I know that some Fury Beast and Corsair Vengeance sets come with 4 sticks but I have no idea how XMP works when 4 sticks are installed as I am on different mobo and running 2 sticks in home and office as well.
Jokes aside and coming back to the topic, I also use JSGME since I am a GNU/Linux user. I understand the motivation. However, CM has become the de-facto standard to the modding community so modders are packaging with CM in mind. It is what it is. If the modder is not distributing for JSGME is up to the one not using the distribution method to solve the issue. Probably if you do and sent the modders a patch or publish it you can help anybody in the same situation. If you don't want to tinker, well, then you should stick to the distribution method, or perhaps politely ask the modder but do not necessarily expect an answer.
I will definitely take this into account, as usual, by voting with my wallet. Not because someone disagrees with me, but because talking nonsense without reading what I wrote in response to the main question. Leading a crusade over the choice of a mod installation tool is the most pathetic thing I could expect from a developer. Especially when one is in a some sense closed, and the other only supplements own tools. We could discuss other solutions, because the disadvantages of CM that I mentioned can also be bypassed, but this is some kind of mutual admiration circle with Reiza members at the forefront, which is unacceptable and amateurish. No, if you are know what are you doing. I have to disagree. My only mistake was to answer CM officer and pay full price for AMS2 and all DLCs on premiere. Anyway I wish you success, because the game is really great. P.S. Don't ask questions if you don't want to listen the answers
I can 'buy them a coffee' also. Even not a one My freedom is much more than you think in this aspect. And to be clear, nobody forced modders to do anything (especially some randoms from internet). I assume they love what they do for community and because of this I always encourage others to support their work
You got it wrong, Robillard is one of the hardcore modders of PCARS/AMS2 and you are "some random internet" guy. Ask him how many coffees he got in his years modding. I probably should leave it here but I have honest curiosity. As far as I know JSGME (very simple but useful piece of software nevertheless) is closed, you don't have the code and is just and .exe that you download from the web so can be even dangerous if you don't know where to get it. On the other hand CM is open, you can review the code in github and even compile it yourself if you want. How is it that the latter is a black box and the other is not?
I am one of many randoms who pay for his bills as long as he is Reiza worker. I won't anymore for sure. It's Reiza's choice and their PR. He will be sucked with black ticket for something like that from any leading IT company. Oh, so if he got none then it's my fault and when millions then he can call me 'troll' because I kindly answer someone else question and another 'master' puts words in my mouth I never used? Ok Reiza is really one in a kind You are not curious. You did what your 'friends' demand from you. Curious person listen and accept another point of view. Eventually start talking but without lies like above. You did politics here. It will be even funny if not the fact that Reiza's workers participate in this circus and trolling festival. As far as I know you don't know anything about me and my profession and call me 'random' so please don't tell me if some app is closed for me or not etc. Dangerous is ignorance and hiring people who shouldn't talk public in a name of company. It is but what about it? Have I ever said it is not or is good or bad? I am familiar with CM and rate it high. Read again what I wrote (or not because from what I see it doesn't change anything) and maybe it will help you understand my reference to black and white box. You forgot most people these days even if use computers since a day of birth can ask very trivial questions. Reiza threats them like stupid nonames too? It's rhetorical question because I know the answer already. Yes, they did. Why do you continue this anyway? For likes? I can give you one if you care You are welcome! And to be clear because you never stop this drama: I don't mind if you don't like my choice as well as I understand some weird and not so kind exchanges of words on forums. It's normal but shouldn't be. Sometimes it could be my fault (then I apologize), sometimes someone else can have had a bad day. What happened here is ridiculous. REIZA is over in my eyes forever. I will NEVER agree to be insulted by an employee of a company that earns money from me. So, EOT and journey with AMS and Reiza. I have no answer for my question from Robillard so it's time to say goodbye to this company. I will remember lack of professionalizm of Reiza forever. Never has an employee of the company that makes a living off of me behaved in such a way. I will delete my account so stop continue this drama please.
Oh boy, sometimes you wonder what the hell is wrong with some people. This is the Internet FFS, ranting on it is pure ridiculousness and hilarious at the same time.
He managed to really annoy me, and it's not something easy! Well anyway he's not here anymore, let's let him go in peace
I find the COTA track can not work, when I open it, the game will crash, other tracks are ok, I have used CM.