Just bought and cant play the first time.

Discussion in 'Automobilista - Help & Support' started by Tgforce, Sep 8, 2016.

  1. Tgforce

    Tgforce New Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    Hello first of all apologize for English is quite obsolete

    Yesterday i bought from Steam Automobilista . I bought the pack of the game with all the DLC for the future.
    Steam downloaded the beta version and the full game.
    I tried to start the game and I could not, I just come to put the name profile and always gives me an error,
    sometimes not even start the first image of automobilista.
    I've downloaded 3 times already and I have not been able to play even once.

    the error is as follows, is in Spanish.

    Nombre del evento de problema: APPCRASH
    Nombre de la aplicación: AMS.exe
    Versión de la aplicación:
    Marca de tiempo de la aplicación: 57cd816e
    Nombre del módulo con errores: AMS.exe
    Versión del módulo con errores:
    Marca de tiempo del módulo con errores: 57cd816e
    Código de excepción: c00000fd
    Desplazamiento de excepción: 00ea6fd6
    Versión del sistema operativo: 6.1.7600.
    Id. de configuración regional: 3082
    Información adicional 1: d668
    Información adicional 2: d668d97aa319b8e54417c4606cdf1e54
    Información adicional 3: b826
    Información adicional 4: b8266c4249bcefc4be7269069f342134

    I w7 ultimate 64 b,i7,8gb ram, nvidia 560 ti and g27 steering wheel, but it is the first time I have a problem with an original game that just bought, I put off the antivirus too,put off the g27 the keyboard the mouse... maybe i've to put off the screen :(

    The funny thing is that it works perfectly beta version, but I cant play online and offline is not fun, I don`t understand what happens with my 60 euros :X

    thank's so mach Regards.
  2. Tgforce

    Tgforce New Member

    Sep 8, 2016
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    I'll look silly answering myself, but might please someone serves in case you have the same problem
    I read in a forum that w7 you need to upgrade to SP1 to detect the game and it worked! I'm going to have fun

    sorry again I hope it helps someone
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  3. Juani-nk

    Juani-nk New Member

    Dec 6, 2024
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    Con la nueva actualzacion, me da error de guardado cada vez que cambio entre pestañas del nuevo menu ,me deja realizar cambios en la configuracion etc ,spameando todo el rato que no es posible guardar los cambios,y al cerrar y abrir el juego de nuevo todos los cambios que consegui aplicar, no se guardan,como dice el mensaje obviamente,soy el unico con este problema? alguna idea de por que ?
  4. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    Possibly this is 'controlled folder access'
    Other possibilities : your disk is full or the configuration files are write protected?
  5. Juani-nk

    Juani-nk New Member

    Dec 6, 2024
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    mil disco nop esta lleno aun me sobra espacio de memoria,coo puedo saber si los archivos estan protegidos contra escritura?como se toquetea lo de lacceso controlado a carpeta
    ? muchas gracias
  6. Michael3

    Michael3 Active Member

    Aug 18, 2023
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    The controlled folder access is a windows 10/11 feature under 'ransomware protection' in 'Virus & threat protection' in windows settings.
    Allow an app to access controlled folders - Microsoft Support

    It should be saving these files in Documents\Automobilista 2 check that you can create a file in there - although it's usually the controlled folder access when others have posted the same problem.

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