Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Hamish Mashe

    Hamish Mashe New Member

    Oct 7, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any track
    Car Used: Formula HiTech Gen 2 class
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: Names missing for the hard compound tire in the pit and setup menu
    Steps to reproduce: load into any session in any of the HiTech Gen 2 cars and look at the setup menu or pit menu in session and see no name appearing for the hard compound tire
  2. Kaprych

    Kaprych New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 14, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Monza historic 1991
    Car Used: Group A
    Applicable Settings: Fixed setup
    Report: During multiplayer session, with 60min race, some drivers received only ~40l of fuel instead of 110 and had to make pit-stop earlier and for longer time. It was only like 2-3 drivers out of 16. Setup was fixed, so everyone should have same amount of fuel.
    Steps to reproduce: Not sure. It seems to be random.
  3. Donnchadh MacGarry

    Donnchadh MacGarry Leprechaun Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 11, 2019
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    Track & Layout Used: Any/All
    Car Used: Any/All
    Applicable Settings: Photo mode with AMD 7800XT (Possibly all AMD RDNA 3 7000 Series GPU's)

    A non-zero value for Bokeh Shape in photo mode, causes a black plane to clip through the image. The blank plane changes in size as other settings are changed, such as Focus Distance and Aperture. The closer the focus distance, the bigger the plane on the screen gets. The black plane never appears when Bokeh Shape = 1. I've embedded a video at the end as a demonstration.

    This issue became immediately apparent to me when I upgraded my GPU from an nVidia 1080ti, to an AMD 7800XT. I have looked up this forum and saw it was reported by another user with the same GPU back in February. I have also seen it mentioned in a different thread by a user with a 7900XTX, when it didn't happen to them with a 6900XT. Which leads me to think its an issue with all AMD RDNA 3 GPU's. It is also occurring to me in the beta, so I thought it should be brought up again since it hasn't been addressed and its been a few months since it was brought up before.The issue also occurs to me in Project Cars 2 for what its worth.

    The issue is not to do with old confliciting drivers from my previous GPU, as I have done a fresh reinstall of Windows on my PC. I have also completely uninstalled, deleted the documents folder and reinstalled AMS2 as a sanity check.

    Steps to reproduce: Using photo mode with an AMD 7800XT (possibly all RDNA 3 7000 Series GPU's).

    • Like Like x 1
  4. andy_east123

    andy_east123 Member

    Jan 31, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Daytona Sports Car Course

    Car: Multi Class Race, GT4's (x10) and JCW Mini (x21)

    Applicable Settings
    : Race settings can be found in the introduction of the linked video below, starting at 00:00:13.

    : With Damage to "Off" in the In Car Menu, the pit crew still spent 10ish seconds to carry out unknown repairs to the car. The car came in with just 2 points of mechanical damage visible in the HUD (I'd been keeping on top of it during the race), and left with the same, so I am unsure what repairs took place.

    Steps to reproduce: Full video linked below. Unfortunately it's a full 6hr race, but the place of interest in the video starts at 04:50:45, which is where I request the stop in the lead up to pit stop #7. All stops are also bookmarked in the video description to save scrolling.

    I had the pit stop setup to change all 4 tyres (slicks), a full tank of fuel (44ltr), Damage Off, Driver Swap Off. The pit stop was requested manually via a mapped button on my wheel.

    Need. More. Videos! C'mon guys!

    Oh, and please forgive my bitching and whining after the stop... I was getting very tired by this point, even very simple maths was giving me trouble at this point :)

    All the best
    Last edited: Oct 14, 2024
  5. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    A weird one:
    I activated player names in my game options and mapped a button to switch names on and off.
    Started a race and names were above the opponent's cars. Then, I pressed the button and they disappeared.
    BUT: When I wanted to reactivate them by pushing the key again, nothing happens. No names above the cars anymore. o_O
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Unintended repairs during pitsops

    Before race, I check my pit stop settings to be sure that all kind of repairs are set to "off". During race, before pitting, I have a look in the in car menu to see if repairs are deactivated there, too.
    But sometimes, the car gets repaired during pitstops, though, which can take a long time and the race is ruined.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  7. andy_east123

    andy_east123 Member

    Jan 31, 2023
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    The JCW Mini has "Adjustable Boost - YES" in the car selection details page. However, when you get into the setup options, the "Boost Pressure" option is greyed out.

    Having this available would be very helpful to balance the player to the AI performance, as even when set to 120, the AI is beatable in all but only a select few circuits. If I could turn the boost down a touch, the balance would be restored in a lot of cases.

