop min tires" still is set to 1 , though i set it to 0 and saved it!
    Last edited: Jun 21, 2023
  6. Jonas Kennedy

    Jonas Kennedy New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    So I ran three 8 Lap Races (just race sessions for time's sake but I have also encountered this bug with Quali on as well) with the DPi and the Max Available 16 Opponents at Brasilia Outer, Guapore and Buenos Aires No.7 then ran the same tracks with the M1 Procar and its Max Available 25 Opponents. I have both JSGME and ASM2CM installed but no mods installed currently, I also have skinpacks and Ai Files installed but none for the cars I raced in this test.

    Race Session Settings: (Settings stay the same for each race )
    8 Laps
    Default Date
    Start Time:1400
    Time Progress: Real Time
    Weather Slots: 1 (Clear)
    Standing Start
    Pit Stop Refuelling Allowed
    Mandatory Pit Stop: Yes
    Mandatory Pit Stop Min Tyres: 0
    Livetrack Preset: Default Progressing

    Opponent Settings: (Settings stay the same for each race )
    Field Type: Same Class
    Opponent Number: Max Available
    Skill Level: 97
    Aggression: Medium
    Grid Position: Random

    Rules & Penalties: On
    Track Limits: On (5 Warnings
    Drive Through Pen: On
    Pit Exit Pen: On
    FCY: No
    Pit Speed: 60kph

    Across these six races, every car was DQ'd including me. I would pit mid-race (for DPI i changed a full set of soft slicks at Buenos Aires and did the same for M1 at Brasilia just to see if that would stop me from being DQ'd) but on the last lap the mandatory pitstop board would appear and flicker occasionally then disappear (in M1 in stayed consistent at around five car lengths before pit entry but for DPi would stay till approaching pit or would just flicker and disappear again) even if I had already completed a stop. This makes me think that the bug is on how the game is registering the mandatory pit stop being completed. Its worth noting that while playing around with this bug the last couple of days I ran an FUSA23 Race at Fontana, with a Min Tyres 0 rule active. I crashed out but monitored the race to see what would happen to the AI, they all pitted and finished the race and weren't DQ'd. I can't provide race details but I don't touch opponent settings that often so that should still be the same in case you wanted to attempt that while reproducing the bug

    Ive also attached my in-game settings for Gameplay and Performance just incase

    Hope this is able to help you guys! Keep up the awesome work!

    Attached Files:

  7. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Are you guys requesting pit stop by ICM or by pit request button mapping?
  8. mr_belowski

    mr_belowski Well-Known Member

    Jun 19, 2016
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    for my (working) case, i had the min tyres set to whatever the stock car 2020-2023 preset has (probably '0') and I didn't request a stop, i just set the pitstop preset before the race and pitted without touching the ICM
    Last edited: Jun 22, 2023
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  9. bernd hohensinger

    bernd hohensinger Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    tested it (pit stop request)with button mapping, via ICM Menu and also tried pitting without Buttonmaping or ICM Menu. opponents (25 Ai, at Spielberg) always get DSQ and disappear.
    strange thing today is that this also all happen with mandatory pitstop set to 0.
    So, again i deleted C: documents/AMS2/SAVEGAME folder and mandatory pitstop:0 is working again.

    Could it be there something "behind" the Menu option wrong ? First time i remember having this issue was in a custom championship. i started a championship with mandatory pitstop set to: 0 and after 5 Race (each 30 LAps) there were no problems. then i created a new championship but with mandatory pitstop set to :1 after that, first race my pit stop was in Lap 15 and in Lap 28 or 29 i got the message that i had to pit , ignored it and got DSQ. Restart, pit in lap 15, and in Lap 28 or 29 "come in for mandatory pitstop". this time i did the stop and also got DSQ.

