Automobilista bug report thread (Please read the opening post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista - General Discussion' started by Renato Simioni, Aug 25, 2016.

  1. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Granja Viana 5
    Car Used: Kart 125cc Shifter
    Applicable Settings: Rolling start
    - Problem #1: During rolling start you will notice AI karts flipping over the kerbs of turn 1 & 3. Halting the normal progress of the field and creating gaps between drivers before the green light.

    - Problem #2: The track layout shown when the track is loading does not match the actual "Granja Viana 5" layout. It actually shows layout "Granja Viana 6" during the loading screen.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Kart 125cc Shifter
    - Choose track "Granja Viana 5"
    - Notice during loading of the track how what's shown will not match with actual track layout being used.
    - Notice during rolling start how AI-karts flip over the kerbs at turn 1 & 3
  2. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Granja Viana 4
    Car Used: Kart 125cc Shifter
    Applicable Settings:
    - 1st person view
    - look around with mouse activated
    - When looking behind you with the mouse you will notice the back wheels & tires are missing on the kartframe.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Kart 125cc Shifter
    - Notice how the back wheels & tires are missing when looking behind you with the mouse
  3. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Granja Viana 4
    Car Used: Kart 125cc Shifter
    Applicable Settings:
    - 20 lap race
    - AI strength 93%
    - I was having a great race with the AI being in the lead, me in 2nd position during a 20-lap race. At some point the lead car came into contact with the back of the pack, but was unable to pass them due to them blocking the ideal line and not adhering to what should be "blue flag logic". So I was wondering if something is going on with the AI not respecting the blue flag and moving out of the way for leading AI-cars.
    - I also notice that when you bump the kart (which should adhere to the blue flag) from behind, due to them being lapped, they kinda seem to hold the brakes and create this situation where you & him are only able to move forward at a snails pace.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Kart 125cc Shifter
    - Choose Granja Viana 4
    - Have a great race in 2nd position and notice how the lead car gets stuck behind the back of the pack, allowing you to easily catch up with him.
    - Bump into a kart that will be lapped and notice how the AI kinda holds the brakes and holds you up, instead of moving to the side and adhering to the blue flag.

    TLDR: Blue flag logic in kart race not being respected well by AI
  4. Spin

    Spin Active Member

    Apr 15, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Brasilia - short
    Car Used: F301 (possibly with F309 and other vehicles)
    Applicable Settings:
    A.I. on track
    A.I. Overslow for entry and middle of first and final corner - final corner is worse
    Steps to reproduce:
    Follow A.I. through first and especially final turn and observe how slow they take those corners

    Track & Layout Used: n/a
    Car Used: F301
    Applicable Settings:
    A.I. on track
    A.I. seem too fast in a straight-line relative to player using default setup. I don't know if it's too much slipstream effect, too much power, or too little drag for A.I. (or a combination) relative to player but A.I. seem too fast in a straight-line.
    Steps to reproduce:
    Race A.I.s. Try to be behind most, if not all, AIs. Brasilia - short is a good track to see this
    Last edited: May 20, 2018
  5. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Adelaide
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings:
    - 20min race
    - AI superkarts tip over too easily over the kerbs on several sections of the track. Even during the rolling start some superkarts tip over when hitting the kerb at moderate speed.
    - When green light is given for the rolling start, the AI superkarts take a weird driving line on the last turn, they're like hugging the inside of the turn and staying on the far right of the straight.
    - Immersion is broken due to strange tipping over behaviour from AI and akward driving line just at the start of the race.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Superkart
    - Choose Adelaide as track
    - Choose rolling start
    - Start in the back of the field and notice the easy tipping over of the AI, and strange behaviour of the AI at the last turn of the track when green light is given
  6. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Imola 2016
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings:
    - 20min race
    - AI strength 95%, medium aggresion
    - AI performs quicker laptimes in practice than in qualification. In practice they lap around 1:48:000 & in qualification they lap around 1:49:000. BTW, I don't think it's track related but I noticed it clearly this time as I was struggling during practice to set a decent time against the AI.
    - All gravel areas make the Superkart for the player get stuck, however AI does not have a problem to get out of the gravel areas.
    - During full rolling start procedure the 2nd car (I was in pole) started to accelerate earlier (> 120km/h) than the rest of the pack, just after the safey car entered the pitlane & before the green light is given, giving it an unfair advantage over the player & other AI. The other AI and me did not like this :D.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Superkart
    - Choose Imola 2016
    - Choose rolling start and don't skip it
    - Notice laptimes difference between practice & qualification, notice how you get stuck in gravel (not sure yet if I like this kinda realism :confused:), notice how 2nd AI get a jumpstart during rolling start.
  7. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Spielberg
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings:
    - Practice & qualifying
    - After a while their might come a yellow flag warning around the entry of the pits that does not go away. No car in trouble can be seen anymore, yet the yellow flag situation stays during the whole duration of practice/qualification (this also happens on other tracks actually, just the 1st time I report it here).
    - After the qualification time has passed the pit exit lights turn red, yet AI cars will still leave the pits and ignore the red pit lights.
    - For rolling start the safety car starts from the pits. Don't know if this is intentional or not, cause on other tracks it's standing in front of the starting grid?!?
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Superkart
    - Choose Spielberg
    - Do practice & qualification and notice problems mentioned above
    Last edited: May 29, 2018
    • Agree Agree x 1
  8. Rix

