VR Discussions, Questions & Feedback

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 5, 2020.

  1. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Yep, I get those kind of stutters occasionally and often on same places on the track (though it's not guaranteed, some laps might be better than others), even if I'm driving alone in a test session. It's usually the hairpins or the like where that happens. If I use flatscreen, it's smooth even with much higher graphical settings that what I use on VR (on VR, I have a lot of of the settings as "low")

    I wonder what it is.. it's like some bandwith isn't enough temporarily in certain situations. My FPS seems to stay the same though.
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  2. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    It happens to me as well in Mosport in the corner right before the straight and in Sebring (the worst of all of them) in a couple of parts. I guess some 3d renders are not very well optimized. In Mosport it might be indeed the many trees, but I have no idea
  3. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    With these settings, I race open wheelers with 90Hz and can go any track at any conditions with stable 90 FPS. If I want to race in Sebring with "boring" cars, night , thuderstorm, go 120Hz and let auto ASW do the magic.

    I don't like ASW with open wheelers, because the artifacts when you look sideways with fast moving things are massive. Closed cockpit I can hardly feel when it kick in with 120Hz.

    Maybe someday we have variable refresh rates in affordable VR headsets. Will be perfect.

    One note: the most important setting for big FPS gains without losing MUCH in visuals ARE cars details and reflections to LOW. The LOD transitions are good. MEDIUM is terrible, just as HIGH. And ULTRA is heavy as hell.
  4. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    BTW I tested 24 hour race (30min x50 time acceleration) yesterday for the first time in 1.6. It was Road Atlanta with full 48 cars (IMSA multi class). While in 1.5 I always had FPS decrease when getting dark, in 1.6 I had no performance hit whatsoever during the whole race
  5. LostPatrol

    LostPatrol Active Member

    Jul 21, 2023
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    Stutters aren't always the easiest thing to get to the bottom of. One of the easiest things to try though is turning off HAGS Hardware Accelerated GPU Scheduling, reboot, check that HAGS is still off then try the game, HAGS off has helped in a few games for me including AMS2.
    • Agree Agree x 1
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  6. torsteinvh

    torsteinvh Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Do you mean that low is better than medium and high regarding overall image quality, or only for FPS?
  7. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    Image quality too. The LOD transitions are really good in all cars at LOW. Other settings besides LOW and ULTRA are really visible, and with fast aproachig cars it's even dangerous to judge distance.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  8. Dmand

    Dmand Active Member

    Oct 3, 2022
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    Particles are a FPS killer now.
    I took a fun car on test day mode and started doing donuts. My FPS went down to 5 or 10, it was pretty bad.

    New particles look fantastic though, i had settings on ultra dn high just to see them but i can't use them unfortunately
  9. Xzess

    Xzess New Member

    Mar 11, 2016
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    After testing and very rare FPS comeback to me. The final conclusion to me is, Reiza should do an ULTRALOW setting on track detail and car detail LODs, and a view distance slider.
    In VR we can make sacrifices to maintain FPS.
  10. Deviouz

    Deviouz New Member

    Jul 8, 2024
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    The performance really has dipped hard.

    Sunset in Hockenheim running qualifier without other cars in sight. Cant keep the frames at 90 fps. Not even close. Running OpenXR 2700x2XXX render res, basically all settings low, MSAA medium (also tried with SMAA ultra with no real help) Foveated rendering 50% outer ring with 1/16 render res, horizontal scale 185%. Frames run somewhere around 70fps. The qualifier was on LFM race though, so could that have an impact somehow? The ghost cars?

    Daytime i can run 20 AI cars race without an issue, what the hell?
  11. JDean

    JDean New Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    I follow some of your tips after reading 20 pages for VR settings. :D
    Is it possible that you post your settings or youre videos with Microsoft windows set to english language? AMS2 also :whistle:
    • Funny Funny x 1
  12. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    ULTRA is the same.

