Many of you may be aware of the rf2 log analyser made by Nibo. It a brilliant peice of software, as far as a i know it was compatible with AMS1, but isnt with AMS2 due to the change in results file format. Just wondering if anyone is aware of anything similar that could be used? Ive looked at simresults,net but its not really close to what loganalyser can offer.
Hey, not the log analyzer alternative per se, but take a look at - competition system for AMS2 - open alpha tests It's online competition system, but since we don't have much active drivers atm we've added AI to our races. You can treat it like your single player career mode with ratings, drivers licenses and seasons
Hi there mate, with Nibo permission we are working to a tool able to read results from all the Sims and make them working with rF2la. We are going to implement it on portal if you want to give it a go. Release coming soon @roszman I see what you did there lol btw you should consider joining forces (if doable of course), let me know
An offline tool would be very welcome I have no idea about the possibilities of rf2-Analyzer I use Second monitor, or the Telemetry app made by Iko Rein and the pCars profiler also has some nice options
Is there any tool that allows online monitoring of the brake wear? Just run out of brakes during a race... wish I could monitor that so in practice I could adjust the openings and on race I adjust my driving depending on how it goes
Interested in an update if any news re an offline log analyzer tool for ams2 as mentioned at the start. Just to get lap details for offline champs like I did with rf2 back in the day. Thx! Seems like SecondMonitor might work but I’ve had trouble getting it to register/track my custom champ I setup. It saves great json and excel files of the last race though that are helpful.
I know this thread is fairly old, but did this ever get implemented? I can't seem to find it on, or I'm not looking hard enough?
It is there but it is working for the races hosted on JR only, you can't use it by yourself, sorry. We had the Nibo tool working for AMS too but not for AMS2 due it's complexity so we went our route.