The settings for triple screens will not save and the FOV is way off. It defaults to 88 for all camera settings. I am using 32" curved monitors. All the setting transferred over with the update but they are not correct.
I'm having the exact same issue with my sim rig setup. Every time I try and change the settings, restart the sim, and go back in the settings have reset, and I also cannot get the in-cockpit view below 88 degrees. It is thoroughly broken. Reiza really need to sit down and craft a proper triple screen setup system, along with adding things like view angle from the drivers perspective like you'd find in ACC.
triple screen as you have all mentioned i have my view setup before and played a few games on 1.6 then when i went back in the veiw was all messed up ive tried for quite a while to get it to work the gui screen does not seem to change either settings or view its just set to whatever the game defined. turning it off and on foir me only changed the hud position center screen or across all three it seems that it does use the XML regardless or it being on ie false or true ive managed to amend the xml to at least get it similar to before "C:\Documents\Automobilista 2\triplescreensettings.xml" REIZA - please bother to advise users of changes as drastic as having to re configure your view and maybe a guide on the correct process or port there exisiting details over ?? it ruines the game especally when you have messed about to a point you are happy.
obviously take a copy before messing with the xml main area that seems to make things change are highlighted below
Another thing you can try it to go ingame. Set it to 90 or so. Then configure the xml. Save it. Make a back up of it. Now rightclick on the file and put it as read-only. See it that works.
I have the same problem here, spent hours trying to figure a workaround but even changing the xml file it doesn't reflects in game. I bought the game with all dlcs in this black friday and after reading everyone's struggle I'm considering asking for refund. That's a shame they release such a broken game...
Please try it with a totally new AMS2 folder in my documents. Back up your current one, delete the old one, boot up AMS2, set all the stuff you want except FOV. Then exit the game, set fov in the ini. Boot up and see how it goes.
Exact same problem here. I have tried everything from deleting the xml folder to completely reinstalling the game. It will not save triple screen monitor settings no matter what. Something is very broken. what a shame. I was so looking forward to playing the new update.
In these cases, manual editing of the xml files may be the only way to get triples to work, at least without using surround mode. I had my doubts but did manage to get my triple 32" monitors to work although, I had to make a custom profile for the combined resolution using "Custom Resolution Utility". The good news is that is also useful for use with other titles as well. I also use a rotary encoder to adjust FOV (Control Assignments) on the fly, and it works perfectly. Editing the files doesn't have to be feared if you first make backup copies (rename), you can always get back to where things were before.
Will not let me change it here either <prop name="Name" data=""/> <prop name="Build" data="2752"/> <prop name="ForceTripleScreen" data="false"/> <prop name="AllowTripleScreen" data="true"/> <prop name="LeftScreen" physicalHeight="26.000000" physicalWidth="47.000000" bezelLeft="1.000000" bezelRight="1.000000" angleFromForward="20.000000" distanceToEye="90.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080"/> <prop name="RightScreen" physicalHeight="26.000000" physicalWidth="47.000000" bezelLeft="1.000000" bezelRight="1.000000" angleFromForward="20.000000" distanceToEye="90.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080"/> <prop name="CentreScreen" physicalHeight="26.000000" physicalWidth="47.000000" bezelLeft="1.000000" bezelRight="1.000000" angleFromForward="0.000000" distanceToEye="90.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="1920" pixelHeight="1080"/>
I was able to get the settings to stick by manually editing the triple monitor xml file. I just open in notepad, alter the monitor dimensions and save. No need for any mass copy and pasting.
Ok, guys. Please send me your xml file. I will take a look. If Citown1211 'fixed' his problem then I suspect there might be a typo in one of the others?
I also found on old post with a possible solution by my friend @Roar McRipHelmet Config Loss (AMS2 cant save)
Yo tengo un problema de gurdado general,desde la nueva actualizacion me dice todo el tiempo que no es posible guardar los cambios que aplico, incluso cambiando entre pestaƱas del nuevo menu, a alguien le sucede algo similar o sabe por que? gracias
I solved it. The main error is that the distance of the point of view must be entered in millimeters while the other values must be entered in centimeters. I post my file "C:\Documents\Automobilista 2\triplescreensettings.xml" Finally, I remind you that the Fov of the view must be set to 60. in my file you see the Bezel values in negative simply because I use asus beezel free kit. <?xml version="1.0"?> <Reflection> <class name="BRTTIRefCount" base="root class" /> <class name="BPersistent" base="BRTTIRefCount"> <prop name="Name" type="String" /> </class> <class name="TripleScreenConfigData" base="BPersistent"> <prop name="Build" type="U32" /> <prop name="ForceTripleScreen" type="Bool" /> <prop name="AllowTripleScreen" type="Bool" /> <prop name="LeftScreen" type="Fct" /> <prop name="RightScreen" type="Fct" /> <prop name="CentreScreen" type="Fct" /> </class> <data class="TripleScreenConfigData" id="0x42676680"> <prop name="Name" data="" /> <prop name="Build" data="2756" /> <prop name="ForceTripleScreen" data="true" /> <prop name="AllowTripleScreen" data="true" /> <prop name="LeftScreen" physicalHeight="39.000000" physicalWidth="70.000000" bezelLeft="-0.35" bezelRight="-0.35" angleFromForward="47.000000" distanceToEye="690.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="2560" pixelHeight="1440" /> <prop name="RightScreen" physicalHeight="39.000000" physicalWidth="70.000000" bezelLeft="-0.35" bezelRight="-0.35" angleFromForward="47.000000" distanceToEye="690.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="2560" pixelHeight="1440" /> <prop name="CentreScreen" physicalHeight="39.000000" physicalWidth="70.000000" bezelLeft="-0.35" bezelRight="-0.35" angleFromForward="0.000000" distanceToEye="690.000000" verticalOffset="0.000000" pixelWidth="2560" pixelHeight="1440" /> </data> </Reflection>
hi all. my problem with triple screens. this morning i have downloaded the latest ams2 as i know there was a known problem with triples. however my problem is that ams2 wont start up on my selected main screen it starts up on my r/h/s screen then spans across the middle(selected main screen) and the nexus screen on my hyte case. i cant use nividia span as that causes a problem with the case screen. if i force it to boot in window mode then i can drag the window round to fill the 3 main screens. anyone know how to force ams2 to boot up on your primary screen?
Some titles with native triple support will work just fine however, when they don't, I use an app called Resize Racoon to adjust the monitor arrangement. This program works excellent and can also enable other games to work with triple-monitors (without Surround).