General Chit-Chat

Discussion in 'General Discussion' started by CrimsonEminence, Sep 12, 2024.

  1. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    I think that's just a rumor spread by some petty officer.
    • Funny Funny x 1
    • Winner Winner x 1
  2. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    There seems to be plenty of people who love ACC FFB, so I'm sure ACE FFB will be fine for a lot of them, but it's definitely the biggest disappointment for me, especially as there is no reason to expect that this is one of those "early access things" that is expected to change.

    I just had my second session on ACE, this time tried the Mazda, Audi and BMW M2 and my impression was exactly as my first try, I don't find the the driving inspiring/engaging at all and one of the biggest reason is how the FFB feels, I just cannot get immersed in the experience... the built damping feels like having sex with way too thick condom (as a man). I want to feel more, I want to feel road texture, engine vibrating (for some, those are noise, but to me those are the thing make me feel like I'm driving a car and not a simulator/game), I want to feel what the rear of the car is doing etc.
    • Agree Agree x 5
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  3. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I wasn't, it's exactly as unfinished as I expected it. If they manage to achieve their roadmap for fall, great, but it will take much longer before it's mature title.

    I honestly think they should have delayed it more, this definitely feels like a demo, especially considering that that it's lacking multiple player or even race weekends.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  4. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Luckily i got it with gift cards i had so no loss for me but id say its utterly disappointing. How anyone can think the ffb is good is beyond me. The tires feel like they are made out of wood and even curbing feels totally digital. It still has the same if you hit a marker it tries to flip the car from AC. It always feels like im driving a go kart with rock hard tires. Then when something does happen it feels baked in not at all a natural move in a real car But im sure it will sell well because its super easy to be fast at this point. Unless something changes drastically it will be a title ill play once in a while for fun but ill never take it seriously.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  5. Bernd18995

    Bernd18995 Active Member

    Feb 15, 2023
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    you guys think we will get the 992 Porsche Cup Version somewhat soonish ?
    Would be a great fit
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  6. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    I tried AC EVO again last night. If you take every slider for the wheel and turn them off its ok. Not great but ok. I see why guys like it but its not for me. Everyone that likes it says how you can really feel the car but i think they are mistaking not being able to make a mistake for that. Unless you completely overdrive the car you cant make a bad mistake. Even then pretty much everything is savable. That and every car i drove pretty much felt the same. Just jump in and go no learning how the car behaves at all before you start pushing.
  7. Cholton82

    Cholton82 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    It’s all subjective I suppose , I really like the feel I’m getting on my DD base and the cars feel like they have a proper weight to them especially felt under braking. It looks very nice but I am running everything maxed out and I know it can get ugly with lower settings.
    Interested to see where it goes , I’ll split my time between them all depending on what I’m after.
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  8. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Im guessing you arent using vr?
  9. Cholton82

    Cholton82 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    No , I have a VR headset and have dabbled with it in AMS2 and ACC but I’ve never been a massive fan as I get too hot and I like to see my wheel and button box etc.
    • Friendly Friendly x 1
  10. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Youre lucky its actually way worse than ACC at this point With a 7950x3d,4090 and 64gb memory im lucky to get 70fps and it looks worse than AC. To be fair the interiors look good and so does the background but the cars look like crap. But even the good is no wheres near as good as any other title in recent years. My only hope is they picked open xr to add all the stuff you should be able to do with it. So maybe there is hope there.
  11. PocketsRJ

    PocketsRJ Hi from UK!

