AJR Metalmoro Understeer Feel

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by tlsmikey, Dec 4, 2017.

  1. tlsmikey

    tlsmikey Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Relatively new to AMS and love the sim. On most cars (boxer in particular), I get a great sense of understeer or push from the car. However, I've noticed in the latest Metalmoro cars that I really struggle to feel any front end push. I'm running the V10 and have played around a bit with realfeel, but haven't seen much change.

    Is this the way the AJR cars are for everyone? Any tips to get more understeer feel from it?
  2. Ami_M3

    Ami_M3 Member

    Nov 5, 2017
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    Hey, I'm new to AMS as well. Love the sim.
    Why do you want more understeer from the car? Is it too twitchy in the corners? This car has way more grip than Boxer for instance so it won't understeer as much.
    There are some basic things you can do to get you started though if more understeer is something you want.
    For instance: you can install thicker sway bars in front and thinner in the back, use less angle on the front wing (more in the back), change diff lock (higher for coasting, lower for power). Also, if you want more understeer when trailbraking change the brake balance a bit to be even more front heavy (but then your front wheels may lock up easier)
  3. tlsmikey

    tlsmikey Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 27, 2016
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    Sorry, maybe my post was confusing. I don't feel any push from the wheel in the FFB. The car dynamics and handling are fantastic, but most cars I get a small push or understeer feel from the cars if I abuse them in the turns. I don't get that from the AJR.

    Is that the same thing everyone else is getting or do I need to find a way to adjust the realfeel settings to get more out of it?
  4. Dean Ogurek

    Dean Ogurek "Love the Simulation You're Dreaming In." AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 9, 2016
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    I suspect you may be running the FFB-strength high enough so that you are having clipping occur. With high-downforce cars, the range of FFB effects can be quite wide so while the FFB may feel very light at low speed, it can be very high at high speed and exceed the hardware's ability to relay FFB information effectively.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  5. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Yep, just bump the AJR's Realfeel setting up 300 to 500 from default. That has solved it for a number of others of us.
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  6. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    What Marc said...Or you can keep realfeel the same but lower in-game ffb. I'm not sure how this works but it seems to have the same effect.

    Then add in-game minimum FFB and/or raise your wheel's FFB settings (control panel, Fanatec tuning menu, etc.).

    Car setup can also affect feel. Lowering caster can sometimes help but that depends on the car and even on the sim itself but give it a shot.

    One last thing is the FFB front drop off thing in real feel. Set it to 0.01, 0.05, 0.1, etc. Umfortunately, we can't adjust how late/early into slip this setting kicks in nor the rate it ramps up as slip increases so it's definitely not perfect but it may still be better than nothing.

    Cheers :)
  7. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    The last thing you want to do is start adjusting overall FFB settings in the sim or in your wheel control panel to fix an issue with one car. There is a per car adjustment to do that.

    FFB using all default/standard settings is sublime in AMS on my rig--for 90% of the cars. The other 10% require a small tweak to the strength (MaxForce) setting or maybe even less frequently the Smoothing. If I change any master settings, I'll degrade it for everything.
  8. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    OK but that's your personal opinion. This isn't about whether you or anyone thinks FFB is "sublime" or not. I was simply giving tlsmikey some options to help resolve his issue.

    Two of the four options I provided are in-fact "per car adjustment" options, those being: lowering caster, and the front FFB thing in realfeel.

    Pretty much all the cars clip at default, so default standard settings certainly isn't the way to go. This can easily be felt. If not adding (around) 25% - 40% realfeel to each car, then you must reduce in-game overall FFB to 85%-65% depending on car. Even Niels stated that each car was dropped from it's optimal point by 20 or 30 percent for people with lower powered wheels.
  9. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    All the cars do not clip at default. Clipping depends on your hardware. As you pointed out, they adjusted it for lower-powered wheels. If you have a weak wheel, probably all clip. If you have a very strong wheel, I'll bet none do.
  10. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    That's simply incorrect and not how it works. It's software clipping, not hardware.
  11. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    If that is true, then none of us have to do anything except report to Reiza and they will adjust the defaults. Their intention is not to cause clipping on all hardware. You said so yourself in your comment about Niels.
  12. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    I think you may be misunderstanding. Most gamemakers' intention is to have clipping or no clipping but a non-linear FFB curve (ie. boosted low-to-mid range forces) - one or the other. The reason is because most FFB wheels are relatively weak therefore the mass majority of people would have weak FFB for the majority of the game's FFB output if the game was set for a linear FFB output with no clipping.
  13. Yash

    Yash New Member

    Dec 19, 2017
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    I think you may have some problem with the front end grip parameters if I'm not mistaking . I was having a similar problem with the feeling of the understeer and it was particularly hard to tell when the tires lost grip. Upon checking the realfeel.ini, I found out that the max front tyre grip for all cars was set to 0. Bumping it up to 0.5 helped quite a bit
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