Race scaling and push-to-pass amount is broken on Stock Car 2024 Championship mode.

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Elton Mattos, Dec 1, 2024.

  1. Elton Mattos

    Elton Mattos New Member

    Dec 1, 2024
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    When starting a new Stock Car Pro Series 2024 Championship (not a custom one), if I select a lower Race Scaling (I used 41%, which has the first race go from 30:00 to 15:00), it totally breaks the mandatory pit window, as it opens only near the end of the race, with only two laps to go.

    This leads to me having to pit at the second to last lap (stopping before the mandatory pit window does not count), as well as some AI cars not using the pit window, getting disqualified and mostly stopped atfer the finish line, leading to a yellow flag in the last lap.

    With race scaling, the pit window is supposed to open before that, and not use the same pit window as a full race. By the official Stock Car rules, the pit window officialy opens by laps 6 or 7, depending on the circuit, but on a 15 minute race, it leads to these problems described.

    Another problem: The push-to-pass amount left should carry over from race 1 to race 2. You start with 44 (i'm not asking to simulate rookie/fan pushes or anything), if i use 10 on the first race, i'm supposed to have 34 p2p available, not have them replenished to 44 on the second race.

    Also, at which level does AI start using their pushes? I'm at 90 and they don't seem to be using them at all, but i can't really tell, i didn't get to check replays or anything (EDIT: i checked a replay after the race but still can't tell, at the replays every car's counter shows as zero, even mine).

    Edit: Also, i think push-to-pass should be scaled to race length too. 44 p2p for a 15 min. race means i can use it all the time after the 1st lap, considering the cooldown, and never run out. In single race it works, a 6 lap race got me 15 p2p. Scaling does not work in championships.
    Last edited: Dec 1, 2024
  2. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Has been requested a couple of times. Just need time to implant it.

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