Automobilista 2 Custom Force Feedback - Overview & Recommendations

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Karsten Hvidberg, May 30, 2020.

  1. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Sensing the limits of the tire and its loss of grip has been improved with the 1.6 update by Reiza (hysteresis) and has to do with tire physics. There are cars where it can be felt better and there are cars where it is still not noticeable enough (my opinion). Braking, on the other hand, is implemented and felt better in Ams2 than in Raceroom. You see, it's all very subjective
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  2. Mustafa Kemal

    Mustafa Kemal New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    I would like to test an FFB Custom, I have already loaded files but I don't know how to get it into the AMS2, is there a description for it?
    My goal is that I feel more the ABS, oversteer and understeer on the steering wheel
  3. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Just paste the downloaded txt to Documents/Automobilista 2 (I always rename it to ffb_custom_settings.txt) and in game use the Custom option instead of Default or Default+
    Side note: you can only have one custom file, so dont paste more than 1.
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  4. ulotrix

    ulotrix Member

    Feb 12, 2024
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    I wish it supports multiple custom FFB files. Comparing side by side would've been much easier :D
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  5. Mustafa Kemal

    Mustafa Kemal New Member

    Nov 16, 2024
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    thank you it work well
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  6. Stepy

    Stepy Active Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Make a folder for each custom file you want to try and then activate ONE using JSGME, you still have to exit game to switch ffb files though.
  7. Michael Enright

    Michael Enright Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 3, 2019
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    Yes, JSGME makes changing Custom FFB Files a breeze. Once you understand how to use it, which isn't hard.
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  8. GianlucaFiducci

    GianlucaFiducci New Member

    Dec 6, 2024
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    i need some help to install this sir - recomends highly from fellow racers but how to use?
  9. deekracer

    deekracer Active Member

    May 29, 2020
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  10. Alex291190

    Alex291190 Rack_Force guy

    Jul 27, 2016
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    Put this in "\Documents\Automobilista 2".

    Attached Files:

  11. Michael Muhr

    Michael Muhr New Member

    Apr 17, 2023
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    @Stakanov nochmals vielen Dank,

    Ich habe die Werte wie empfohlen alle probiert.
    Die Datei finde ich immer noch sehr gut.

    Mir fehlt noch immer etwas die ansteigende Flieh Kraft beim durch fahren einer Kurve.

    und etwas mehr Kraft in der Mitte, wenn ich das Lenkrad nicht bewege

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  12. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Been using different profiles and so far default+ and default are still my favorites.
    But im trying the v6000 extreme 2 atm and I quite like it but I feel the ffb ramps up very fast when turning in faster tighter corners, even when ffb is set fairly weak.
    Also when I go on the grass the ffb becomes very heavy.
    Is there any way to make it ramp up less harsh?

    Im on a simucube pro and using the true drive settings as described by @Danielkart
  13. Siggi_Stoppschild

    Siggi_Stoppschild Active Member

    Jan 3, 2024
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    I always lower the master rack value within Daniels ffb file to make it more suitable for my kinda improvised cockpit and it is working fine. Maybe it helps you, too.
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  14. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Increase the "static force reduction" on the Simucube2 that should solve your problem. There are cars with high downforce that I drive with around 15% static power reduction. Off the track? Stay on track ;) There will also be the V6000 extreme 3 available today, it should come soon
    • Winner Winner x 2
  15. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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    Chance this

    (velocity_res_scale 0.500) #How much velocity affects resistance. Works in combination with velocity_res_offset.
    (velocity_res_offset 0.500) #How much resistance at velocity 0. Works in combination with velocity_res_scale.

    to this

    (velocity_res_scale 0.250) #How much velocity affects resistance. Works in combination with velocity_res_offset.
    (velocity_res_offset 0.750) #How much resistance at velocity 0. Works in combination with velocity_res_scale.


    Alternative solution.... at the top of the file between the various scales search this voice..

