VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. jota.191

    jota.191 (I'm Lando Garlando in AMS2 lobbies) AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2022
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    yep that is the way I fixed it (I am blind now after 3+ hours racing Ultimates in Spielbeg haha)
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    • Funny Funny x 1
  2. Deviouz

    Deviouz New Member

    Jul 8, 2024
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    People who are using Quest/Pico headset with Virtual Desktop please go vote this feature request for VD.

    [​IMG]Ability to modify FOV tangent | Feature Requests | Virtual Desktop

    Basically it is the same feature which is available through Oculus Debug tool. It can be used to cut the FOV down and gain ALOT of GPU headroom to push more pixel density which makes the image more crisp. It is the only thing i am missing from Oculus software.

    Since i have moved to VD cause of having performance issues with Oculus software. This feature would be awesome to have to boost performance/visual fidelity even further. :)
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  3. Bull Shark

    Bull Shark "Later has already begun." AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 30, 2019
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    I use a link cable and it runs fine. :D
  4. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    I was asking mbucchia about this earlier. They said it's possible, but it's not a short term goal for the app at the moment. He did mention that this is possible currently to an extent using either SteamVR or openxr toolkit.

    The problem with those options is that you can't adjust the Horizontal and Vertical resolutions separately. So if you want to reduce Vertical FOV you have to be willing to take a hit on the horizontal also or, live with the horizontal being stretched. Although now that I think of it OXRT has a zoom function which I haven't touched yet.
    • Informative Informative x 2
  5. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I was able to achieve similar performance gains using openxr toolkit's foveated rendering.

    Foveated Rendering

    What I did:
    - I used the "custom" adjustment options
    - I set the outer region to "cull", which means it doesn't render at all
    - middle region I had something like 1/8 resolution if I remember correctly (it looks bad, but here is a catch... see below).
    - I defined the shape like a oval, so I have full width for the middle region (I can see on my quest 3) outside the each corner, which are the only "middle region" areas (remember, outer is not even rendered). I hardly can even see those parts unless I really try to look into to the corners of the full fov.

    It took me a while to adjust the values and shape like that, but it definitely helped a ton. I really stress tested this quite a bit in worst conditions the game can give too. My FPS is solid 80fps on day and it starts to dip only in the worst conditions (I have only RTX3080).

    I don't think I got any better results by limiting the fov a lot (vertically down to 0.3) with the Oculus Debug Tool and now I can enjoy from better vertical fov + improved colors thanks to VD (had to buy good wifi6 router though).

    If needed, I can post my exact values / settings when I have bit more time.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. chonk

    chonk Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2021
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    Thank you, I'm sure this will be super helpful for some but, unfortunately for me it's a no go as I'm on AMD so FFR is only supported in DX12 titles sigh...thank you AMD!

    But anyway, I've switched to Q3 from a Pico 4 and overall it's a really nice upgrade so no stress. With VD ultra looks great and Godlike is pretty usable in certain situations. And for night + rain 120hz SSW works quite well.
  7. wickfut

    wickfut Member

    Aug 13, 2023
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    Is there a way to lock audio position in VR so I can use surround speakers?
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    We'll I just actually read that the openxr toolkit development is stopped this year, so who knows how long it continues to work with AMS2. Would definitely better that the game itself would support these things (which I wouldn't expect it to do) or for VD to add such features.

    Limiting the FOV (vertically) or via FFR has been by far the biggest tool to get better performance with VR, nothing else comes even close. I guess with something like 4090 you don't need it anymore, but it's a while before most of us VR users have updated our computers to that level.
  9. radkappe

    radkappe New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 16, 2016
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    can you post your toolkit settings?:whistle:
    thx in advance
  10. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    On the toolkit overlay:

    ffr: custom
    inner resolution: x1
    inner size: 60%
    middle resolution: 1/8
    middle size: 70%
    outer resolution: cull
    prefer resolution: horizontal
    horizontal resolution: 144%
    offset: 0
    bias: none
    (I have the other stuff off)

    Virtual desktop Streamer
    Preferred codec: H.264+ (by far best on my computer)
    OpenXR Runtime: VDXR

    On virtual desktop - Streaming tab:

    VR Graphics qualifty: High
    VR Frame Rate: 80fps
    VR Bitrate: 500 Mbps
    Sharpening: 75%
    no passthrough
    Gamma 1.00
    Synchronous Spacewarb (SSW): Disabled

    Advamced options:

    Video bufferig - checked
    Increase - color vibrance - checked
    other checkboxes unchecked
    (I haven't touched these from default I think)

    and these are my in-game graphical settings from the graphicsconfigopenvrdx11 - file

