Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. Roy Niessink

    Roy Niessink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 27, 2020
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    What your video doesn't show, did you request the pitstop and after that change the fuel load?

    What it does show is that you have the ICM still open, and already requested the pitstop, try changing the fuel load, close the ICM and then request the pitstop.

    i always tend to use the request pitstop as a way to confirm the pit options.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  2. Wedsley Dias

    Wedsley Dias Active Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    @Roy Niessink The attached video starts by showing the pit selected as well as the icm open, but I set the options via the icm before requesting the pit (I have the full video showing this, I've only posted the relevant part).
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  3. DannyDB

    DannyDB Member

    Oct 9, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: All tracks in the Copa Montana championship
    Car Used: Copa Montana
    Applicable Settings: Any

    Report: This is not exactly a bug, but the championship setup adds duplicates (there seem to be two extra drivers).
    Solution: Reduce the number of drivers in the championship to match the number of available liveries.
    Note: The opponent count setting is locked, so it cannot be modified.
  4. Wolke

    Wolke New Member

    Apr 2, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Bugatti
    Car Used: Ligier LMPs
    Applicable Settings: -

    Report: Default setup description after joining MP server is "Interlagos Stock Car Brasil" ?^edit: looks like it was also "loading" the wrong defaults.
    Solution: Repair setup loading algo ;)
    Last edited: Jan 15, 2025
  5. DannyDB

    DannyDB Member

    Oct 9, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Goiania Full
    Car Used: Chevrolet Stock Car 2019
    Applicable Settings: Single Race, Qualifying: set the weather slot to rain.
    Report: The rain on the car's windshield, when driving with the cockpit view, doesn't disappear gradually when the windshield wipers are active. The wet glass effect seems to be on an on/off function. First, water accumulates on the windshield, and when the wipers pass, the droplets disappear immediately.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  6. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Watkins Glen (maybe some others, too)
    Car Used: F-HiTech Gen 1
    Applicable Settings: Qualifying
    Report: AI has problems when leaving the pits. They step too much on the throttle, than do donuts and often shred their car on the pitwall.
  7. PeterV

    PeterV New Member

    Oct 20, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Spa Francochamps 1993 (but it is not a track specific issue - all tracks)
    Car Used: Formula Classic Gen 4 Model 3 (but probably all Gen 4)
    Applicable Settings: None that I know of that matter

    Report: I parked my car nose first into the tire stack on the down hill slope. I turned off the ignition. The car is stopped dead still as it cannot roll/move forwards down the hill then. But the front TIRES (and also the rears) just keep rotating forwards very slowly.

    What kind of physics could come up with wheels that rotate on an assured STATIONARY car? lol
  8. Xamantu

    Xamantu Member

    Apr 1, 2021
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    New Track & Layout Used: Daytona Road Course
    Car Used: GT3 Gen2
    Applicable Settings: Online racing

    I'm battling for P1 with a Porsche. The McLaren who's P4 (watch the map) gives up on the race, skips the infield and prepares to ram me or something. Suddenly the game decides that McLaren is P1. When he turns in to me, I'm forced to dodge, and the game thinks I'm cutting the track. I'm punished and forced to return the position to Porsche, who had nothing to do with any of it. Pretty ridiculous way of ruining the race.
    • Optimistic Optimistic x 1
  9. _ShadowWolfe

    _ShadowWolfe Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    In the menu: Selecting the IMSA Championship preset, going into "Single Race" and attempting to choose another GT3 car sticks the player in one GT3 car, in an unselectable class. (Clicking on the "Opponents" tab shows the last car selected for the player, and the player is unable to select another car.)

    EDIT/Clarification: Seems like because I don't yet own the IMSA DLC, it locks me out, but doesn't do a clear job of explaining. Things might instead be fine, but there should be a "DLC Not Owned" style of message in these instances.
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  10. _ShadowWolfe

    _ShadowWolfe Member

    Jun 25, 2021
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    When using Replay mode: Hitting Escape while using replay puts the game into the pause menu but still in replay mode, softlocking the user.
  11. mr cheese

    mr cheese Member

    Apr 16, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Daytona road coarse
    Car Used: Cadillac LMDh
    Applicable Settings: 48 car field. Manual formation lap ( have not tested without manual formation)
    Report: The start light sequence starts too late, when starting from pole position, you are either forced to drop back on the formation lap, or get disqualified as you cross the line as your already over the start line when the lights go out starting from pole.
    Steps to reproduce: Attempt to start from pole position with a full grid.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  12. Turbo Granny

    Turbo Granny Well-Known Member

    Jun 29, 2022
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    Track & Layout Used: -
    Car Used: Sauber Mercedes C9
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: The C9 used to have a 3D model for each variant, now both variants use the low downforce 3D model.
    Steps to reproduce: Check the car in a track that the car should use the high downforce model.
  13. PeterV

    PeterV New Member

    Oct 20, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: - Offline Race
    The AI Strength should be included under the car Class/Opponents screen. It should also be saved PER CLASS, so that anytime you change to a Class the AI strength follows that.

