My new favourite game

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Quecumber, Aug 9, 2023.

  1. Quecumber

    Quecumber New Member

    Aug 9, 2023
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    Hello everyone just wanted to say how much I have enjoyed my first 2 days playing Automobilista 2.

    I am no stranger to racing games and over the years I have played mostly codemaster titles even the very early ones such as toca touring cars so when dirt rally arrived I bought a wheel which was a thrustmaster tx racing wheel and after a month of trying to get the ffb to feel decent i gave up sold the wheel and bought a cheap 270 degree bungee cord wheel and instantly loved it.

    I now have a thrustmaster t248 and just play american truck sim but after seeing a few youtube vids on Automobilista 2 I bought It.

    The first few hours nearly sent it heading to the never play again folder same reasons as with dirt rally but after a few hours tinkering and a few google searches I love it.
    Started a touring car season and so far I have 5 first places after 5 full length qualifying and races with the ai on the lowest setting of 70 and me not crashing or hitting the other cars.

    Everyone Involved with the game deserves a massive well done and on that note I am off to start race six wish me luck as i have upped the A.I. cars to 71 :D
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  2. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    One of us! One of us!
    • Funny Funny x 3
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  3. Maser V6

    Maser V6 Assume nothing._ Verify everything._Have fun AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Glad your enjoying it,:) enough to come here and comment as such.
    Welcome to forum. There is a lot of help here from many should you need it!

    (Out of curiosity what initially put you off)

    Like I said just curious about your first impression.
    Have fun.
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  4. Quecumber

    Quecumber New Member

    Aug 9, 2023
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    The game itself never put me off it was when I tried to set my wheel up and could not find it in the thrustmaster section, so I set it to custom then when i tried to calibrate it was told to set up key binds, which is when I noticed it looked like i would need 4 keyboards with sticky notes everywhere to remind me what each key does.

    Then I thought omg if this section is like this I dread to think what the Force Feedback section is like but was very relieved to find a few simple settings awaited me.

    All that was needed then was me to put a little bit of effort into searching and tweaking which because there are only a few settings was not overwhelming unlike almost every other racing game I have tried.

    Now I am having a blast with the game plus the driving feels responsive, exciting and the ffb is sublime.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  5. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    Good to see you are enjoying the sim! It clicked with me instantly the first time I played it about a year and half ago. Had heard about AMS1 but never played it, but did play Stock Car extreme way back!

    As an offline player, this is my favorite sim by far right now and it's definitely getting better, welcome aboard!
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  6. HarleyDavidsonfx

    HarleyDavidsonfx New Member

    May 29, 2021
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    Welcome to the club. This game has ruined some older racing titles for me. They are not as much fun to play anymore. This game has raised the BAR. Reiza will polish this title more and more. They have always produced top of the line well sorted titles. If you do not like a piece of content try it again after a while. It keeps getting tweaked and improved. This game just keeps getting better and better.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  7. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    AMS 1 already raised the bar for me. Never played another circuit sim after that. The FFB there is unmatched for its time.
    • Agree Agree x 3
  8. Mazdaspeed

    Mazdaspeed Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 25, 2022
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    I am in the same boat, I am having a real hard time playing other sims because of how much I enjoy AMS2, only play F123 for the carrer mode. The potential of this sim is immense, I am really hoping it gets to fulfill it, and gets a full feature complete release someday!
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. wykeemgandert32

    wykeemgandert32 New Member

    Jun 13, 2024
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    Automobilista 2 sounds like a blast. I’m also into racing games and know how important it is to get the settings just right. When I need a break from intense racing games, I play solitaire. It’s simple and relaxing, a great way to unwind. You might find it a nice change of pace too.
    Last edited: Aug 10, 2024

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