I cannot get triples to work

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by BistoKid, Apr 1, 2020.

  1. BistoKid

    BistoKid Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Please can someone explain how I can run triples in AMS 2 it’s driving me crazy.

    When I start AMS2 it is single screen, I setup triple screen options which then states that I must restart the game. After restarting, I am still in single screen and I cannot seem to do anything to change this.

    I am running a GTX1070 with nvidia surround at 5760 x 1080 across 3 x 27” screens but AMS2 only recognises a single screen.

    I appreciate any help anyone can offer me.
  2. Thommyboy42

    Thommyboy42 New Member

    Mar 26, 2020
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    Hey :)

    You dont need to use surround, just run your monitors normally, and when your in game. click triple screen setup and click screen spanning at the top. and setup your monitor angels and so :), then it will use all 3 monitors :D
  3. BistoKid

    BistoKid Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Thommyboy you a star, at least I can look forward to enjoying this, I have held back trying it out until I had this sorted.

    Cheers fella!!
  4. BistoKid

    BistoKid Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    I tried turning off nvidia surround but obviously this offers just a single screen and AMS2 only recognises that single one, turning on spanning in options does not offer left and right screens for input of dimensions.

    Something is not right here and I may have misunderstood your instruction.

    Could you please elaborate again?
  5. BistoKid

    BistoKid Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Someone from Race Department suggested deleting the triple screen xml file which did the trick.

    Helpful if anyone else gets in to this trouble.
  6. Christian R.

    Christian R. New Member

    Apr 3, 2020
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    Hi Bisto I have problems too with triple settings... I kind of sorted it out using nvidia surround and messing up with the file at My documents... There´s some line that says something about forcing triple screen and one later that says something similar, both have "false", I chanched both of them for "true"...and in the next lines I changed the parameters for side and center monitor... The next step is to set the correct FOV, I know from other sims whats my FOV in degrees (iRacing f.e.) so I just divided that number by 3 and thats the FOV for 1 Monitor... The thing is that if I use the correct parameters theres no alignment at all soI had to put in the file i just mentioned a lower height size for side monitors and some height adjustment... I´m pretty sure this "solution" shouldn´t be like that so If theres someone else who has the correct answer would be very helpful... As it is right now is playable and I would say it looks just right, everything lines up, but to me is not enpught since I guess this solution shouldn´t be done this way...
    Last edited: Apr 3, 2020
  7. BistoKid

    BistoKid Active Member

    Oct 12, 2019
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    Thanks Christian. I have not had a chance to get back on, all I know is that three screens work but they are poorly lined up. I edited the xml file to correct settings but I am missing big chunks off of the left and right alignment, ie the inside bevels which meet the centre screen. Tonight I intend trying to understand what I need to edit to correctly align them.
    Appreciate your input!
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