VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. Xenix74

    Xenix74 Active Member

    Jun 27, 2022
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    I also have little stutters here and there.

    (Rtx4070 AMD 5600x 32GB Oculus3 Link Cable)

    I stopped looking for a solution after I accidentally discovered that these stutters even occur when I'm in the main menu. But you only notice this if you open the OculusTrayTool Performance window and simply let it run. After a few minutes there are micro-stutters when idling without any action. In the main menu you completely miss these micro stutters without a performance monitor. Maybe someone will try this out....maybe it's just my PC going crazy with AMS2....but now I don't believe it. It only happens that way with AMS2.
  2. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    This is my solution i found and wrote down for that problem
    AMS 2 VR Hud – kópia.png
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  3. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    If I set everything else to LOW or HIGH, I have stutters with Textures HIGH. MEDIUM solves the problem with minor visual degradation.

    I give up demanding Reiza to change things in graphics engine, because AMS2 uses third part engine, and it's complicated. For stutters, this is the only change that solves the issue 100%.
  4. Mad Day Man

    Mad Day Man Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 15, 2023
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    Unfortunate with these micro stutters. Could you make a Video, if possible? Just want to see how exactly it looks in game for you.

    I would say, i do not have any micro stutters or maybe so rare and short, that i never get annoyed of it. My Specs 5800X, 3090 FE, 64 GB Ram, Quest 3 with link cable > Encode Bitrate 740 MB, ASW = forced on, 90 Hz at 4864 px × 2592 px.

    I tested a lot the last days, to get the best between performance and beauty and just discovered yesterday that ASW helps me a lot to get a fluid experience, with the game nearly maxed out in the settings, all cars visible. Even at nighttime and rain (rain seems to help with performance) the game runs fluid. Always had trouble with ASW in the past. Hope it will be smooth in the next builds too.

    Anyway, i thought it would be cool for us VR Players, if it would be possible to make different settings for day and night. For example, reduce visible cars at night, because this safes a lot of performance. Or reduce other settings, to keep the picture fluid.
  5. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    Just changing Textures settings I can get rid of microstutters in the same spot in Interlagos, with a 3060Ti that don't use anything near all VRAM. With MEDIUM settings I can't notice without recording any drops in FPS/latency, but at HIGH it's very noticeable in the same spots in track.

    Maybe Madness Engine have problems with new cards with 8GB+ VRAM and don't use It for loading all Textures. I have the same drop with any graphics settings going from LOW to ULTRA.
  6. Shodan0000

    Shodan0000 Active Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    No AMD GPU users here? Would love to hear if anybody else has issuew with OPENXR and Motion Reprojection turned on.
  7. Djangopass

    Djangopass Formula Vintage cars

    Jan 23, 2024
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    Thanks. Helpful but it doesn't solve my problem. I want to manage the bottom raw of the different HUD in VR and it seems to be impossible in all the resolution.
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  8. Djangopass

    Djangopass Formula Vintage cars

    Jan 23, 2024
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    I have this problem. Is the game pad of a PS4 adapt for the scope?
  9. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Still no fix for the sparks in VR.
    I'm starting to think these folks are only capable of porting content from PC2 to AMS2. Glorified modding team.

    Yes i know this comment will probably bring me my first dislikes on the forum but getting tired of long standing issues.
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  10. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    If you can't grab the hud element with your mouse then your monitor resolution is too small. Put it to the native monitor resolution, then adjust the hud screen in VR.

    If you want to resize or tilt etc, the elements then you just need to use the ingame menu as seen here: VR HUD Resize.jpg
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  11. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2023
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    Well, if they cannot fix them then they cannot fix them. So I disagree with your negative way of describing the issue, Reiza brought much MUCH more to the table than you state here. The racing experience is on a completely different level and that's because they fixed the main issues that were wrong with the handling/physics.

    But what disappoints me: there is STILL no "disable metal sparks" option. That's a big shame. So yes it's very frustrating how long it takes.

