Bug Reports - Automobilista 2 (Read the Opening Post)

Discussion in 'Automobilista 2 - General Discussion' started by Heitor Facuri Cicoti, Apr 4, 2020.

  1. kagurazakayukari

    kagurazakayukari Member

    Dec 1, 2019
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    Try using automatic steering range on your wheel.
  2. OldGamerGazza

    OldGamerGazza Member

    Mar 5, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Imola Historic 2001 (seems to happen in any track)
    Car Used: Formula Reiza v3 (also any car)
    Applicable Settings: Weather dry
    Report: connection to game lost, maybe 20 times or more over last few weeks, unable to play a multiplayer race.
    Steps to reproduce: Try to join a multiplayer race
  3. Ketsone

    Ketsone New Member

    Apr 19, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: montreal
    Car Used: Formula gen 2
    Report: in race with AI. Access to the pit impossible.
    Car stuck in entry of pit and dont move anymore and AI go through my car to pit. Cannot do nothing and have to exit race. I try 3 times and all time same happen.
  4. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Track & Layout Used: Cascavel
    Car Used: Roco
    Applicable Settings: rolling start with formation lap
    Report: strange starting grid // car starts with 1st gear -> engine stall // penalty because too slow
    Steps to reproduce: race tih rolling start and formation lap
  5. Piehopa

    Piehopa New Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Formula trainer
    track golania short
    don't enter 3 gear in up shifting g27 shifter
  6. Brandon1h

    Brandon1h New Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Track used: Interlaken or any other track.
    Car used: Formula Ultimate 2019

    Report: With the dampers set all to highest setting, and or with clutch lsd setting very high also the car starts to crash and jump up and down and is not playable.

    Steps to reproduce, set dampers all to highest setting, then set the fast dampers to lowest setting to correct.
  7. mikyman83

    mikyman83 New Member

    Apr 12, 2020
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    Game Version/Build:
    Track & Layout Used
    : Imola ( any layout )
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Clear Weather - Evening & Night hours
    Report: Continuous shooting, fps unstable and use abnormal video card
    Steps to reproduce: Starting any Imola layout with any car with a time from 19.00 onwards there is an excessive use of video card which causes continuous shots and fps variations that make it difficult to play. This manifests itself only with evening hours, if for example you set at 18.00 the game goes perfectly at 60fps with a use of the video card around 75% with Ultra details. With a time from 19.00 the game goes to about 35/40/45/50 fps jerky with use of the video card at 100% always with Ultra details. Impossible to play. Only on the Imola track after the update Number See attached photos.

    My setup: i7-4790K ; 16GB Ram ; SSD M.2 ; GTX 1080ti ; Windows 10 64bit ; 5760x1080@60Hz

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  8. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Trainers are sequential shifters, not H-pattern. Are you using sequential?
  9. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Kyalami
    Car Used: P3 Roco P001 & AIs set at 60%, aggressive 40, 15 identical car (Roco).
    Applicable Settings: NA (was clear)
    Report: Very slow AI when starting race.
    Steps to reproduce: 100% reproducible. Don't happen with others cars like a grid full of F Trainer, or with other P3 cars, etc. They start really slowly, not because traffic jams (no touch no bump no crash), just they seems to have far less power than me, really too much slow. I'm alone first turn and they are 2 seconds behind (I started last position), and all long the 3 laps race, even if they seems to retrieve power during the race. Like an AI TC bug, or like if they start at gears #3, or something like that.
    • Agree Agree x 1
  10. Jamie Willis

    Jamie Willis New Member

    Apr 27, 2020
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    Track : Interlagos
    Car used : Any
    Weather : Any
    Mode type : Single race, 3 laps
    Issue : Every time I put Anti lock to 'Off' as soon as I start racing again it changes back to low and after a few races (restarting after finish) the game just crashes
  11. w0rthy

    w0rthy New Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: N/A
    Car Used: Formula V10
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Report: Setup fields are incorrect
    Steps to reproduce: The front rebound on the corner springs have a minimum value of 0, and as you increase them, the setting becomes negative. Additionally the front and rear corner bump stop settings have a max value of 1mm.
  12. w0rthy

    w0rthy New Member

    Apr 28, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: N/A
    Car Used: Formula V12
    Applicable Settings: N/A
    Report: Setup fields are incorrect
    Steps to reproduce: The front fast bump and fast rebound corner settings cannot be changed from 0.
  13. JRL

    JRL New Member

    Apr 29, 2020
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    Car: P3 MetalMoro MRX Duratec / P3 MetalMoro MRX Honda
    Weather: Light cloud
    Track: Goiania (large version 3.82 Km)
    Applicable settings: Suspension, Front Ride height when Symemtrical setup is selected
    Report: Front left ride height and front right ride height will not synchronised when Symmetrical setup is selected, 40 mm vs 36 mm

    Attached Files:

  14. aboe_83

    aboe_83 ABOE AMS2 Club Member

    Jul 24, 2016
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    Here are some things I've noticed since playing the game in Early Access. Some of them may have already been reported but, as I haven't gone through the entire thread to check, I'm gonna add all of the things I've noticed so far... just in case. I apologise now for not using the bug report convention. This is because: 1. there are quite a few to go through; 2. not all of them require this format, and 3. some of them have heppened on several occasions with several different car/track combos.

