Custom championships with identical cars

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Akak7, Apr 30, 2024.

  1. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    Hi, sorry if this is very dumb but I cannot find it. How do I set up a championship with identical cars instead of the same car class? I am trying to run a GT classic championship and in some circuits the Chevrolet is considerably faster than the Porsche, so I just want to have all racers running the same car, whatever I choose.
  2. Xzanman

    Xzanman Active Member

    Jun 8, 2023
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    Is it not under the opponent settings?
  3. harizrushdi

    harizrushdi Wiki Helper

    Apr 19, 2024
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    There is an option to have identical opponents in custom races, but I can't find any for championships. If anyone knows, let me know as well - I've been trying to create a proper Lancer Cup for some time
  4. Jason Fantus

    Jason Fantus New Member

    Nov 6, 2023
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    You can sort of do it if you edit out the classes. Find the CRD for the Lancer you don't want to use in the Vehicles folder and change its class to something else. You might need to install a mod car with AMS2CM to get it to extract all the various vehicle files.

    If you do that, the Lancer you want should be the only car in the Lancer class. Only problem could be if that affects the number of livery spots available - in that case you might not have big enough field if you dont have the "other" lancer in there.
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  5. harizrushdi

    harizrushdi Wiki Helper

    Apr 19, 2024
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    Thank you, it worked. I edited this .crd line of the Lancer R using Notepad:
    <prop name="Vehicle Class" data="LancerCup2" />
    I also figured out how to make a duplicate of the Lancer Cup class logo by renaming a copy of the dds file to LancerCup2. Now I can even run multi-class Lancer Cup races, so the field size shouldn't be a problem.
    [​IMG]Edit: You need to keep at least 1 car mod installed (skin packs don't count). I found that if you uninstall all car mods, the .crd files will be hidden and the custom class won't work anymore. Not a problem for now, but I do hope the devs would implement an in-game method of having identical cars in championships.

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    Last edited: May 8, 2024
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  6. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    Thanks for the answers. I find it weird that there is no option to do it in game, it seems to me that it is a pretty basic option for customization, and I find it surprising that it can be done in single races but not for championships. I hope this option get added soon.

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