Will we ever get VR trackside camera replays?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by RmRx8, Dec 2, 2024.

  1. RmRx8

    RmRx8 New Member

    Jan 26, 2024
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    As awesome as AMS 2 is for VR, there's one area in VR where it falls behind iRacing and RaceRoom, and that's VR support for replays. All we get is chase/cockpit cams in replays in VR. There's no way to go watch a TV-style replay while in VR. My guess is you have to shut down the game and restart it in 2D and load up a replay to see those cameras, and as a result, I save but rarely re-watch replays and certainly don't get to do the 'instant replay' thing where I watch something cool that just happened from anything other than chase.

    PLEASE get this working for us VR fans.
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  2. F2020

    F2020 Active Member

    Apr 1, 2020
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    This is on my major want this, even if it switched to a 2D screen within the 3D space. I love sitting back when playing on a monitor and watching qualifying to, which isnt really possible when in VR as you have to either move your head for the TV cam or watch your opponents in chase cam.
  3. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    > There's no way to go watch a TV-style replay while in VR
    This is correct. Since version 1.1 and beyond, Automobilista 2 in VR mode has gradually swapped TV-style replays for VR trackside spectator positions. It is now like this for almost all Grade 1 tracks, and the list is growing with every update.

    > All we get is chase/cockpit cams in replays in VR
    This is incorrect. Automobilista 2 has VR trackside spectator positions, which aren't "TV cams" but instead simply place you trackside as a spectator. If you bind a button to "next camera" (by default numpad+, IIRC) you can skip to a different place along the track and watch cars fly by. I wouldn't want to try to follow a single car around a lap this way, since my neck would get very tired, but it's a nice way to sit back and relax, grab a beer and enjoy the race as a spectator.

    Still, it would be nice to have both the spectator-style and the TV-style as available viewing options when in VR.
    Last edited: Dec 2, 2024
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  4. Alastre

    Alastre New Member

    Oct 21, 2024
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    I totally agree...as a VR player it really hurts to be unable to watch a TV-Style replay...not to mention it's impossible to save a replay in Q or FP (and have to wait the end of the race for save it) and the very low limit time we have on the quick replay.

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