TT Leader Boards for 1.6 cars?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by justageezer, Nov 16, 2024.

  1. justageezer

    justageezer New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    I noticed the leader boards went down a couple of days ago for every vehicle / circuit - are they all getting completely wiped even for the cars that already had the 1.6 updates e.g. Ultimate gen2?
    That would suck a bit as I have (had?) a bunch of records :(
  2. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    Physics have vastly changed for 1.6, the old TT times will not be representative anymore, and even if they'd match, there would be often a lot of swing, because also corner speeds and brake points/performance will change for many classes.
  3. justageezer

    justageezer New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    Doesn't the Ultimate gen2 already have the 1.6 physics? If it's going to be the same car after the other cars get 1.6 then those leader boards won't be any different, or is the gen2 also going to be changed again?
  4. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    They have an outdated version of the new physics
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. justageezer

    justageezer New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    Thanks! Also, damn!
    Can anyone please tell me how often Reiza expect to reset the leader boards in the future? I had a load of records until the reset earlier this year, I've spent months getting them again in the gen2 hoping that as it had the 1.6 physics it wouldn't get reset again, but now I've got to do it all again.
    Time Trial is 95% of my time in AMS2, and while I love the game if my records keep getting wiped every few months its a bit - dispiriting!
    Wipe for 1.7 next year? Wipe for 1.8 later next year? Wipe for 1.9 the year after?
    And note to Reiza:
    After the reset earlier this year, which you admitted wasn't handled well, you said you'd learned your lesson and would do things differently next time.
    I generally read the AMS2 news releases on Steam but didn't see any prominent warnings about leader board resets giving me some notice - if I had I'd have grabbed some screenshots for posterity. Not just of my positions, but of the setups, so I don't have to start completely from scratch over, and over, and over again.
    I appreciate that constantly making the cars better doesn't play well with 'permanent' leader boards, but some idea of your roadmap for resets would be handy!
    Thanks :)
  6. CrimsonEminence

    CrimsonEminence Custom Title Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 4, 2018
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    This was hopefully the last wholesale physics revision that affects vehicle pace and swing in that magnitude. (Doesn't mean no physics improvements anymore but i can fairly confidently say that the cars can be shaped to make the laptime and cornering speed they should now rather reliably if a change is needed.)
    • Like Like x 1
  7. justageezer

    justageezer New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    That. Is. Awesome! :)
    Waking up one day to suddenly find all of your times and setups have just vanished actually sucks tbh - if that never happens again that would be great.
    I should probably post a new thread for this question, but any chance of getting a working replay system?
    I'm sure that studying the intricacies of how various compounds of rubber interact with micropores in tarmac is absolutely thrilling, (even if the gen2 went slower when it got the 1.6 update), and replays aren't everyone's priority, but if they actually worked it would make my life much easier!
    I post vids of 'worthwhile' laps on YT, which helps spread the AMS2 word, but making these vids is a complete PITA in AMS2 compared to e.g. AC.
    In AC I just ask the game to record everything I do, and I get a bunch of tiny files named for the car, track and date that I can easily manage. If one of my runs includes a decent lap I queue up that replay, find the lap and start my screen recorder. I can change the camera during the run, and show / hide / move any telemetry widgets.
    ('Cos AC actually has useful telemetry widgets that don't cover the whole screen).
    In AMS2 I have to have the screen recorder running constantly just in case I do a decent lap, which hits my FPS, and if I do a decent lap I have to edit a huge video file instead of dealing with tiny telemetry recordings.
    I seem to recall reading somewhere that the sucky replay system is down to the Madness engine? But even if so, Reiza has improved every other bit of the game, and a replay system that can actually record a whole lap of the longer tracks would seem like a good improvement.
    Maybe this would also mean that the game always recorded a ghost and setup for every entry on the leader boards instead of only a few of them?
    I personally think the 1.5 physics was fine - people who moan about 'floaty AMS2' are probably suffering from the IMO bad default FFB and not actually the physics. I use a custom FFB file that transforms particularly the Ultimates from rubbery feeling to totally hooked-up, that might be something to improve.
    After working replays :)

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