    (steer_spring_strength_feel 0.750)

    and try go up from 0.750 to 1.000 or intermediate value according to your taste (0.80-0.85-0.90-0.95-1.00). ;)


    Alternative solution (but i don't like) .... I have reduced a value to avoid the elastic effect in the street cars or in the most swaying cars, then go under in the file and try to modify this line of code under indicate....

    from this 0.25

    (steer_pull (hard_clip (* steer_spring_strength steer_delta 0.25) 0.5))

    try to this 0.40

    (steer_pull (hard_clip (* steer_spring_strength steer_delta 0.40) 0.5))

    but after you find your level try the swaying cars that I have mentioned and if necessary set an intermediate value (according to your taste) to reduce it. If you dont like return to the default value (0.25). ;)


    @Michael Muhr, let me know if you solve it with one or both solutions, you are not the first person to ask me this need, thanks for the feedback, I will evaluate whether to change these values in the next update of the file .... and I will also take into account the further increase in resistances as previously indicated in a post by the user @Boci.
    I don't want to overdo it with either, I'll evaluate. ;)

    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
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  16. Stakanov

    Stakanov Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 7, 2020
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  17. Danielkart

    Danielkart Well-Known Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    Hi guys!

    It's time for the V6000 extreme 3 files after the 1.6 update of Reiza. There is again a dd and a belt file. My focus is mainly on the stability of the cars and thus having less of the feeling of "floating cars". In addition, less "sliding cars" are important to me, but as much grip as possible and the connection between car and track can be felt well. You can read the additional improvements and changes of V6000 extreme 3 further down in the changelog, all other improvements of V6000 extreme and extreme 2 remain as before. I also try to give you very precise recommendations for the in-game settings and base settings, so that you get as much feedback as possible, but as little clipping and anomalies as possible. The goal is to adapt your base and your in-game settings as perfectly as possible to the V6000 Extreme 3 file and to use the potential of your base as much as possible. However, I would like to point out that these recommendations of mine do not automatically have to work for previous files of mine or other files or Reizas defaults.

    Changes and improvements V6000 Extreme 3 :

    1. Added new bases to the dd file (Fanatec Clupsport dd and Fanatec Clupsport dd+)
    2. Adjusted in-game settings for V6000 Extreme 3
    3. Adjusted base settings for V6000 Extreme 3
    4. Sliding has been reduced
    5. The "floating feeling" has been reduced
    6. The liveliness of the steering axle and thus the wheel has been increased
    7. Adaptation to the new "hysteresis" of the tires
    8. Frontend Feeling increased
    9. Tire roughing on the rear and front axles adjusted
    10. Adapted to the new standard setups of the cars

    The 1st file is only for dd bases and was adapted and tested with a Simucube 2 Pro and a Moza R21 V2 :

    Optimized for Simucube 2 Pro (25Nm) (My Reference Base)
    Optimized for Simucube 2 Sport (17Nm)
    Optimized for Moza R21 V2 (21Nm) (My 2nd Base)
    Optimized for Moza R16 V2 (16Nm)
    Optimized for Moza R12 V2 (12Nm)
    Optimized for Moza R 9 V2 (9Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec Podium DD1 (20Nm) (My Former Base)
    Optimized for Fanatec Podium DD2 (25Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec CSL DD Base (8Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec Clubsport DD Base (12Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec Clubsport DD+ Base (15Nm)
    Optimized for Simagic Alpha Mini (10Nm)
    Optimized for Simagic Alpha (15Nm)
    Optimized for Simagic Ultimate (23Nm)
    Optimized for Assetek Prima (12Nm)
    Optimized for Assetek Forte (18Nm)
    Optimized for Assetek Invicta (27Nm)
    Optimized for VRS (20Nm)
    Optimized for Cammus C15 (15Nm)
    Optimized for Cammus C12 (12Nm)

    The 2nd file is for belt bases / hybrid bases and Beginners dds bases and was adapted and tested with a Thrustmaster T300RS. It's crazy how these weak belt bases can still provide excellent feedback: Optimized for Thrustmaster T128 (2Nm) (hybrid base)