    <prop name="Mode" adapter="0" width="2560" height="1440" refresh_num="119880" refresh_dem="1000" />
    <prop name="Vsync" vsync="0" />
    <prop name="FrameLatency" framelatency="1" />
    <prop name="AntiAlias" antialias="3" />
    <prop name="SMAAFXAA" smaafxaa="0" />
    <prop name="Windowed" windowed="2" />
    <prop name="TextureFilter" texturefilter="4" />
    <prop name="TextureResolution" textureresolution="1" />
    <prop name="Brightness" brightness="10" />
    <prop name="CarDetailLevel" cardetaillevel="2" />
    <prop name="MaxVisibleVehicles" maxvisiblevehicles="0" />
    <prop name="TrackDetailLevel" trackdetaillevel="3" />
    <prop name="ShadowDetailLevel" shadowdetaillevel="1" />
    <prop name="MotionblurLevel" motionblurLevel="0" />
    <prop name="EffectsDetailLevel" effectsdetaillevel="2" />
    <prop name="EnvmapDetailLevel" envmapdetaillevel="3" />
    <prop name="MirrorEnabled" mirrorenabled="1" />
    <prop name="MirrorEnhanced" mirrorenhanced="0" />
    <prop name="EnvmapReflectionDetailLevel" envmapreflectiondetaillevel="1" />
    <prop name="GraphicsLevel" graphicslevel="4" />
    <prop name="SuperSampling" supersampling="0" />
    <prop name="LowSuperSampling" lowsupersampling="0" />
    <prop name="VRSuperSampling" vrsupersampling="0" />
    <prop name="SharpeningStrength" sharpeningstrength="0.000000" />
    <prop name="SharpeningClamp" sharpeningclamp="0.090000" />
    <prop name="OffsetBias" offsetbias="1.000000" />

    Some of those values in game are low to reduce flickering/AA issues. Also in the other settings there is the player labels - option, define it as off (I think it caused some performance issues).
    • Like Like x 1
  11. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    I'm using ReverbG2 using Steam VR for WMR. It works better than OpenVR - it kept giving me a lot of errors, and SteamVR is working great for me, tbh.

    BUT, I'm trying to do the sharpening as I've done back in the pc2 days, with the graphicsconfigoculusdx11 file - but, I'm not using oculus anymore - I hate hate hate Facebook and that parasite Zuckerberg.

    I've not found the graphicsconfigopenvrdx11 file you mentioned. Nor a SteamVR version. Does it exist? I have the sharpening on in the existing oculusdx11 file, but I do get the feeling it's not doing it's thing at the moment.
  12. Sirius360

    Sirius360 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 20, 2023
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    Sadly no. I asked about this in this thread here but maybe we can create a feature request?
    • Like Like x 1
  13. Rintintin78

    Rintintin78 Member

    Sep 3, 2023
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    what is the differnce between Chroma and Subtle in Visual FX?
  14. Cruiser

    Cruiser New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 14, 2020
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    Hi guys,
    question for all Quest 3 users, what is the difference/impact on clarity & performance regarding either increasing rendering resolution above native resolution in the quest 3 app or increasing super sampling in the oculus tray tool. If I increase the rendering resolution above native rendering, isn't that in the end super sampling as well. I played around with this two values, but could not find noticeable differences in clarity & performance.
  15. Alan A Stacey

    Alan A Stacey New Member

    Jul 15, 2024
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    Hi all,
    New member here.
    Been playing for a few months with a single screen, thinking about buying a Quest 3 to improve game immersion.
    What would you guys suggest is an appropriate PC spec (Nvidia GPU/AMD CPU) in order to get a good experience?

    Any advise greatly appreciated
  16. Racinglegend1234

    Racinglegend1234 AMS2 wiki founder AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 28, 2022
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    What’s the specs of your PC?
  17. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    I'm running Q3 using spec listed in my post footer and it works, so if you're aiming for something even more powerful you'll be fine :)
  18. Xblurone

    Xblurone Member AMS2 Club Member

    Sep 1, 2020
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    I can guarantee that file should be there as it will be auto-created. Indeed if you don't use Oculus, that graphicsconfigoculusdx11 will not be used...

    Check your Documents/Automobilista 2 folder for the graphicsconfigopenvrdx11.xml file and adjust the sharpening accordingly.

    For such a high resolution headset (I now switched to Pima Crystal from HP Reverb G2) - you don't need MSAA even. It's crisp without MSAA and saves you a ton of headroom. set reflections and environment Mapp to low to save even more headroom so you can increase resolution.
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  19. JavierZumaeta

    JavierZumaeta Active Member

    Aug 28, 2020
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    Thank you for the reply! But this is what I have, so strange...


    yeah I don't have the openvrdx11 file. so weird.
  20. TurboHenk

    TurboHenk Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 15, 2023
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    I have to disagree with that. I also have the Pimax Crystal and I play AMS2 with 4xMSAA at 92,42% of it's native resolution and it shimmers/aliases way less than 100% render resolution with 2xMSAA(I tested both extensively and got both settings running at 90fps/hz locked for daytime/evening/morning races).

    And completely without MSAA the shimmering/aliasing is all over the place, also with a high resolution hmd like the Crystal.

    The biggest upgrade would once again be more PPD so I'm looking forward to 50+PPD hmd's like the Pimax Super+a 5090; then I'll probably move back to 2xMSAA but until 60/70PPD you probably won't get away with zero MSAA.

    I do agree about the reflections/env map on low, that's great advice and I run it those settings also like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
    • Informative Informative x 1

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