Steering Linearity

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Andrew Holmes, Apr 2, 2020.

  1. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    The flaw makes no difference as you will calibrate to 880.

    This sounds at odds with one of your previous comments:

    Lowering the linearity would make what you describe about the Evo worse.

    The Evo has a steering DOR of ~900 deg so will feel less sensitive especially around low steering angles than the Sprint Race car which has a DOR of ~450 and is setup to have more responsive steering.

    Can you confirm that your soft locks are working correctly, that you can rotate your wheel 440 deg left or right for the Evo and can feel the soft lock kick in at about 230 deg left or right for the Sprint car?

    If your soft locks are working correctly and the on screen wheel is turning 1:1 with your actual wheel then the game would appear to be working correctly.

    Can you upload a video showing the twitchy handling you experience of the Evo? (Using 50 linearity)
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  2. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    I new that the option “allow game to adjust settings” in my logitech’s cp (global device settings) was off so - as a last step - i re enable it - to see if it would make any difference - and fired ams2.

    Well, first of all the ffb was way heavier than before - with same settings!!

    Secondly my wheel’s dor went to 900 (even if i ve set it to 571 in my cp)!!

    Changed the sensitivity to 50 and yes there was a difference. Now cars seem to have a better feeling in terms of linearity. I still thought, need to change (in some cars) the steer lock down to the lowest value (eg caterhams) as - most of them - are still snappy.

    Question: how did y manage to play with karts without changing the sensitivity? Karts are the snappiest of all cars
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  3. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Sounds like you've made some progress. I think the snappiness that you get now is just how it is meant to feel in the game. Try using the default steering lock and try to get used to the feeling, it is very rewarding once you get a feel for it.
  4. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    True but there are still some cars (camaro, caterhams e.g) which are still too snappy with default settings. I cant get used to it.

    But even if i try to get used to some (or all) of the cars how do you play with karts without touching the sensitivity?
    Last edited: Apr 22, 2020
  5. Mahjik

    Mahjik Active Member

    Mar 2, 2020
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    For Logitech wheels, that is how the Madness engine will apply the appropriate DOR per vehicle. If that is disabled, then it cannot apply the DOR to the wheel dynamically.
  6. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    Yeah the karts are a bit crazy, but they are in real life too.
  7. sampopel

    sampopel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    Did Renato respond to your email?

    Have you noticed any improvement with the latest update v0.8.4.0? I haven't.

    I've been playing AMS1 quite a bit lately and doing direct comparisons with AMS2 - same car/track combinations. It really highlights how bad AMS2 feels with an Xbox 360 controller and AMS1 confirms how good a controller can feel. I'm not sure if there's anything Reiza can do with the physics engine they've bought for AMS2 to make it feel better on controller but I'm starting to wonder if the way it is what I'm gonna be stuck with. Some people seem to be reporting the FFB in AMS2 is the best they've ever experienced so they're getting something right with it.
  8. Wolfgang Herold

    Wolfgang Herold I Like Liveries :) AMS2 Club Member

    Apr 3, 2016
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    you mix things up. Physics and controller input are 2 total different things.
    Physics is how a car behaves with its weight, grip ,speed, etc. That works real good with FFB wheels in AMS2, as you can feel how a car reacts. But controllers have no FFB. You turn a little stick, left to right on your device, and your thumb only feels the spring inside your stick. That has nothing to do with car physics. A bit rattling of the rumbling motors is also no FFB.
    What'ss really needed, are the right filters, formulas and steering assistance, to get this jittery controller input to a smooth input curve, faking good steering. That how games work, but has really nothing to do with physics. And, if you read the release notes carefully, there has not been much work on it since EA release. So , contoller guys, you'll have to wait a bit longer. Though physics and FFB system enhances every week, it has no influence on controller input.

    I don't know if it helps, but have you tried activate/deactivate steering assitant in options-gameplay ? It really hurts if using it with a wheel, but with a controller it could do the job.
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
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  9. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    I havent try the yet. Renato did not reply but Heitor did (i send the same to him also). He responded saying that i should set linearity to 50 and asked me to send him a screenshot of my logitech’s cp. He said he will investigate (he is a g27 owner too) but i havent had any answer from him until now.

    So i leave the linearity to 50 with a new profile of 900 dor (and not 571 as i used to). And because most cars are too snappy in that value, i only change the steering lock value (in car’s garage) cause i dont have any other option.

    Not perfect but it is better now (for most cars). I do have problems with karts and v8s though
    Last edited: Apr 25, 2020
  10. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    I agree with the above.

    My problem is my Fanatec isn’t moving 1:1 with the in game wheel in all the cars. It’s fine in the Caterhams but wrong in most of the others. This makes then undrivable as I have the really crank my wheel to get the in game wheel to move. Fiddling with the sensitivity (linearity) and moving it away from 50 isn’t the answer.

    This has to be a bug.
  11. NuScorpii

    NuScorpii Well-Known Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    You certainly have a problem somewhere. Are there any Fanatec control panel settings that allow or disable the game to set the degrees of rotation? What is your wheel type set to in game?
  12. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Wheel type is set to fanatec in the game. The wheel is calibrated to full range in the game. I also tried in with the wheel type set to custom but get the same result. This is most noticeable in the classic F1 cars with their smaller DOR lock to lock. I end up having to cross my hands, for example. If I turn the physical wheel 180 I only get 90. In the Caterhams OTOH the in game wheel shows more rotaion.

    There's nothing in the Fanatic game controller window and the wheel works fine in PC2.
    • Agree Agree x 2
  13. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Hallelujah, at least @Heitor Facuri Cicoti got you to listen as many people have been telling you to do that for over a week now.

    @Cliff I assume your wheel's SEN setting is at 'auto'?
  14. Haris1977

    Haris1977 Active Member

    Apr 7, 2020
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    It was the “allow game to adjust settings” option in my cp settings that made things better. Not perfect as ams1, but better. Problems with specific cars remain (v8s, karts etc).
  15. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    Where's that setting? I think you might be right with that.
  16. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    It's on the actual steering wheel itself bud
  17. Cliff

    Cliff Member

    Apr 14, 2020
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    That was indeed it. Thanks so much. :)
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  18. sampopel

    sampopel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 31, 2020
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    v1 now released and for me, driving this with a gamepad is still the same unenjoyable, choppy experience. The recent inclusion of the speed sensitivity setting doesn't improve the driving feel for me....still feels pretty much the same as Pcars2 (ie. an unengaging chore to play). It basically renders all the good content in the game irrelevant.

    AMS1, rFactor2, R3E, Assetto Corsa are all a significantly superior experience with gamepad.

    I note that recent interviews with the Pcars3 developer includes implicit acknowledgement of shortcomings of driving Pcars2 with gamepad, with with the promise of a new gamepad handling model:

    "One of the big things for us is the gamepad handling, which we think we've properly nailed. In some areas we've just refined it from where we were before, in other areas it's been kind of a bit of a sidestep and a mental shift to a different way of approaching things. But we think our out of the box gamepad handling is second to none."

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