    But will change the language and make a video with the settings that can do this in MP:

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2024
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  13. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    Since so many people are struggling with the settings, I'll share here mine. I have a Quest3 and AMD 6950xt GPU, i7-13700F. With these settings I get stable 90Hz most of the time during day and night but only if it is not raining (max Quest3 resolution). Exceptions are the first lap in races with 48 cars, where the performance drops to around 70/75Hz, gets better in second lap and stable in 90 afterwards. Also some corners in Mosport and Sebring (mostly Sebring) where performance takes a hit. This is a generalization since I still didn't test every circuit of course. I am still trying to figure out what's the best compromise to do for raining, but I have some trust that some near future patches will improve the performance again.

    Some stuff is in spanish but I guess it is sorted equally in other languages so people can hopefully find it useful (low=baja, medium=medio, high=alta)

    In graphicsoculusdx11.xml:


    Sin título1.png
    Sin título2.png
    • Informative Informative x 1
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  14. Deviouz

    Deviouz New Member

    Jul 8, 2024
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    Too bad the fov tangent tweak is not possible with other than Meta headsets :( We need that Quad Views foveated rendering..
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  15. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    I use these settings.

    I like to go ULTRA with shadows and Track Reflections, because these two have massive visual quality improvement for FPS hit, most visible in night (shadows), rain (Track reflections) and sunny days (shadows). I save FPS in cars reflections and details, and go for Track Details to MEDIUM, because in tracks like Daytona, Sebring and Azure, saves stutters and FPS drops in some points, with really minor objects pop up and LOD visible changes.

    I give up of sharpening in config file editing, even if it is almost FPS free, and go to supersampling, because sharpening in config files induces more shimmering and supersampling is amazing for distant textures details, the biggest problem of Madness Engine in VR visual quality.

    FOV I set horizintal the max visible for my IPD with Quest 2 (0.675), and set vertical to the size that I loose nothing of situational awareness when looking sideways (0.375). This have massive FPS gains, and I can go to 120HZ, and don't need any size buffer in image size with this refresh rate.

    All settings are general guidelines, because VR is a funny mess with each Headset, hardware and even IPD.

    Attached Files:

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  16. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    For sim racing will be great someday a "cheap" headset with massive horizontal FOV and limited vertical FOV screens and optics.

    But Reiza can solve this with a workaround: create a VR mask that only renders what we set vertical and horizontal, and all the rest total black, and the engine just do work rendering the visible area. Will work for any headset. A new "helmet view", because what we have now just put another layer and saves nothing in performance.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  17. Ken Shearer

    Ken Shearer New Member

    Oct 25, 2024
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    Thanks for the Quest 2 information.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  18. Akak7

    Akak7 Active Member

    Mar 14, 2024
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    Thanks, I'll give a try with supersampling instead of the config files thing, indeed my biggest visual issue are distant objects. So you set supersampling direct in game (not in Oculus debug tool). I read that the in-game supersampling does nothing, took it as the truth and never touched it myself. I also get a very big performance hit with shadows (and I don't like how they look like anyway), so yeah... interesting world this of VR configuration. Track details to me is god and I won't decrease it xD I just love to look at the road details near me.
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  19. Ernesto_171

    Ernesto_171 Active Member

    Nov 27, 2022
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    Supersampling is working nice ingame, and you already have at Max what link can delivery in image quality (I can't set link resolution to 4096 with 120Hz, link can't keep up, even at 960 bitrate). Try set Supersampling to 1.3 just for testing and look at distant textures. Is a game change for sure! And works nice with flickering distant shadows in ULTRA and fences too.

    Track details don't interfere with anything besides LODs. I only notice a difference in MEDIUM to ULTRA at trees in Montreal (pop up) and some little things in Green Hell. But from HIGH to ULTRA, only can see FPS gains.
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  20. JDean

    JDean New Member

    Dec 26, 2021
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    Desktop Screenshot 2024.12.03 - Desktop Screenshot 2024.12.03 - Desktop Screenshot 2024.12.03 -

    Desktop Screenshot 2024.12.03 -

    <data class="GraphicConfigData" id="0x42676300">
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    After Hours of testing and reading over 400 Posts are these my "clearest" settings in AMS2 1.6
    It was a pain :mad:. Everytime it was blurry with no Details in the Distance, and the 3D effect was not there and you had low sense of speed. Now it feels more natural to drive and you feel more that you inside the car . I Have more control over the car and can see the surface much better :)

    Last edited: Dec 3, 2024
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