Hello, AMS2 wheel/pedal configuration in options does not recognize any input from my wheel or pedals (it was working a couple days ago on v1.6). When selecting "configure" in game, the sliders do not move at all. They work normally in other games, and the windows game controller config app works normally. I've tried checking for updates on both devices, restarting my PC, closing AMS2 > restarting devices > re-opening AMS2, using the "custom" device type profile, and disabling steam controller override. Thrustmaster TX Wheel Thrustmaster TLCM Pedals Thank you for your help!
The devices are connected separately and I have selected the appropriate setting in both AMS2 and windows game controller.
If using 'custom' you've still to bind your peripherals. Try that. Alternatively you can backup your AMS2 folder in Mydocuments. Delete it. Boot up AMS2 and try to connect your devices again and see if they work.
I can't bind the peripherals as the game doesn't detect an input. Let me try the documents thing real quick.
Hi Marius, I've been having to do this workaround periodically to be able to play, but now it happens every time I join a multiplayer race. I'm effectively unable to race. Do you have any advice? Thanks
Marius, yes I am also getting this very frequently now (since the big 1.6.x release). I can run a single player session, practice or race, everything is OK, Then jump into a multiplayer session and I have no wheel, the other controls are OK.
I am having the same issue with my Fanatec csw 2.5, however deleting the documents folder does not work. I have been using this wheel since AMS2 was released and now it doesn’t recognize any racing inputs. I can use the wheel buttons in the menu screen however steering and pedals it does not recognize. I have all other sims and everything works as usual. I’ve reinstalled the game twice and still does not work. Really at a loss what to try.
Hey, I also have this issue. Joining a MP session will disconnect all devices sometimes. After it happens there's no input possible anymore anywhere in AMS (Singleplayer, hotlap etc.). Thought it might be USB power issues 1st but I don't have that in any other sim. Running a DD1/VRS/Heuskinveld setup. Each device is on a differend usb port, all are set to never suspend in devmgr. Restarting AMS2 will correct it until it happens again. Does happen frequently now (did not do scientific measurements, maybe every 4th time when joining a MP session) Did not happen prior to the 1.6 update. cheers