    Dec 30, 2021
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    Performance unfortunately got worse with the faster cars, so I uninstalled for now and have restarted my lifelong goal to have satisfying FFB in ACC :D
  12. Cholton82

    Cholton82 Active Member

    Aug 12, 2022
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    Yeah I definitely couldn’t put up with that, I’m a bit fussy when it comes to image quality plus it would probably make me feel sick haha.
    I was always worried that if I spent too much time in vr in race sims I would struggle to go back to screens so in a way I’m glad I can’t.
  13. morpwr

    morpwr Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 10, 2016
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    Luckily its pretty much locked at that frame rate so it doesnt make me want to Since going to vr there is no way i can go back to flatscreens. I actually have a hard time driving on a flatscreen now without the depth perception from vr.
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  14. jtortosen

    jtortosen Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Jan 14, 2022
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    What. Down everything except dynamic damping. Try the amg gt2. The feel is raw and brutal, with a correct scale of the forces. Yes, you don't have the grainy feel, but that grainy feel from ams2 is noise, If you configure well the ams2 ffb, is similar than the ace gives to you in terms of feeling. Is not numb as acc or ac, it has a lot more detail.

    I like a lot because if you drive a street car it feels as it should be, not like a racing car, with the forces correctly scaled to be more gently. And for the race cars (amd gt2) is the opposite.

    Yes, the game have downsides like the ****ting throtle mapping or brakes, but in general is lot better than acc. Also as I said, ams2 and acc ffb are not so different.
  15. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    That you call "noise" is the for me the feeling of actually driving a car, where you have the engine vibrating, you feel the tarmac texture. It might not be that important for driving well, but it's very important for me to be immersed in the experience.

    I was able to get a bit better experience earlier today when I tried it again, but this time following Nils Naujok's settings with having everything but the gain at minimum in game (I already had most of it) and using 90% of my 21nm wheelbase torque with all the damping and such off. It's still very focused on the steering rack forces only though, and I prefer to have more info, even if it might not come through the wheel IRL.

    I guess you can get somewhat similar experience from AMS2 using default, by lowering FX and turning up the damping a lot. The problem with ACC and ACE, is that the game don't provide me tools to tune it to my personal liking more, get rid of that damping, boost some info and lower others (Aris said once that it was "by design" for ACC as they wanted people have similar experience for them to get feedback of handling without being too much coloured by FFB differences between people giving feedback).

    FFB is very subjective though, people want different things. Even though it has downsides, I do appreciate it a lot how AMS2 gives you options to tune it to your liking (I wish people would just stop advertising their preference and that right thing and claiming the defaults suck, which they don't, especially when it's so subjective).
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  16. GROVER-8-SRT

    GROVER-8-SRT Member

    Sep 5, 2024
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    Wow what a Daytona 24, less than 10 mins to go!
  17. stealthradek

    stealthradek Driving character: Chaotic good AMS2 Club Member

    Nov 22, 2020
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    Every single year Daytona 24h delivers and final stint is always an edge of the seat stuff.

    Huge congratulations to Bedfordshire Bullet (Nick Tandy) for finally catching them all.
  18. Bađi

    Bađi Member

    Sep 2, 2024
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    What is considered fair use regarding the AMS2 logo?

    First of all excuse me for posting about this in the general chit-chat thread but I couldn't find anything related to copyright or fair use.

    I'm in the process of making a car/track & time/weather randomizer app for Android and I wanted to cover as wide of a range of sims as possible. I'm picturing a screen where a user could pick which game he wants to play and instead of just using buttons I would like it to be a photo/logo of the said game. AMS2 is going to be one of the games featured. Would this violate anything since I'm looking to sell the app to customers after it's published? (some small, symbolic price)

    Also are there any features you would like to see?
  19. Roar McRipHelmet

    Roar McRipHelmet Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Feb 25, 2020
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    At least one important thing to keep in mind is that the logo must not be used in a way that could give end users the impression that Reiza is responsible for your app.
    There could be other stricter conditions that apply, too.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  20. deekracer

    deekracer Active Member

    May 29, 2020
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    I'm very happy with my simracing schedule for the year. I spend too much time outside in summer months to race much, so I reserve most racing for winter. It's cold AF until march in NW USA. So cool that 1.6 got released late November. Knowing Reiza, there's much too look forward to next winter.
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