Future of Endurance in AMS2

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by MikeRiley, Oct 27, 2024.

  1. MikeRiley

    MikeRiley New Member

    Oct 27, 2024
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    Hi all, I’ve been a dedicated LeMans Ultimate racer since it dropped and have been doing endurance events in iracing.

    i decided to boot up AMS2 and compare the feel of the cars and I was really blown away. LMU has a little more detail, but the game’s content is much more limited. Iracing feels terrible compared to AMS2.

    have we had any inkling of where the devs want to take the IMSA license? Driver swaps for team events? Does it seem like LFM will be supporting?

    the updates to the hybrid system in 1.6 looks fantastic and builds upon what’s already great.

    add in the track variety, graphics, little details etc. it’s my favourite overall endurance package and I would jump for joy if this turns into an online event option.
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  2. wegreenall

    wegreenall Active Member

    Oct 25, 2023
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    I don't know about the plans for endurance racing in AMS2, other than at least it is clearly a current focus for the developers, with a new endurance pack coming soon. I will say that after the new update it will cover almost all the cars and a good amount of the tracks of LMU, as well as all the other IMSA content that it includes (and group C cars for older endurance, etc.).
    So, it is a happy accident that you like the IMSA content and welcome! I hope to see you in a lobby some time.
  3. harizrushdi

    harizrushdi Wiki Helper

    Apr 19, 2024
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    Automobilista 2 June 2023 Development Update

    Some info from a long-ago dev update, for you
  4. PaulA

    PaulA Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 4, 2022
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    I'm not sure if Online Driver Swaps are possible with madness engine? I sure hope so?
  5. Eric Rowland

    Eric Rowland Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    patiently waiting ...
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  6. Rodger Davies

    Rodger Davies Well-Known Member

    Sep 16, 2016
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    For me, AC is my game of choice for pre 1970 content, it has so many amazing tracks with no barriers that cover the '50s and '60s so well.

    But AMS2 is for sure my game for '70s content onwards. That each era has a good historic set of tracks is important to me (I really hope in future some of the US tracks will get historic versions, even if they're more cosmetic than layout), for example running Group C at period Silverstone or Hockenheim layouts.

    I was very excited when they announced 2024 would be the 'year of endurance', but I thought they were referring to content and features that would be added to the game, not the experience of waiting for patch 1.6.

    Jokes aside, looking forward to the IMSA track content, endurance pack 2 for cars and some other goodies in the pipeline but I had hoped the year may include a bit more... I'm hoping 2025 becomes a continuation of this focus, especially with more vintage content such as Le Mans in a '70s, '80s and '90s config. Really hoping they can expand upon the classes with some Capri v BMW CSL for the '70s and adding cars like the AMR-1 for Group C and the Panoz to GT1 too.

    Feature wise, they explained how mid race saves likely aren't possible in this engine so I accept that - the sort of communication saying what can't be done is just as important for me as the confirmation of updates they have done - and a lot of what I'd like to see is already there for a good game; I can edit and create cars, skins and driver skill values (AI driver swaps would be nice).

    My most anticipated feature after 1.6 would be the ability to remove non-endurance content from the game to free up space for more GT and sportscars!
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