AMS2 graphical settings reset each launch

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - Help & Support' started by Zealot, Jan 19, 2025.

  1. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Jan 19, 2025
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    I bought AMS2 last night and I'm having an impossible time trying to change the video settings of the game. The game prompts me to restart so the changes take effect, only to be met with the same video settings that I'm trying to change. I'm going to list every solution that I tried:

    - added all AMS2 executables, folders and the AMS2 folder located in Documents as an exception in Windows defender
    - uninstalled OneDrive
    - made sure that the folder located in Documents\Automobilista2 isn't set to read-only
    - deleted the Automobilista2 folder from Documents and started the game so a new folder is created. Still can't change the settings.
    - made sure that all Windows users have full access to the documents folder
    - opened the game, changed video settings, alt-tabbed and placed the "graphicsconfigdx11.xml" file on read-only. The file doesn't get modified anymore when I start the game, but the game doesn't care and it sticks me to the same Medium-low default settings
    - did a complete uninstall of the game, including registries and whatnot. Installed the game again, same issue
    - added a -borderless launch option in Steam, so I can AT LEAST have the game running fullscreen borderless. Nope
    - made sure that my Nvidia App doesn't automatically optimize my games. AMS2 isn't even part of my games list.

    There are probably things that I forgot to add to the list but nevertheless, I would appreciate some help with this as it's driving me insane lol. I enjoy racing this but I don't want to be stuck in Medium-low settings with the game in Fullscreen as that's probably gonna make me refund the game.
    I've seen multiple threads on the internet going back to 2022 with the same problem but no solution whatsoever.

    I'm running Windows 11, updated from W10 a month ago.
  2. Zealot

    Zealot New Member

    Jan 19, 2025
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    I found out that the ONLY way for me to have any graphical settings saved is to have the refresh rate set to maximum 239HZ in game's settings. The default was 279HZ since I'm using a 1440p 280hz monitor.

    If it is set to 279hz, everything is defaulted back to Medium-low settings and Fullscreen mode.
    If it is set to 239hz, graphical settings are saved and I don't need to set them with every game launch.

    This is beyond silly and I'm amazed nobody provided this fix in the multiple threads I've seen with this issue.
  3. Marius H

    Marius H Forum moderator Staff Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Probably Madness engine has a max refreshrate of 240hz. So anything above it doesn't know what to do with it and defaults back the settings every time. Just a guess.
    • Informative Informative x 1

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