Hello, happy new year everyone. I have a problem with automobilista2. Since the last update where they put the Lemans circuit, the game has stopped saving all configurations. Every time I start the game I have to configure everything again. I have uninstalled and installed the game 7 times in 24 hours. I have changed Hard Drives and there is no way to solve it. Whenever I modify or configure something I get a message at the top right that says: ASM" could not save the changes, you want to try again Yes / NO The "yes" does nothing, it does not go to another menu, but nothing is saved. Does anyone know how to solve the problem?
Usually when this type of error happens, it is because something is preventing Automobilista 2 from writing to the "Automobilista 2" folder in your Documents folder.
i havent antivirus... in the first 6 days running well, but in last update 31 December the game crashed and never can save configs. Evry time, when close the game loss configs and retype
i see in other replys, i go to my document, click in folder automobilista2 and change parameters security .... but dont difference... that no fixed
Are you saying that the game crashed while it was updating? I dont know but it sounds like you could have got some Windows write protection issue.
i dont know how resolved. more than 7 install and uninstall and problem persist I touch permisions "my Documents" and get permissions for all... the folder no change! now install in D Steamlibrarys and dont create Automobilista2 in C: my documents that is a **** crazy
The problem is unlikely something with Automobilista 2 -- it is likely something either in Windows or an application, and that this is blocking write access to the Automobilista 2 folder in the Documents folder. Almost everyone who is using modern Windows has antivirus enabled - otherwise Windows will start complaining and "force" you to enable antivirus. So when you write that you do not have antivirus, this likely means that you have the "default" Windows antivirus enabled. And then on 2023-12-31, something happened (e.g. a security update, or maybe Windows detected a threat) which enabled write protection of the Documents folder without you knowing about it. As an example, below are instructions on how to disable Controlled folder access on Windows 11: Step 1: Open Windows Settings Step 2: Under Privacy & security, go to Virus & threat protection Step 3: Under Ransomware protection, go to Manage ransomware protection Step 4: Under Controlled folder access, set the checkbox to Off (Ideally you would want to click "allow an app through Controlled folder access" and then allow Automobilista 2 since this is the more secure option, but the easier and less secure option is to set it to Off)
Wonderfull!!! Many thanks for resolved problem.! I think your answer should be posted to solve this problem for future players. Thanks again
Thank you so much Roar McRipHelmet, I had this same problem out of nowhere, I was getting desesperate. It worked 100%, just dont know if I should keep it "OFF" or just assigne exceptions as i did with AMS2... Thanks again!