Chatbox - Move/Remove - Triple Screen

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Louis LeBeau, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. Louis LeBeau

    Louis LeBeau New Member

    Mar 1, 2022
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    Hi All,

    Back to AMS2 after a couple years hiatus thanks to LFM - been waiting for this for YEARS.

    I am running triple screens with NVidia Surround (my preferred option when running on other sims) and have the chatbox popping up bottom left of my centre screen - its really distracting in multiplayer and sometimes even blocks the view of a corner or a car.

    I looked everywhere and didnt find an option to either move it or remove it completely. I have tried to run the triples as a single screen which move the chatbox all the way bottom left of my left screen but getting stretching and misalignment on side screens which is really not ideal for evaluation racelines and speed in corners.

    Anyone would have an advice? maybe some .ini file to modify to chance the place of the Chatbox? That's really the only issue i have with this sim and would hate something so basic to ruin the expérience.

    Thanks a million
  2. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Able to remove the chatbox will be included in a next patch. Moving the chatbox at the moment is not possible.
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