Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Are you venting or reporting a bug? If former it's a wrong thread, if latter you need to be less emotional and provide actual evidence, car, track, session details, pitstop requirements etc to help with reproducing it and debugging what may be causing it.

    I understand the frustration (I'd be fuming myself!) but this is a bug reporting thread. Instructions are in the first post.
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  2. Richirichi

    Richirichi Member

    Apr 29, 2021
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    Fair point, but as I mentioned I’ve been reporting this bug for a long period, at least 2 years. Regardless of the parameters, it occurs every time, but I will provide the details of this individual case nonetheless, although looking at the two year period, I would be surprised if it makes any difference.
    Track & Layout Used: Road Atlanta
    Car Used: BMW M6 GT3 gen1
    Applicable Settings: Race time 30 mins; class GT3 gen1; fuel/tyres x2; cars AI 29.
    Report: Selected mandatory pitstop, fuel and tyres, pitted within the window, only to be black flagged on the last lap of the race for not pitting. Occurs everytime, and is unacceptable at this stage of the games development.

    I admit I was a little emotional in my original post, but considering how long this gamebreaking bug has been known, and yet nothing has been done to address this for years now, there is a point when frustration becomes exasperation. 1.6 is a great update, but the fundamentals and basics have to be addressed too, and this is an appalling oversight that wrecks the game when racing the AI. I hope that this can now be addressed, and quickly.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
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  3. Raycevick

    Raycevick The Shambles Championship

    Dec 7, 2024
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    Ibarra Reverse Pit-Stop Faces Wrong Way
    Presumably, it's using the same pit-boxes as default Ibarra and hasn't been converted for this Reverse layout.
    Track & Layout Used
    : Ibarra Reverse
    Car Used: Irrelevant
    Applicable Settings: Irrelevant
    Report: Pit-Stop faces the wrong way
    Steps to reproduce: Enter the Pits in Ibarra's Reverse Layout
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
  4. Frank99

    Frank99 New Member

    Dec 13, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Nurburgring GP 2020
    Car Used: Formula V12
    Applicable Settings: Formula v12 Champíonship preset, Ai aggresion: low, Race distance: 30% , tyres x2
    Report: the Ai doesnt change from initial slick tires to wet tires in a wet track condition
    Steps to reproduce: play the Formula v12 Championship preset, round 12 (Nurburgring 2020 gp), the race strarts with dry track until lap 10, then starts to rain, in the lap 15-16 go to change to wet tires, the Ai cars are still using the same slick tires until the checkered flag, never changed to wet tires, or spin, or slowed. 20241213041453_1.jpg 20241213041435_1.jpg
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  5. SpaceYam

    SpaceYam Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jun 23, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Any - possibly specific to auto clutch off and manual gearing on (I never drive otherwise)
    Report: H-pattern vehicles often have the 'gear grinding' noise when starting or restarting a Time Trial session drive. It seems to occur randomly, whether or not in neutral, the right gear for the start, or the wrong gear. It occurs during the 'auto pilot' start before you are handed control of the car.
    Steps to reproduce: Conduct time trial sessions
  6. Raycevick

    Raycevick The Shambles Championship

    Dec 7, 2024
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    1.jpg Track & Layout Used: Spa 2022
    Car Used: Mclaren 720s GT3 Gen 2
    Applicable Settings:
    x15 Time Progression
    2 Hour Race
    Dedicated Server
    Fuel Usage Authentic
    Tire Wear x3
    Report: Pit Stop doesn't refuel vehicle, despite having a strategy with 110 liters, and despite entering the pits without having enough fuel to complete another lap.
    Steps to reproduce: "For context I pitted one time before this clip, my setup name was Default, I requested the pit (which was not reflected in the UI at all), and I only changed tyres. Once I put fuel to be added in the MFD, the setup name changed to the name of my car. I requested the pit which didn't show anything initially, but it showed a Pit In sign when I got to the back straight (shown in clip)."

    UPDATE: After more testing, the problem is the Default strategy.
    Most posts and friends I've seen with this issue describe adjusting a strategy from the ICM, or creating one pre-race, they don't talk about selecting their created strategy prior to the race-start, and therefore, not making that strategy the pit-crew's Default.

    Seemingly, this "bug" can't be replicated consistently, because the game's Default strategy that's assigned to the pit-crew is different per-stint. Sometimes it changes tires, sometimes it fills the tank, sometimes it's given me nothing while I'm in critical. It's not something the player can rely upon, and yet, it's what the game prioritizes over the ICM, used by a player who's expecting the strategy they're adjusting in the middle of the race, to be the one that's assigned to their Pit Crew.

    If somebody can prove this still happens even when a created strategy is selected prior to the race start as their default with the green checkmark, then it definitely is a bug, but if not, then it's a design oversight that hopefully is easy to remedy.
    Last edited: Dec 14, 2024
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  7. Jucca

    Jucca New Member

    Jul 27, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: All
    Car Used: Irrelevant
    Applicable Settings: Irrelevant
    Report: unable to save triple screen settings with v1.6 update
    Steps to reproduce: after long time I reinstalled AMS2 since I've heard lot of good things with new update, but I'm stucked at very first step. Can't set triple screen settings, it's just won't to save them.
    Went to enter manual into XML file, got it somehow working, but FOV is far away from perfect, all from calculated FOV calculators.
    In other sim games I managed to perfect FOV in game, but struggle with AMS V1.6
    Remember, before, was easy and straight forward. Now isn't
  8. mikesch250

    mikesch250 Active Member

    May 26, 2024
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    I had this bug nearly everytime when I play with pitstops. No refueling. First I only had used the default pit strategy, but changed the fuel and saved it. Error happends. After reading your post, I created a new pit strategy and activate it before the race. Then I checked the ICM at race and my new strategy was selected, fuel was set to 100 liters. Then I boxed and still, nobody was refueling.

