Hi, long time no see guys! I finally got a win 10 install done and I installed ams2. Every thing seems normal but in game no matter what settings I try my acc pedal only starts to register only after pressing a third of the way down. in windows game controllers the pedal is perfect. Full recognition. And in ams2 calibrate pedals, it’s perfect. In game not so. My in game settings are 0-1 dead zone and I’ve tried all sensitivities. In my wheels control panel the throttle is at 100% sensitivity no dead zone. I am using the same custom ffb file I’ve always used in my win 7 install. Anybody have any ideas? TIA
Deadzone within driver. Now go into AMS2. Then go to 'Configuration'-tab. Set all deadzone to 0, and sensitivity on 50, as that's the default. No idea what ACC pedal is. It is potbased pedal or loadcell? Have fun racing.
Hi, they’re my driving force pro pedals. Acc = accelerator ..sorry. I know they’re old, but they were working fine under my win 7 install of ams 2. And they calibrate perfectly in both win10 Game Controlers screen AND in ams2 calibrate screen. But when I drive any car, and look at telemetry page, I have to press the throttle about one third the way before any reaction. Weird huh? Makes it real hard to control the car. Ie get to and hold an rpm. I have checked the Logitech software settings, but I’ll check again. Thx for responding Marius UB40..IB70 in 4 days..ha and Moin zussaman
Might be G-hub too. Otherwise check for dust in your pots. Ingame set it like this(see picture) Lug, we go for long long time. Welcome back
Longy,long,long.. hey Ghub way too modern for me. Us peons must use profiler. But it does the job. I’ll be on soon as I can keep the car on the track Lovin that they got 3 of my fav tracks in the imsa ....got that. If you only had to choose one, would you get endurance pt 2 or Lamborghini? Sorry for the ot op. Ha
Hi, I worked all night to find that the issue is a bug in the driving force pro preset in ams2. No matter what I did I couldn’t get rid of that dead zone. Half of my pedals throw was dead when I got on track. Undrivable. I then said..ok, let’s try a custom wheel instead of the AMS2 preset for my wheel. Worked like a champ!! It’s definitely the AMS2 DFP preset. But I don’t care, I redid my whole stick setup w custom wheel and now I can actually drive. 3 days of huntin this **** down! Done now
Arrrrrrgggghhhh, Fixed my wheel to work with ams2, and now......fan bearing went bad on my gtx 1660 super. Wtf? Looking for replacement fan. I’m blaming Steam for making me go thru these hoops. My rig on win 7 was butter smooth. I guess messing around with nuns when I was young is the cause
Just a thought, your post says 'driving force pro' but your signature says DFGT - implying the driving force GT. These aren't the same wheel. There's a profile for the driving force GT if that's what you have (and it seems to work fine for me)
I have the same problem with DFGT but with both pedal. On calibration page it is good but on track its broken. With the Custom wheel preset its still broken but in reverse. I push the pedal to 50% and on track in the telemetry its on 100%. So the dead zone is on the other side now. I got enough and deleted the game. If anybody knows a fix please share me. Thanks.
You need to make sure the combined / separated option is set correctly - it should usually be separate but depends what you have in the logitech profiler app for 'report combined pedals'
Hi, I have seperate axis on both Logitech sw and in custom. But my dfp works with custom. I have a dfgt also. Will try it. But the preset for dfp in ams2 is broken. Custom works. It was finicky when I first tried custom in ams2 setup. But I got there. Getting the steering kept saying multiple inputs etc. pety100.....You are using LGS 5 something? What os?
Sorry for the confusion. I have both and when I made my SIG I was using the gt. But the wheel doest feel as soft and gave me lil irritations on my left hand. So went back to my dfp with the better pedals of the dfgt. No worry, I tested the dfp preset in ams2 with the older dfp pedals also.