    There should be:
    1. an option to disable the sparks and if this is not possible:
    2. the sparks should be fully removed from the game until they are fixed, since they only benefit single screen users but hurt the enjoyment for others.

    The current situation is indeed frustrating for us as VR users. It's a needle in the eye, these terrible sparks.

    I really don't understand why they keep them in the game since AMS2 is the nr.1 VR race sim and the sparks just make some great content impossible to fully enjoy in VR. Until this day I still evade all classical Formula content that generates sparks.
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  12. Nolive721

    Nolive721 Active Member

    May 17, 2020
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    Microstuters hete as well with Q2 and Neo3link headset
    Running the things with rtx3080 and 5800x3d so no slouch hardware
  13. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Very true. It is my favorite sim, the one i drive the most. Madness Engine has the best looking best performing VR support in my opinion.

    "Glorified modding team" was way out of line. I know these folks have a lot of talent and they have provided me with hundreds of hours of entertainment with hundreds more to come most likely.

    A option to turn them off would sure be a good thing. Fixing them would of course be better.

    I think they talked about that in a devlog a few months back, they hired someone in the graphical department for some things and i don't remember but pretty sure sparks were mentioned.

    I'm curious the number of AMS2 drivers that use VR vs flat screen. I'm sure we are not the majority but there must be a good percentage of us.

    I guess its not that big of a deal because only certain scenarios causes this to be a problem and most of the time, i'm not in a f1 car driving behind other f1 cars. Thats when it becomes a problem for me.

    Sowee Reiza, i still wuv you
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  14. Djangopass

    Djangopass Formula Vintage cars

    Jan 23, 2024
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    Hi. Thanks. But it helps only to adjust the overlay position. I would like to access the last raw. I cannot decide to switch them on and off. And I don't want to buy a Controller to do this to be honest. Any chance this stuff will be fixed?
  15. Redvaliant

    Redvaliant Well-Known Member

    Apr 4, 2020
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    I don't understand what it is you're asking...what is "last raw"? What is it you want to turn off?
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  16. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Active Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    I was having a quick session this afternoon and just had a quick look in Task Manager and decided to shutdown a few services that were showing as 0% usage to see if it makes a difference.

    I shutdown Acronis which is disk/backup software. iCue and Logi. Maybe something else (I got a bit trigger happy)

    None of these programmes were actively running or had been started since boot but they seemed to have a bunch of background tasks running anyway. I didn’t have long to test but in an hour and a half I barely had a stutter.

    It maybe random luck and I will test again but worth a try. I didn’t shutdown windows defender or anything like that just third party software services I’ve also got that setting that polls USB devices turned off but thats been off fo quite a while.
  17. Djangopass

    Djangopass Formula Vintage cars

    Jan 23, 2024
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    sorry last row
    I cannot reach all the widget of the overlay especially the ones on the bottom and on the right side
  18. PostBox981

    PostBox981 Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    Still not sure what you mean. Anyway: When I swapped from G2 to Quest 3, my HUD on the bottom right was kinda out of reach. When I streamed it to Youtube, that part of my HUD was missing. The only way to mend it was changing the resolution setting from 1920x1080 to my monitor´s native 2560x1440. Seems like this fits better to my Quest´s resolution somehow and that did the trick. Downside: Now the game window fills the whole sceen.

    If this is not what you asked for, just ignore my post.
  19. Djangopass

    Djangopass Formula Vintage cars

    Jan 23, 2024
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    It is. Where did you change that resolution? in the game?
  20. TheMagicJaaag

    TheMagicJaaag Member

    Oct 29, 2023
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    I've tried installing the hud patch recently but still got thr tyre info and tacometer being displayed off screen on the "monitor", which I've noticed in some livestreams I recently did. Unfortunately I don't have a game controller to try that fix.

    Link to the live streams.
    Taschenrechner85 - Twitch

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