    Really frusttrating to drive more than half an hour and then your race is ruined because you are out of fuel because the pit crew is on a strike.

    Had fuel consumption to x2 btw.
  9. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Also @mikesch250

    When you encountered this bug, did you modify any value in the car setup (other than pit strategy) ?

    There's a very easy to reproduce bug where before a race, if you set a pit strategy with refueling but have never modified any other car setting (that is not in the pit strategy dialog), the refueling will not happen during pitting. Best way to avoid that is that for each car to systematically alter a value in "car settings" (for example startup fuel but could be anything else), which will force the car settings to be saved and the pit strategy to apply refueling (you only have to do this once per car).
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  10. TomLehockySVK

    TomLehockySVK Well-Known Member

    Aug 7, 2022
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    "Tyre volume" is causing weird audio scrathich bug ! I had to set it to zero for the sound to stop scratching, there seems to be some bug with the tyre sounds since 1.6
    Random youtube video and you can hear the scratching within the first 10 seconds, there is some problem with the sound.

    EDIT: Never mind it happens even with tyre volume at zero, but something is seriously wrong here.
  11. mikesch250

    mikesch250 Active Member

    May 26, 2024
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    I´m sure I edited the start fuel before (and the TC), because he only gives me 25liter every time. So I changed it to 100 liters and had to make a new setup, because he did not save the start fuel on a (saved) default setup. But also with using a new setup and editing some things in the car setup (Start fuel and TC), making a new pit strategy and select it prerace and in ICM...the pit crew does not refuel for me.

    My test: 992 GT3 at Nürburgring 2024

    Will test out more...
  12. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    I would not be surprised that there is more than one possible cause to this issue.
    Sounds obvious, but pit stop refueling should be allowed in the race settings.
  13. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    In your gameplay settings,
    Set the ICM reset option to NOT reset on exit and see how it goes .
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  14. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Monza Historic 1971
    Car Used: Formula Junior
    Applicable Settings: AI 100%, High aggression, 24 AI
    Report: Occasionally, a F-Junior AI will suicide on the right-side barrier after the start line

    Videos included for science and entertainement :D:D

    1. during race (at lap 2):

    2. at race start, with my car ending up as collateral damage:

  15. CJ7777777

    CJ7777777 New Member

    Aug 19, 2023
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    Track & Layout Used: Le Mans (24 hour layout)
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: NA
    Report: It seems like there is some kinda of memory bug or something at Le Mans. My computer handles every other track with no FPS hits (60+ even when stress tested with 48 cars at night with rain) but Le Mans at times looks like a slide show. There is no rhyme or reason.

    Under the exact same conditions I can have widely varied results. I can start a session and start with a smooth framerate, have a accident and restart the session and have a completely different performance level. Weather doesn't impact it one way or another, I could run a session in the rain and start at 60+ or I could be in the sun and have a slide show. Tinkered with various settings which have 0 input. Again only seems to be a problem at Le mans (don't think its a track-size thing, Nuremberg runs fine)

    Ryzen 5600X / RX6600 / 32 GB RAM / 1TB SSD / Linux - (ran via proton 9 and 8 though 8 seems to be the best performing)
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  16. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Daytona Sports Car Course
    Car Used: LMP2 Gen2 (Oreca and Ligier have the issue)
    Applicable Settings: watch the replay/monitor
    Report: When watching these cars in the replay, the tires are coming through the bodywork, see attached screenshots.

    This isn't caused by the banking, they also do this on Le Mans and Spa for example, so also not only on the LD models that it's happening
    upload_2024-12-15_12-18-31.jpeg upload_2024-12-15_12-18-41.jpeg
  17. mikesch250

    mikesch250 Active Member

    May 26, 2024
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    Thanks! I have done a lot of testing now and in my case, the only way the pit crew is refueling my car is, when I also change the tires. Tested it in different scenarios: default pit strategy/new pit strategy, default car setup/saved car setup, using ICM and without it. As soon as I selected tire change (before the race or in the ICM during race), the car is refuelling correct.

    So at least a small fix to not run out of fuel in endurance races.

    Maybe someone with the same bug can confirm it?
  18. bobbie424242

    bobbie424242 Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 31, 2017
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    I've seen this scenario happen to me once. I could reproduce it several times in the same game session where it happened, but now I cannot reproduce it. Specifically it was a race set with a strategy configured to only refuel (no tires, no repairs), thus similar to your description.
    Can you 100% reproduce it between game restarts ? For this kind of issues to be fixed, a 100% repro case (that others, including devs, can reproduce too) is of the highest importance as a first step to have it fixed.
  19. Jason Bradshaw

    Jason Bradshaw Member

    Apr 27, 2021
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    Track: Any
    Car used: Open Wheelers
    Applicable Settings:
    VR, (QUEST3, 4090, Open XR).
    Report: All Open Wheel cars are showing a artifacts/Graphical gliches around the tyres, especially during the start of the race and slightly less during the race. Apologies in advance if this has been reported previously..
  20. Eccho

    Eccho New Member

    Dec 8, 2024
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    Track: Le Mans
    Car used: BMW GT3 and Audi GT3
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Report: Car literally teleports behind me and then goes under my car (attached video)
    happened in multiplayer, may have seen the same guy teleport before, driver was from Uruguay on an EU LFM server and im east coast US.

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