    But even better really - it should be saved Per Class AND Per specific Track, seeing those two things (car type and track) go hand in hand in what the AI need to be tuned for.
    Doing these BOTH would be great, but would also mean a bit of thinking about HOW to do it and show it. It would need something like within a car class there is a pull down of all tracks, and thus the AI strength of that Class at that selected track. I guess then it would really need to be done in the car selection (Class/Model) screen. But it could be REFLECTED (that AI value of the current selected track) in the Race/Opponents settings screen - and also in the practice and qualify setting screens.
    And for even finer detail, it could also be per Session - thus you could increase the AI strength in just Qualifying, but have lower values for Practice and Race (or in any manner you wanted to Per Session).

    Oh, and ALSO..... there should be somewhere to see the AI strength when you are at the track too! (Up top in the Weather etc. area)
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
    • Agree Agree x 2
    • Disagree Disagree x 2
  14. deadly

    deadly Well-Known Member

    Jul 8, 2016
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    Track: Interlagos 1991
    In some corners, the darker rubbered in ideal racing line out of corner starts to evolve/gets build up when you are actually in the corner, even at ultra graphic settings. Fells like playing a game of 1999 for a few moments. :rolleyes:
    Did not notice that yet on any other track.

    Rcae date: June, 20th
    Start time: 4 pm
    Cars used: Classic Gen 4 in cockpit view.

    Edit: Did not see that glitch when watching the replay in cockpit view.
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
  15. AllocDK

    AllocDK Active Member

    Jun 22, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Daytona road
    Car Used: LMP2 or GT3
    Applicable Settings: IMSA preset
    Report: When starting a race in last place, you get a penalty for passing before race start if you dont do a full lap
    Solution: Split up the groups so GT3 dont overtake LMP2 before race start
    Note: Restart the race 4-5 times and sometimes i am able to race without getting a penalty. This came with
    Last edited: Jan 24, 2025
  16. SoloWingX

    SoloWingX Member

    Jul 3, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Daytona Road
    Car Used: LMDh
    Applicable Settings: Tested in the dry, AI 106, all aggression settings before 1.6.5, High aggression with 1.6.5
    LMDh class has trouble lapping in the Bus Stop. They used to have a big wobble when lapping GT3s at the Bus Stop exit in 1.6 - 1.6.4 causing a half spin or full spin - of course slowing the whole field down. Now with 1.6.5 there are 3 scenarios that happen
    • LMDh is well to the right of the GT3 - nice clean lapping, no time lost
    • LMDh right behind of the GT3
      a) THE WOBBLE
      b) doesn't move and gets stuck for way more than reasonable
    • LMDh to the left of the GT3 - stays behind for way more than reasonable despite plenty of space to the left after the exit
    LMDh when racing each other tend to take a lot of grass at the International Horseshoe without any penalty in stability or speed.

    Cars racing into the entry of the Bus Stop are very contact prone, but resulting in less spins since 1.6.5. Still needs some tweaks...

    Starting around sunset and into the darkness, there is SO MUCH dust being kicked up, sometimes even from the racing line with a couple of laps done. With the visual effect when we go through the dust it feels like I am watching Back to the Future and travelling in time multiple times every lap. Either reduce the probability of dust or tweak the intensity of the whole windshield glowing when passing through it.
    Steps to reproduce: Race Daytona with IMSA classes.
    • Informative Informative x 1
  17. Sasha

    Sasha New Member

    Nov 30, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: bathurst 1983
    Car Used: Any
    Report: Climbing the mountain at the turn from the inner side, strange artifacts
    Note:drive any car and on the uphill climb on the inside of the turn you will see semi-transparent artifacts on the side of the turn Без імені.jpg
    • Agree Agree x 3
  18. Majik54

    Majik54 New Member

    Nov 1, 2016
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    I see this on the modern version too
    • Agree Agree x 2
  19. yndoril

    yndoril New Member

    May 24, 2024
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: BMW M Hybrid V8
    Applicable Settings: Other settings seems irrelevant
    Report: monocoque interior does not cast shadows upload_2025-1-25_8-18-33.jpeg
  20. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    Does this penalty only occurs when you a pre placed on track on the left side ?
    Are you doing practice or qualifying sessions prior and skipping sessions or just jumping into quick race ?

    Because out of 20 attempts I only had this bug appear once when placed on left side when trying to understand what your describing.

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