    All the best
  8. Nacho1311

    Nacho1311 New Member

    Jan 2, 2021
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    Track suddenly wet again?
    Track & Layout Used: Brands Hatch Indy Layout
    Car Used: GT3 Gen2 Porsche
    Applicable Settings: Test Day / 20.10.2020 / Start 09:00 / Time acceleration 10x / Weather: Clear
    Report: After around 20 laps, the track slowly dried up. I wanted to look at the dry track and switched to replay mode. I switched to the drone camera and took a look at the dry lane. After a short time, I ended the replay-mode so that I could drive more laps.
    As soon as I was back in the Porsche, I was surprised to find that the track was suddenly completely wet again, as it had been at the start of the session.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  9. ChasteWand

    ChasteWand Member

    Feb 9, 2021
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    Known issue with the madness engine replay system. Bug has existed since Project Cars times! Don't use the replay if using anything other than dry weather. It's like the live track issue that effects "restart session" where track conditions are not reset to the initial starting conditions.
  10. Uani

    Uani Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 28, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: likely unrelevant but Spa 2020
    Car Used: likely unrelevant but GT3 Gen1 McLaren 720S
    Applicable Settings: likely unrelevant but 30 minutes Training Session in race weekend, time scale 25x, partly cloudy, Copa Truck (and other classes) as competitors on track
    Report: v1.5 Copa Trucks exhaust smoke appears visually offset from assumed correct position
    Steps to reproduce: Follow above and follow a truck once one is on track

    timestamps: 0:03 and 0:25 and 0:42
  11. Damian Baldi

    Damian Baldi Active Member

    May 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: Formula Vintage Gen 1 and Gen 2 - Model 1
    Applicable Settings: use of values instead steps on the setup
    Report: the front anti-roll bar remains in 0 Nm when you use values. If you use steps, it change from 1 up to 5, but I'm not sure if it have any effect
    Steps to reproduce: go to options, set values intead steps and then check on setup
    Last edited: Oct 22, 2024
    • Informative Informative x 1
  12. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: Silverstone GP (modern)
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Default date, medium clouds, mid-day time
    Report: The bridge on the "Wellington Straight" doesn't cast a shadow.
    Steps to reproduce: Select the Silverstone GP track, default date, medium clouds, mid-day time, drive on the Wellington Straight and notice the shadow under the bridge is broken. 20241030155719_1.jpg
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  13. Odd Socks

    Odd Socks Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 29, 2020
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    Just did a quick check and it's fine in the Beta :cool:
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  14. muzarati

    muzarati Active Member

    Mar 15, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: Chev Camaro GT4
    Applicable Settings:
    Report: Fuel usage data appears to be not shared for telemetry
  15. Ch3at007

    Ch3at007 New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: Formula Classes (with fast tire change time)
    Applicable Settings: -
    During a tire change in the race, the tire change happens faster than the animation. If you don’t wait for the animation to finish, you continue driving without visible tires. This happens in all classes where the tire change is faster than the animation.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Pit stop with a car that has a short tire change, and drive off immediately after the stop is completed.
    • Like Like x 1
  16. DeLaFuente

    DeLaFuente New Member

    Aug 14, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Minimum tyres to change on the mandatory pitstop need to be more than zero
    When creating a custom championship with mandatory pit stops requiring at least one tire change, the pause menu info during the event will always indicate "mandatory tires to change: 0.".

    Steps to reproduce:
    Create a custom championship with any car, and set a mandatory pit stop with at least one tire to change.

    Example in screenshots:
    image_3.png image_5.png
  17. carloscepinha

    carloscepinha Member

    Jul 29, 2022
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    Car: Formula USA 23
    Track: Barcelona GP no chicane
    Racecraft.online 25min Race multiplayer vs 1 player and some AI.

    Fuel :
    After qualy, before race, I change fuel to 21 laps but I ran out of fuel by lap 17.
    When I noticed crewchief telling me that I was going to run out of fuel, I tried to use the pit menu to see if i can do pitstop but no refueling was allowed and i switched to lean or low engine mode to safe fuel, I was also lifting on the straights and i started driving very slow.

    I was in p1 with 30 second lead from 2nd place, and i've lost all my lead on the last 10 mins of the race trying to safe fuel, even then, on the last lap (lap 17) i ran out of fuel.

    At first I tought i needed a bit more fuel but now I have almost 5 extra laps of fuel and i still lost the race, which means my racecraft online statistics get butchered down because of this bug.

    FFB :
    Other bug or not, is that the FFB while smooth on other cars ( i can run 65 0 0 0 ) and no filters in the base for a McLaren GT3gen2 for example, or a P1gen2 car, or a Group C car, but on the Formula USA 23, the wheel shakes very violently on the straights if i hold it with 1 hand.

    Idk if it's only this car ffb, but it needs very strong filtering (interpolation filtering in my case fanalab) and also a huge amount of damping to avoid that shaking.
    I also noticed that the FFB clips very easily on this car and I have it very low in car specific ffb, at 72% but still it shakes very hard if I grip it lightly on a straight.

    Attached Files:

  18. Dolph

    Dolph Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    May 21, 2020
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    I don't know if this qualifies as a bug or as a feature request. But its from Steam forum:

  19. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Increase "Random failures" to maximum for more chances of seeing this.
    When AI is about to retire into the pits it becomes a "ghost" for other AI drivers and they end up driving through each other , immersion breaking
    Steps to reproduce:
    Have random failures on max, set as big of a field as possible on a shortest track possible, and observe the replay after the race how cars that retire into the pit drive through each other.
    • Like Like x 1
  20. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: 2021 Stock Cars
    Applicable Settings: None
    Front tires clip through the car
    Steps to reproduce: Drive the 2021 Stock Cars at tracks with turns that have banking and you will see the front tires going through the car body. 20241117215543_1.jpg

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