FPS drops in LFM?

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Wilfred de Ruijter, Dec 9, 2024.

  1. Asturbo

    Asturbo Member AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 8, 2017
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    All these problems are damaging the image of AMS2. The main simracing streamer in Spain, who has been supporting AMS2 for two months, says he is throwing in the towel. Was live few minutes ago in LFM with a lot of viewers. Really sad.

  2. LinxESP

    LinxESP New Member

    Jun 20, 2024
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    Yep, still happens.
    Today on a open lobby in practice session, multiclass (not lfm). The best description is that it behaves like games in background.
    From stable ~170 to stable 50~70 depending.
    Not GPU overheat, will have MSI Afterburner open to see a bit more info.
    In my case I got it to full fps again without restarting by changing affinity from all to all but core 0. Note: cannot confirm is due to this or just anything else like session ending or solved on its own.

    Win11, RTX 2070 Super, 5700X3D
  3. Adam Penzes

    Adam Penzes New Member

    Feb 2, 2025
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    I am one of the biggest Hungarian e-sport streamer and i really like AMS2 LFM races, but the online performance is horrible. I have 160 FPS with full grid in the offline sessions, but online its very inconsistent. My stream was yesterday so frustrating, in the evening IMSA race my FPS dropped from 120 FPS to 35-40 for the second half of the race and it was horrible.
    In its current state, the online part of the game is unplayable and I can't even stream it to viewers.
    I'm sorry, because I'm having a lot of fun with the game anyway, but something should be done with it urgently, because then no one will play it.
  4. Kuku

    Kuku Flying Kiwi AMS2 Club Member

    Aug 30, 2020
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    how long had you been in game session prior to LFM race ?
    And how long was the race ?
  5. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    I wonder does somebody actually get the problem if they restart the game between races?

    I still haven't got it even once, but I don't usually do multiple races in a row (I might do a longer practice session on LFM MP practice server and then race session, but that's about it) and I haven't done a long race in a while either. But if it happens also in a single long race, I would think everyone who have done those 2,4h Daytona races recently would had run into the problem?

    Just saying that if the workaround is restarting the game between race sessions, it's not a problem that makes the game unplayable (even though the problem is bad).

    and definitely too many bugs currently (especially in MP and LFM style setup) and affects the image of AMS2.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  6. LinxESP

    LinxESP New Member

    Jun 20, 2024
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    Happened to me after less than 30min in a server twice at least. IDK how long since I started the game tho
  7. Pollinflas

    Pollinflas New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 8, 2019
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    After a long time, yesterday I did a bit of practice at Daytona and joined LFM race and it happened, impossible to play with 10 fps in VR. Started in the starting grid, both CPU and GPU usage was terrible, but I went to options menu before starting the race, and it turned to normal but when the race was on lap 5-6 it started again and had to stop the car to avoid a big crash. Looks like more people in the same lobby had the problem. Simhub and VR here. I'll try to not use the shared memory next sessions I try. Pity, it was a fun driving experience until it.
  8. GFoyle

    GFoyle Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2023
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    Okay, could be of course that the practice session on practice server contributed to the issue, though I have done laps on practice server just before race many times and still not had this problem happening. I have had shared memory on since day 1 too (and use simhub, second monitor, crew chief etc.)

    I wonder what could it be the cause if it started to happening to many people in the same race... Did you notice any bad lag/desycn before it happened or anything like that? Did you have lot of other cars around you when it started again lap 5-6?

    It occured to me that one of the new things in the 1.6 update, was the audio and the "opponent sound samples" setting in the audio settings menu. It's really long shot, but maybe lowering the value could somehow help... (I have had it on "medium" all the time).

    At some point in the past, there was some issues with freezes or such where, if I remember correct, switching to use different audio ouput (and especially not using the audio output option that goes thru you gpu) might had helped in some cases... So it's not out of real of possibility that there is some graphics/audio related conflict that causes issues like this (and if turning of shared memory helps, it could be just indirect solution, where it helps to prevent this conflict from occuring as you don't have additional stuff for graphics or audio from other apps).
    • Like Like x 1
  9. vrdude

    vrdude New Member

    Sep 30, 2023
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    Hey RACERS
    after long testing i have found a soulution to not get this crazy FPS drops in VR.
    You might be laughing but just set all to low. only Textures on high, max visible opponents, TAA low,
    In VR i go for 150% Resolution in Open XR. Make sure you download the Updated Open XR Toolkit and adjust your FOV al little bit for extra Performance. With 50% Headroom you dont those stupid FPS drops anymore.

    In my opinion its because of the Particle Effects.

    It clearly has nothing to do with Shared Memory, or HAGS.

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