Does anyone else experience this? I get these random shadows or reflections on the car windscreen. I find these to be extremely annoying, and distracting. They happen at night and during the day. During the day they are black. I tend believe this is a shadow issue, but these things occur at random spots on the track (all tracks) where there should be no shadows. Here is a screenshot of what it was like at night at Road America in the Lambo GT3. This was on the backstretch after T3. This also happens at various other spots on the track in this case. Why would a yellow reflection appear on the windscreen at this point on the track? Can anything be done about this?
Without sharing all your graphics settings , it’s hard to say what’s happening . but environmental factors like fog or dust reflecting light back could be a factor
Looking at the photo and where you were on track, I think you are driving through a cloud of dust kicked up by the car in front.
The Lambo has yellow beams, so as mentioned above any dust cloud or whatever the game qualify as "particle" (fog, morning dew, water sprays) will have that effect in that car.
Yeah, after another night race at Sebring and having followed some cars more closely, I was getting similar results with obvious dust clouds kicked up by the car ahead. It's just strange that it's still reflecting the headlights when the particles get past the light source. Or maybe they are still out in front of the car and the render is just poorly implemented. I guess this is a madness engine quirk? IDK, it should probably be looked into and fixed if possible.
It a by-product of the recent developments in shaders and particle details. I suspect the reflection and bloom qualities of particles could require further fettling .