Multiplayer Logs & Reports Thread

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Jan 20, 2024.

  1. Raffaele S

    Raffaele S Member

    Dec 1, 2024
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    Hi to all , one question : I have had the game for about a month , with all the bundles purchased during black friday , I am running often on LFM with both LMP2s and Ginetta G40s . I see that the online ranking is stopped at U1500 , how come ? Are not covered racing on LFM in multiplayer ? Thanks in advance
  2. shadow82

    shadow82 Active Member

    Dec 4, 2024
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    I also ahd that issue, but the last two days I finally got it going and got in the F nearing the E as I write this. I am not sure exaclty if a certain number of races are needed or what is exactly influencing it for newcomers...
  3. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    Not really the right thread to ask this, but no, rating doesn't stop at U1500 it shows that in servers that have the ingame rating turned off.

    LFM has their own rating system, so does JustRace for that matter, the ingame rating system can easily be fooled by running a private lobby and just add ai to gain rating, having the ingame rating turned on also caused stutters for several people in the server.

    All reasons why LFM and most leagues dont use the ingame rating system
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. Raffaele S

    Raffaele S Member

    Dec 1, 2024
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  5. Raffaele S

    Raffaele S Member

    Dec 1, 2024
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    Hi to all ,

    I am here to report an incident that happened on LFM during an LMP2 race at Interlagos . In FCY , I saw two users rear-end those in front and damage the cars ; shouldn't there be a speed limit or at least a delta not to be exceeded ? Thanks
  6. DaWorstPlaya

    DaWorstPlaya Active Member

    Aug 5, 2020
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    This is not the right place to post this. This thread is about reporting multiplayer bugs in AMS2. You might want to start a different thread on the forum about suggestions.
  7. Fabrice L

    Fabrice L New Member

    Feb 23, 2024
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    When pitting for tyres, the pit regularly takes the time to change the tires (goes through the loading bar with tires) but doesn't actually change the tyres.

    People get stuck in lower fuel modes if they changed it during FCY, changing it back doesn't work. It just defaults back to the lower mode

    TC/ABS randomly stop working for different people while switching from qualy to race.

    Results at the end of the race get mingled, sometimes you gain positions for passing people during the cooldown lap.

    Still have the desync issues when people with higher ping join the session.

    Often cars are invisible if they join the session after you. (I was driving, seeing 3 people on track but the relatives showed me 8 people driving. Other people reported seeing more drivers, some saw all 8, other saw 5 one person thought it was a private session cause he saw no-one on relatives)

    Player AI driver is painstakingly slow, running 97% AI and the player swap AI is 15-20 seconds slower a lap.

    Example around Le Mans:

    Rainy weather
    - AI is doing 4:12 laptimes
    - Player Ai is doing 4:27 laptimes

    Dry weather
    - AI is doing 3:52 laptimes
    - Player AI is doing 4:08 laptimes
  8. formulafan1994

    formulafan1994 New Member

    Apr 10, 2022
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    hi, just wanting to upload multiplayer session that i underwent. a friend and i tried to race with ai, and it disappeared. and then it wasn't allowing me to refuel, even with refueling enabled. i don't understand what happened, but i hope this will help?

    Attached Files:

  9. Pav

    Pav Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 25, 2023
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    Bug Report: I raced tonight at Daytona, and at the end of the race, myself and others that finished the race without being DA’d were shown as DNF. I asked one of the others if he saw himself as DNF, and he said he did not, so it may have just been me seeing this incorrect status. #1 in standings post race was one of the DNFs.
  10. hb22

    hb22 Member

    Jul 25, 2022
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    During this LFM race I was booted straight back to the main menu (not even the usual "you have been disconnected" warning)

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  11. Lukasz

    Lukasz New Member

    Jan 10, 2025
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    Is the issue with max visible cars still present? Yesterday I had race at night with grid of 26 had max visible cars on 18. After few laps there were two flickering shadows of cars remained there till the end of the race. They were causing whole area blinking with their lights as the appear and disappear. Also half of the 30min race was smooth second half was horrible stutters-smooth-stutters-smooth. It was not the issue with graphics as stutters were present even with no other cars around. About 3 out of 5 races online on lfm cause random stutters. Even on solo qualifying lap in nice weather when i have 100+ fps
  12. Scruffy

    Scruffy New Member

    Jan 21, 2025
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    Had a sync and/or timing issue in a race today. Only a two player race on a dedicated server, all logs are attached.
    The other player was hosting, he crossed the line on my screen ~1s after the clock hit 0. I finished right behind and my race ended after lap 9. The results screen showed up immediately. His time showed as 14:59.891 for a 15min race.
    On his screen he crossed before 0, and he had to drive another lap. When he finished lap 10 (while my car was brought to the pits by the valet) the race now showed as finished for him, and he could drive the cooldown lap, but no countdown appeared. After another lap for him the game still didn't finish so he left the race, which finally booted me to the lobby.
    Here is a recording from my view:

    Attached Files:

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