    Optimized for Thrustmaster T248 (3.5Nm) (Hybrid-Base)
    Optimized for Thrustmaster T150 (2Nm) (Hybrid_Base)
    Optimized for Thrustmaster T300RS (4Nm) (My tested base)
    Optimized for Thrustmaster T500 (5Nm)
    Optimized for Thrustmaster T-GT / T-GT II / TS-PC / TS-XW (6Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec CSL Elite (6.3Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec CSW V1 (5Nm)
    Optimized for Fanatec CSL DD Base (5Nm)
    Optimized for Moza R5 DD Base (5Nm)
    Optimized for Cammus C5 DD Base (5Nm)

    General information:

    All these recommendations and suggestions and these 2 custom files are based on my personal taste and my interpretation of how FFB should feel with all the compromises that a (simulation VS reality) entails. It is also based on my experiences with many different systems (bases and immersion hardware) and of course from nice guys based on their feedback, many thanks at this point to these guys. In addition, it should be very easy even for beginners who prefer a custom file, but don't feel like and have time to deal with FFB or all the complicated settings. Then just take the file for your base and set the recommended settings, that's it. Whether someone likes it or not is another subjective thing, if so it's good and if no it's good. There are enough other options with different customs or the defaults of Reiza so that everyone can find their preferred settings.
    The bases are very different. DDs are fundamentally different from belt bases. The forces, processing and output of FFB , the rotation speeds , the torque slew rates ..... and much more. In my opinion, these many differences cannot be solved with only 1 custom file. That's why I have these 2nd files, because they are very specific and precisely tailored to the systems (bases).

    Notes for advanced custom users:

    Always use 100% vehicle-specific FFB for these V6000 Extreme3 files, otherwise you will change the file and clipping or loss of FFB may occur. The most important slider for these 2 files is the IN-Game Value (FX). The recommended value should not be exceeded, otherwise clipping and other anomalies may occur. On the other hand, this value (FX) can be reduced at will to find your personal sweet spot. Especially interesting if someone is on the road with motion or butt kickers or VR or other immersion hardware and it can then lead to a sensory overload. I know people who then reduce it, I personally ride with the recommended FX values because I love to feel a lot in the wheel and thus in my hands, decide according to your personal taste. Finally, a recommendation from me: Reduce the throttle sensitivity and the brake sensitivity in the in-game settings, I have reduced both values from 50 to 0. Ams2 is the only simulation where I leave this linearity, but with it you achieve much more feeling on the brake and on the throttle and the dosage will be much more precise. Good examples are GT3 or GT1 or GroupC cars without ABS and TC, it will give you a great advantage to reduce the sensitivity . But enough of the words, it's time to play or rather it's time to simulate

    I wish you a lot of fun and fast and intense laps with the V6000 Extreme3

    1 File: Daniel's Custom File V6000 Extreme 3 for dd bases
    2 File: Daniel's Custom File V6000 Extreme 3 for belts/hybrid bases and Beginners dd bases

    I have included weak "beginner dds" in the belt file because they work better with this file.The in-game and base settings can be found in the belt file

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    Last edited: Dec 11, 2024
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  18. Manolo

    Manolo Member

    Sep 28, 2021
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    @Stakanov this is really beautiful, even though it was already wonderful, for me in some moments the file went too low, with this is wonderfull and it deserves an update, the file remains identical but with a center, a resistance and a fullness always present and constant. :)

    (velocity_res_scale 0.250)
    (velocity_res_offset 0.750)
    or near this values...

    @Boci maybe with this modification alone you can restore the file ATMOS file to the original resistances or maybe you could still prefer even the yours... let us know ;)
    Last edited: Dec 7, 2024
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  19. Boci

    Boci New Member

    Nov 18, 2024
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    Thank you for the info, i will test it tomorrow :)
  20. Kevin del Campo

    Kevin del Campo Active Member

    Feb 7, 2021
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    Ive upped it to 15% and it does feel a lot better indeed.
    Still messing around with everything and will also try your new file asap.

    Thanks for all the good work!
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