I'm moving to a new computer. Which folder should I back up if I don't want to redo the settings and button assignments?
C:\Users\Yourname\Documents\Automobilista 2 If you've a external SSD and slow download speed you should totally backup the entire game on that SSD, so you can paste-copy it on your internal SSD. Either if you have an external SSD, like 1gb or so. You could make an image of your current OS, etc and then image it on your new SSD. Alternatively you could use your current SSD in your new computer then you don't have to do anything.
Thanks for the quick info. I have a 25 Gbit/s fiber optic connection and only 5 games. I'd rather do a new installation. Can I transfer the same folder to the beta or should I back up both folders separately?
Back up both folders, yes. If you want you can also backup your steamfolder, minus the steamapps-folder. Don't forget to backup all non-steam and AMS folders and files as well
All your important files and folders. Pictures, photo's, videoclips, important documents, your secrets, etc.
And most likely the NSA. EDIT: By the way, since you are moving to a new computer (and I assume the hardware is different from the old one) you'd probably have to reinstall the OS from scratch, anyway. Especially if the CPU architecture (i.e. moving from Intel to AMD or vice versa) is different. But even if you wouldn't have to, it's a better move to start over fresh anyway, IMHO.