    Rix New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: StockV8 2017
    Applicable Settings: Race (10 laps/30 laps)
    : Message indicating no boosts left when none have been used.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Attempt to use push to pass during the race on any lap between 3 - 30.
  9. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Hockenheimring
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings:
    - Race 20min
    - During practise there was a car stuck around turn 9 for the whole duration of practisetime (+60min) causing a yellow flag the whole time.
    - Practise time is 90min long, but the last 30min's of the race there was no AI car come out on track anymore. Only car that was on track is the one that was stuck at turn 9 and never got respawned.
    - During the race there are excessive spins & accidents ruining the overall race. I had 6 DNF's because of accidents in my 20min race.
    - Sometimes AI does not wait properly for traffic to pass after a spin out, but veers directly into the lane of oncoming traffic.
    - AI does not adhere to yellow flag rule to not pass other cars. When as player you abide by the yellow flag rule, the AI will pass you no matter what.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Hockenheimring (the one with the Ravenoil canister)
    - Do practise & race for 20min and behold the mayhem
  10. AMS_SR

    AMS_SR Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 24, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used
    : Any
    Car Used: Boxer
    Applicable Settings: Any
    : Cant switch off hands in cockpit. Same in beta and public. Verify is done.

    Steps to reproduce: -
  11. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Speedland 1 / maybe all layouts
    Car Used: Kart GX390 Race / maby with all karts
    Applicable Settings: Formation / Rolling Start
    Report: No green flag for starting the race

    Steps to reproduce: as starting type, choose formation/rolling. After formation lap, there won't be a green flag. After a second formation lap, there still won't be green flag. If skipping the formation lap, there's also no green flag.
    With standing start there's no problem
  12. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Brands Hatch
    Car Used: Superkart
    Applicable Settings:
    - Rolling start
    - Race 20mins
    - Normal tire wear
    - When you restart a race several times you will notice that your tires aren't fresh anymore and take the wear of each previous race with them. So you start with 100% tires, then after let's say 3 restarts your tire wear is transported over and now reads 90% wear for example.
    - This bug does not only affect the players car, but also affects the AI cars. I'm quite sure of this because I had to restart a race so many times due to being an idiot driver :oops:, that the AI pitted already on the sixth lap to change tires.
    - This bug mentioned above actually causes the races to become easier, cause you can cheat the system and go to the garage to refit to new sets, then restart the race and voila: you have a fresh set, but the AI has to continue on their already worn out tires.
    - The 1st rolling start the safety-car does not move from the grid but actually keeps standing still on the track, when you restart the race for the 1st time the safety car will move and a normal rolling start will now ensue. (this happens on 'Imola 2016' also btw).
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Brands Hatch cause it's fun
    - Choose Superkart cause that's fun too
    - Race a bit each race but restart before each end of the race or when you get frustrated (not so fun)
    - Notice how your tire wear gets transported over
    - Notice how AI ability to race deteriorates a bit each race
    - If you restart enough while also putting in enough laps, notice how AI will start to pit due to worn out tires

    Edit: typos & improved grammar
    Last edited: Jun 2, 2018
  13. DaVeX

    DaVeX AMSUnofficial Staff AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    Just to know, you have the same problem restarting event too?
  14. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    I haven't tested it yet with 'restarting event'. Only 'restarting race', so can't be sure for the time being.
    When the opportunity arises I will check it out.
  15. Rix

    Rix New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    I am unable to use handbrake in the StockV8, has it been disabled for the cars to reflect the real series rules, or is it a bug? Handbrake works on other cars that have it availiable.

    Any Stock V8, any conditions/settings.

  16. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: Interlagos
    Car Used: SuperKart
    Applicable Settings:
    - 90 min practice
    - 10 min qualification
    - 20 min race
    - AI strength 95%, medium aggressiveness
    - Unrealistic AI laptimes during a race weekend:
    * In practice the AI had a best laptime around 1:35:500
    * In qualification the AI had a best laptime around 1:37:500 (2 seconds slower?!?)
    * During the race the AI best laptime was around 1:36:000
    - It seems that their performance between practice and qualification is switched around. This breaks immersion, cause in practice I had to fight hard to have the best laptime, but then in qualification no real effort was required to achieve pole position. Then I got my ass kicked during the race cause the AI loves to win too.
    Steps to reproduce:
    - Choose Superkart
    - Choose Interlagos
    - Play with settings above and notice laptimes difference.
  17. kamtcho

    kamtcho New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I have a problem, AI not go to practise and qualify. I tryed more cars and tracks but no success, restart game Verify integrity. Still problem pesrsist. Could you help?
  18. Wexodius

    Wexodius Member AMS2 Club Member

    Oct 16, 2016
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    Well I sometimes have this recurring problem you just mentioned.
    I did a "verify integrity" and it found 1 file which it downloaded then again (although I did not change anything, no mods, no tracks, nada). Then I start AMS again but the problem was still there. So I did another "verify integrity" check and it found nothing wrong this time. I started AMS again and the problem was gone, AI started to move out of their pitboxes during practice now. Beats me why it worked the 2nd time, but not the 1st time. All I know is that sometimes this problem comes back. Hope a complete reinstall of Windows & AMS in the future will completely resolve this issue, or maybe Reiza knows what the culprit is and will include a hotfix in one of their final hotfix patches. Seems they're pretty busy on the last DLC and AMS2, so let's keep our fingers crossed.
  19. kamtcho

    kamtcho New Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 14, 2016
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    I find out simple solution.

    Change tire sets from default (10) to anything you want. For example 10, but default must be away.
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  20. Erwin

    Erwin New Member

    Jul 6, 2017
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    Update. I've found a workaround to the problem (bug) with character input. Before, I had set Dutch as input language on a USA-international keyboard layout (and got wrong characters). To fix the issue, I had to select English as input language on a US or UK keyboard:
    I only tried these 3 combinations; don't know if the cause is the input language or the USA-international layout.
    Last edited: Jun 17, 2018

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