Firstly, I LOVE this sim. Filled a hole for me on my Steamdeck and it runs superbly well. Controller support, on the whole, is great - touchscreen needs used a few times but hasn't bothered me. However.... driving on the rain is nigh impossible. I tried out the first game in Championship and it had old GP cars and free practice was rain. Put simply, I found it too hard. I used automatic gears due to being on gamepad and of course just the slightest touch while in first gear spun me out. Ended up skipping free race and qualifying. Thankfully the race was dry and I finished in third place (AI difficulty 90). I'm sure there will be times where the race itself is wet, meaning I will not be able to finish it. Is there a setting I am missing to make cars drivable in the rain?
If it's any consolation, almost all open-wheelers in AMS2 are difficult to drive in the rain, even when using a high-quality wheel and pedals, and even with all assists under gameplay options enabled.
Of course, it is more difficult to drive a car in the rain and when it is wet. But that wasn't his question, it was this: Is there a setting I missed that makes cars drivable in the rain?
…and both you and I gave some suggestions for settings: You suggested throttle sensitivity and brake sensitivity, while I suggested assists under gameplay options. I think both of these suggestions are good places to start, approaching from different angles. There's also an option where you can reduce the AI wet skill, but in this case the problem is loss of control of the car, not necessarily qualifying pace in comparison to the AI.
I haven't driven open-wheelers in a while, but I tried the Formula Classic G4M2 at Nurburgring GP with my Xbox 360 controller, manual gears, authentic assists, all deadzones at 0, all sensitivities at 50, default setup. Car is driveable but I have to be very gentle with the throttle in 1st/2nd gears and when coming out of corners, short-shifting helps in some places. Being precise and coordinated with steering & throttle is key, if you use tap steering and mash throttle you'll spin out. As for settings, you could try decreasing sensitivities, increasing deadzones, and increase controller damping.
These are the settings I use since 1.6 : Folks are usually happy about the settings I come up with on several racing games, including this one (you can find more details looking for me on Steam forums in different sims). Make sure to use the default SteamInput profile if you ever changed anything in the past, I do not recommend to tweak inputs outside of the game anymore (unlike pre1.6). Only thing to consider, and may vary on your preference is to set a steering angle between 18 and 22 in-car setup screen, any lower and you will find it difficult to make fast turns like Blanchimont or 130R, any higher and it will become twitchy and feel "unsafe" (especially when figthing side by side).
Thanks for this, would these settings be applicable to gamepad racing too? Oh, and for everyone else who has given me suggestions, thanks so much for the input and I will try them all. Forfeiting my wet races feels like chucking half the game away!