    As follows:

    - on the loading screen in multiplayer (after haivng joined a lobby and proceeded to press the JOIN button) the car picture isn't shown and the either one of two things also happens: 1. if this is the first session joined, no car details are shown at all; 2. if a player has joined a session previously, the details of the previous car are shown instead. This has happened with every car and track combo I have played with in online mode. In single player, this is not an issue - the current car picture and its details show up fine.

    - on the Ultima Race car at Jacarepagua Historic, in the settings screen, the right rear pressure option reads Tyre Compound instead of Tyre Pressure.

    - at the end of an online race, more often than not, the cars screech to a halt and sometimes crash into each other at the finish line. I think this only happens when the setting is set to Manual Cooldown Lap - NO

    - when deleting a setup from the Load Setup screen the game crashes and exits to desktop where the player is presented with the BugSplat window and encouraged to fill in the relevant fields and send an error report (I have done this once already). I've tried to do this twice and each time the game crashes and exits to desktop (sorry, I forget the exact car/track combo at the time of the crash)

    - no timing details are shown in online mode when in the pits. The window where the timing details should be does have table headers, but no timing details are shown. These details are only shown if a player 'pauses' the game once out on track

    - game froze when in the pits at the end of an online practice session at Donington GP in the Super V8

    - no head movement towards corners or over bumps in the F V10 (I forget which gen, sorry) at Interlagos GP track

    - in the setup screen, on the suspension page, it is not possible to select either the Left or Right suspension settings without first having hovered over any of the selectable settings in the Centre section (a minor thing, but noted, nevertheless)

    - in the F Classic Gen 3 Model 1 at Donington GP, my car came to a complete stop at the start of the pitlane during a race in which I had suffered damage and came in to have it repaired. No inputs were registering on my steering wheel or keyboard, save for the Escape key, which did allow me to 'pause' the game, retire and exit

    - Dubai Autodrome shows in the track details area in the online lobby once the player has joined a lobby, but before the player has joined a session. This seems to be the case for all of the races I have taken part in so far, regardless of the track

    - at Jerez Standard in the AJR V8 in single player race mode during a Practice session, the AI cars drive really slowly once past the pit exit line before joining the track. And even then, they continue to go at a snail's pace until the exit of Turn 2, holing up any other AI cars which may already be out on track on a lap

    Lastly, here is a pic of an AI driven GT5 Puma at Guapore during a single player pre-race Practice session driving with no wheels :) When close enough the wheels appear again, but past a certain distance they disappear, which is kinda fun... it's like playing Wipeout all over again lol:

    Again, sorry for the lack of desired format.

  15. Manuel Staedel

    Manuel Staedel Active Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 8, 2016
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    They get no aqua planing. The problem can be sleeping drivers or they re focused on another things.
    We should only get aquaplaning with trucks in AMS2 based on correct calculations of water and tire pressure.
  16. Marc Collins

    Marc Collins Internal Tester AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 12, 2016
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    Explanation of truck aquaplaning and tire requirement to prevent it:

    Avoid aquaplaning with the right truck tyres | Heuver

    Tires used in European Truck racing:


    Do the Brazilian trucks use regular treaded highway tires? Reiza could provide an option either way.
    Last edited: Apr 30, 2020
  17. Tr51

    Tr51 Member AMS2 Club Member

    Mar 10, 2016
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    Track & Layout Used: any
    Car Used: any
    Applicable Settings: any
    With the new update, I have encountered an audio problem in many cars;
    I have a Focusrite 2i2 Scarlett USB external sound card, set to: 24Bit - 2 channels 4800 Hz (professional quality).
    To remedy the audio interference, I had to set it to 16Bit 4800Hz; not a huge problem, but before the update it was fine.
  18. Gordie

    Gordie Active Member

    Apr 5, 2020
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    Track & Layout Used: Any
    Car Used: Any
    Applicable Settings: Any
    Report: FFB Meter not visible on telemetry screen when using triple monitor setup.
  19. alink

    alink Well-Known Member AMS2 Club Member

    Dec 3, 2017
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    Game Version/Build:
    Track & Layout Used: Azure (and on all other tracks)
    Car Used: -
    Applicable Settings: -
    Report: scratching the wall / armco has an enormous resistance, car is brake down much too much (unrealistic, it's like driving through gravel or much more)
    Steps to reproduce: scratch a wall / armco
    I made myself experience in real life last year within road works when sliding against a wall barrier. It made noise, the car was damaged, there was some side force but no (or just minimal) longitudinal force. So, why is the car brake down so much? If this is real, why are run off areas needed, just take a wall to avoid heavy accidents.
  20. YoLolo69

    YoLolo69 Active Member

    Mar 16, 2020
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    This one is kind of funny because during the development of PC1 (I was an early baker at that time) we had the exact same problem with the Madness engine and I can't remember if it was fixed...

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