Been having big problems with the head trackir. It used to work great no problem but then one day it just stopped working. When loading up automobilista 2 with steam vr i get steam vr failed initialization with error code VRinitError_Init_HmdNotFound:Hmd Not Found (108) I tried everything even to the point of completely wiping my whole PC and reinstalling windows and all relevant software. Still not working the track ir is still working with my other sims iracing, ACC, AC,. Has anyone else had this issue and found a fix for it?
You don't need to launch trackir with steam VR. Give a look here: TrackIr Settings & Lock Horizon to car movement
I understand now that you don't need to launch SteamVR to use track IR. But I don't understand what you mean about setting the the track IR settings. Where are the settings? Within the trackIR software?
Appreciated but no worries About the settings, you can find the file on the link I posted (not mine btw). Just don't forget to switch to helmet camera in order to have it working
Sorry to dig up an old post but it keeps appearing when running a search. Could you explain what you mean by "You don't need to launch trackir with steam VR."? If I have SteamVR installed, the TrackIR stops working the instant I switch to 'Helmet' cam. So I have to uninstall SteamVR. Which is not ideal for my other VR games. Cheers
I could also use an updated tutorial to get TrackIR running. It seems that the existing tutorials do not work anymore. Maybe something has changed during development.