    (sorry for the bad english!)
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  10. Jonas Kennedy

    Jonas Kennedy New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 2, 2021
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    Im requesting and changing strategy options via ICM
    • Agree Agree x 1
  11. bernd hohensinger

    bernd hohensinger Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    Hi, i can reproduce this issue on my system, as long as mondatory pit stop is on 0 everthing is ok. after switching to 1 the problems (DSQ and disappear) starts.(settings alway the same, see above) wondering if this also happen on multiplayer with/without Ai ?

    to get mandatory pit stop at 0 working again deleting the savegame always helps me.
    the last thing i would try is to delete the whole game, and start with a fresh installation, but this would cost me min. half a day to get back on track :-( ...

    So, @ CrimsonEminence is there something other we could do or test to help/find out?
    Last edited: Jun 23, 2023
  12. Pete.Mosh

    Pete.Mosh New Member

    Jun 18, 2023
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    Okay after deleting the savegame i can Race with mandatory pit stop at 0 and AI will pit and not get DQ. Worked also with Mod Cars and Tracks
  13. Pete.Mosh

    Pete.Mosh New Member

    Jun 18, 2023
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    After some Races the Problem occured again and now in every Race. Didnt Change any mandatory Pit Settings.
  14. AndyC

    AndyC New Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    1 July 23 - Suzuka, 12 laps x40 time. Mandatory pit stop (no tyre requirement, no tyre wear, fuel use on). Myself and roughly half the field of AI-controlled P1 cars got DQ'd on as we entered the last lap
  15. Richard Hall

    Richard Hall New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 15, 2019
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    Speilberg (modern GP circuit), F-Ult Gen 2, 30 laps, 23 AI, 98 difficulty, med aggression, real time, clear weather, x 2 fuel + tyres, full damage (medium amount), mandatory pit on, 1 tyre minimum.

    Using the F1 2023 skin pack. Running in VR on HP reverb G2 via steam VR. Crew chief running in background. Requesting pit stop via ICM.

    Entire field DQ on last lap, despite making 1 stop each (2 for me).
  16. Shane Walker

    Shane Walker New Member

    Jul 12, 2022
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    6 races today mostly on Bathurst mandatory pitstop, super v8s and every race we all were disqualified why?
  17. mike

    mike New Member

    Dec 12, 2016
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    It is terrible, race with mandatory pitstop unplayable now ! Please, please, patch it !
    I tested it with all change tyres - the same problem.
    Thank you in advance.
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  18. bernd hohensinger

    bernd hohensinger Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 30, 2020
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    there is also something "wrong"? in the racesettings Menu when creating custom Championship .

    I can recreate this, it takes a lot time , just start a new championship with more than 12 tracks > add the first Track, do all settings historic weather, rules, practice/qualy...., mandatory pitstop set to yes, min Tire set to 0. Now add the rest of the Tracks and only set up Time/date and Laps (if you want). During this process I also always check if min Tire still is set to 0 because sometimes after adding new/next Track min Tire is set to 1 . If this happen I set it to 0, and go on adding next Track. After all Tracks and settings done, (checked all "min Tire:0") save championship and go back to main menu.
    before starting this new championship check all Track settings again and sometimes there are suddenly still some tracks set to 1(min Tire).

    what I can't say at this moment is if this is just a "Menu" thing or if it could happen that e.g. after 4 Races without any DSQ or Pit problems, on the 5th Race suddenly min Tire is set to 1.
    I started now a championship (all tracks 3 times checked - minTire set:0 ) and first Race everything ok, no DSQ (F-Reiza, Adelaide,41 laps), all Ai did their pitstop.
  19. roguk

    roguk New Member

    Jul 26, 2016
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    This problem still not fixed after being reported for several years.
    Single player mandatory pitstop, all AI disqualified.
    Reiza does not care about Single Player.
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  20. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    Theo do care. Some problems seem to be easy fixes, but those could be ingrained into the ME. They don’t need to answer to all problems that they noted it. No need to be rude
    • Agree Agree x 2

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