Since the last update of ams2 I have the following phenomenon. After just a few meters, the wheelbase loses its counterforce and the steering wheel can be turned without resistance. On the Nordschleife, for example, everything is normal from the start, and immediately in the first left-hand bend (Sabine Schmitz bend) the power is completely gone. I have tried various things: - Forcefeedback Settings Reset (in moza pit house and ams2) - Tested different Moza profiles - Moza Wheelbase de-energized several times (hardware defect initially suspected) - PC reboot what I found out is that if the wheelbase has this error, switching the "Workmode" in the Moza Pit House on for a short time will make the wheelbase work again - until the next corner. All software/firmware is up to date What worked for a while was to change my previous force feedback profile in AMS2 from "Default+" (which had been working for months without any problems) to "Custom". This has now worked for a few days without failures - until just now, Kansai GP first corner and again no force on the wheelbase, again "Workmode" on - off and it went a few meters again. Then the whole game again, force feedback reset, "Gain" slightly adjusted, and now it worked again for a few laps. I rule out a hardware defect, there seems to be a bug in the control of the wheelbase, which has been occurring since the last AMS2 release. Anyone else with similar problems?
because I read in the changelog of 1.5.5 Notes 4 that there are a lot of people with similar problems, i want to update my Post. Until now I didn´t delete the config file, because I dont´t want to reconfigure the whole game settings... so I played a little bit around: what works for me right now (maybe interesting for some other Players) 1. Change Settings to "DD Generic" 2. Degrease default gain of the default FF Profile "Default+" to 30 3. Set "Game Force Feedback Intensity" in Moza Pithouse to 100% 4. Restart the game or better the PC what still exists is the lose of some button inputs randomly... In the next step I´ll test delete the controller settings file if this fix all the Problems...
ok, the changes above didn´t fix it. Today same Problem, first Corner and DD was without force. So i delete the default.controllersettings.v1.03.sav in Profiles and cofigure all controller settings from scratch. The result -> first corner no force. for now I get it work again, with decreas the FF gain and release the dd with switching "work mode" off/on in Moza Pithouse. I hope Reiza will fix this soon, because it didn´t make fun. And ams2 is such a great simulation! It kills for me now the fun :/.
Since around three weeks I now have a Moza R9 wheel base and a KS steering wheel. This combo works perfectly in ACC, RaceRoom and rf2. So for sure wheel base and steering wheel are ok and working. Just after firstly setting it up easily in ACC, I gave AMS2 a try. Sadly to no avail. So I moved on to RaceRoom and rf2. Both again with no problems at all. So I came back to AMS2 and spend some more time. But again, to no avail. I tried the by Moza described way. I now can use left and right steering but. like described in this thread above, without any force feedback. That is so annoying! The Moza R9 i ssuch a nice wheel and for me powerful enough. Why does AMS2 not work with it? My previous setup was a Thrustmaster T300 wheel base and wheel with Thrustmaster T-LCM load cell pedals. I just exchanged the T300 with the Moza R9 and KS wheel, keeping the T-LCM pedals. Reading through multiple posts in the WWW, for some the Moza Rxx wheel bases with wheels work, for some (too many for sure) it does not work. I'll give it another try with the above described hints and for sure I will give AMS2 another try with the coming updates. But I cannot put much time into trying currently because ACC releases the Nordscheife tomorrow... Good luck to all Moza owners to get their wheels working with AMS2 beyond the first corner. Sadly, for some (like me) it didn't even work up to the first corner. I come back later to this thread to see, if someone could solve this issue. If not, just post your wheel base, whhel and pedals.
Currently my Moza R9 is working in AMS2 with FFB. I exited AMS2, renamed my "Automobilista 2" folder to "Automobilista 2 - Hide it" in "Documtens", and started AMS2 again. Then I entered the configuration in AMS2, assigned steering, gearing and pedals, calibrated steering and pedals and drove - some corners at Interlagos - some laps at Cleveland in the BMW GT4 and had FFB all the time. Before I start tweaking the settings, I will just drive some laps in some cars onvarious track to see, if I lose FFB again or not. For me it seemed the most crucial part is to rename or delete the old "Automobilista 2" folder in "Documtens".
Hi, my Problems with the Moza R21 were gone with the last Update. No Problem anymore. to get the Moza Wheelbase work, there is a little bit Knowledge and playing around helpful. the most important is to first assign left and right, only than you‘re able to calibrate the wheel. To assign left and right, it‘s sometime necessary to move the wheel to (example) left and very fast back to center. i use „generic dd“ but also simucube settings works. Try it, you will enjoy the ffb in automobolista ! Stefan
Hi, since this Problem was gone since the last few Versions, today I updated to latest Version and the same issue is back again... :/. Just drive a few meters, and all the ffb was gone... Anyone know wich was the Problem in older releases, which was fixed in the last few releases?